const fs = require('fs-extra') const path = require('path') const tar = require('tar-fs') const zlib = require('zlib') const stream = require('stream') const _ = require('lodash') const Promise = require('bluebird') const pipeline = Promise.promisify(stream.pipeline) const klaw = require('klaw') const pageHelper = require('../../../helpers/page.js') const moment = require('moment') /* global WIKI */ module.exports = { async activated() { // not used }, async deactivated() { // not used }, async init() {'(STORAGE/DISK) Initializing...') await fs.ensureDir(this.config.path)'(STORAGE/DISK) Initialization completed.') }, async sync({ manual } = { manual: false }) { if (this.config.createDailyBackups || manual) { const dirPath = path.join(this.config.path, manual ? '_manual' : '_daily') await fs.ensureDir(dirPath) const dateFilename = moment().format(manual ? 'YYYYMMDD-HHmmss' : 'DD')`(STORAGE/DISK) Creating backup archive...`) await pipeline( tar.pack(this.config.path, { ignore: (filePath) => { return filePath.indexOf('_daily') >= 0 || filePath.indexOf('_manual') >= 0 } }), zlib.createGzip(), fs.createWriteStream(path.join(dirPath, `wiki-${dateFilename}.tar.gz`)) )'(STORAGE/DISK) Backup archive created successfully.') } }, async created(page) {`(STORAGE/DISK) Creating file [${page.localeCode}] ${page.path}...`) let fileName = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}` if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) { fileName = `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}` } const filePath = path.join(this.config.path, fileName) await fs.outputFile(filePath, page.injectMetadata(), 'utf8') }, async updated(page) {`(STORAGE/DISK) Updating file [${page.localeCode}] ${page.path}...`) let fileName = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}` if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) { fileName = `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}` } const filePath = path.join(this.config.path, fileName) await fs.outputFile(filePath, page.injectMetadata(), 'utf8') }, async deleted(page) {`(STORAGE/DISK) Deleting file [${page.localeCode}] ${page.path}...`) let fileName = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}` if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) { fileName = `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}` } const filePath = path.join(this.config.path, fileName) await fs.unlink(filePath) }, async renamed(page) {`(STORAGE/DISK) Renaming file [${page.localeCode}] ${page.path} to [${page.destinationLocaleCode}] ${page.destinationPath}...`) let sourceFilePath = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}` let destinationFilePath = `${page.destinationPath}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}` if (WIKI.config.lang.namespacing) { if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) { sourceFilePath = `${page.localeCode}/${sourceFilePath}` } if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.destinationLocaleCode) { destinationFilePath = `${page.destinationLocaleCode}/${destinationFilePath}` } } await fs.move(path.join(this.config.path, sourceFilePath), path.join(this.config.path, destinationFilePath), { overwrite: true }) }, /** * HANDLERS */ async dump() {`(STORAGE/DISK) Dumping all content to disk...`) await pipeline( WIKI.models.knex.column('path', 'localeCode', 'title', 'description', 'contentType', 'content', 'isPublished', 'updatedAt').select().from('pages').where({ isPrivate: false }).stream(), new stream.Transform({ objectMode: true, transform: async (page, enc, cb) => { let fileName = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}` if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) { fileName = `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}` }`(STORAGE/DISK) Dumping ${fileName}...`) const filePath = path.join(this.config.path, fileName) await fs.outputFile(filePath, pageHelper.injectPageMetadata(page), 'utf8') cb() } }) )'(STORAGE/DISK) All content was dumped to disk successfully.') }, async backup() { return this.sync({ manual: true }) }, async importAll() {`(STORAGE/DISK) Importing all content from local disk folder to the DB...`) const rootUser = await WIKI.models.users.getRootUser() await pipeline( klaw(this.config.path, { filter: (f) => { return !_.includes(f, '.git') } }), new stream.Transform({ objectMode: true, transform: async (file, enc, cb) => { const relPath = file.path.substr(this.config.path.length + 1) if (relPath && relPath.length > 3) {`(STORAGE/DISK) Processing ${relPath}...`) const contentType = pageHelper.getContentType(relPath) if (!contentType) { return cb() } const contentPath = pageHelper.getPagePath(relPath) let itemContents = '' try { itemContents = await fs.readFile(path.join(this.config.path, relPath), 'utf8') const pageData = WIKI.models.pages.parseMetadata(itemContents, contentType) const currentPage = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findOne({ path: contentPath.path, localeCode: contentPath.locale }) if (currentPage) { // Already in the DB, can mark as modified`(STORAGE/DISK) Page marked as modified: ${relPath}`) await WIKI.models.pages.updatePage({ id:, title: _.get(pageData, 'title', currentPage.title), description: _.get(pageData, 'description', currentPage.description) || '', isPublished: _.get(pageData, 'isPublished', currentPage.isPublished), isPrivate: false, content: pageData.content, user: rootUser, skipStorage: true }) } else { // Not in the DB, can mark as new`(STORAGE/DISK) Page marked as new: ${relPath}`) const pageEditor = await WIKI.models.editors.getDefaultEditor(contentType) await WIKI.models.pages.createPage({ path: contentPath.path, locale: contentPath.locale, title: _.get(pageData, 'title', _.last(contentPath.path.split('/'))), description: _.get(pageData, 'description', '') || '', isPublished: _.get(pageData, 'isPublished', true), isPrivate: false, content: pageData.content, user: rootUser, editor: pageEditor, skipStorage: true }) } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(`(STORAGE/DISK) Failed to process ${relPath}`) WIKI.logger.warn(err) } } cb() } }) )'(STORAGE/DISK) Import completed.') } }