<template lang="pug"> .search-results(v-if='searchIsFocused || search.length > 1') .search-results-container .search-results-help(v-if='search.length < 2') img(src='/svg/icon-search-alt.svg') .mt-4 {{$t('common:header.searchHint')}} .search-results-loader(v-else-if='searchIsLoading && results.length < 1') orbit-spinner( :animation-duration='1000' :size='100' color='#FFF' ) .headline.mt-5 {{$t('common:header.searchLoading')}} .search-results-none(v-else-if='!searchIsLoading && results.length < 1') img(src='/svg/icon-no-results.svg', alt='No Results') .subheading {{$t('common:header.searchNoResult')}} template(v-if='results.length > 0') v-subheader.white--text {{$t('common:header.searchResultsCount', { total: response.totalHits })}} v-list.search-results-items.radius-7.py-0(two-line) template(v-for='(item, idx) of results') v-list-item(@click='goToPage(item)', :key='item.id', :class='idx === cursor ? `highlighted` : ``') v-list-item-avatar(tile) img(src='/svg/icon-selective-highlighting.svg') v-list-item-content v-list-item-title(v-html='item.title') v-list-item-subtitle(v-html='item.description') .caption.grey--text(v-html='item.path') v-list-item-action v-chip(label, outlined) {{item.locale.toUpperCase()}} v-divider(v-if='idx < results.length - 1') v-pagination.mt-3( v-if='paginationLength > 1' dark v-model='pagination' :length='paginationLength' ) template(v-if='suggestions.length > 0') v-subheader.white--text.mt-3 {{$t('common:header.searchDidYouMean')}} v-list.search-results-suggestions.radius-7(dense, dark) template(v-for='(term, idx) of suggestions') v-list-item(:key='term', @click='setSearchTerm(term)', :class='idx + results.length === cursor ? `highlighted` : ``') v-list-item-avatar v-icon mdi-magnify v-list-item-content v-list-item-title(v-html='term') v-divider(v-if='idx < suggestions.length - 1') .text-xs-center.pt-5(v-if='search.length > 1') //- v-btn.mx-2(outlined, color='orange', @click='search = ``', v-if='results.length > 0') //- v-icon(left) mdi-content-save //- span {{$t('common:header.searchCopyLink')}} v-btn.mx-2(outlined, color='pink', @click='search = ``') v-icon(left) mdi-close span {{$t('common:header.searchClose')}} </template> <script> import _ from 'lodash' import { sync } from 'vuex-pathify' import { OrbitSpinner } from 'epic-spinners' import searchPagesQuery from 'gql/common/common-pages-query-search.gql' export default { components: { OrbitSpinner }, data() { return { cursor: 0, pagination: 1, response: { results: [], suggestions: [], totalHits: 0 } } }, computed: { search: sync('site/search'), searchIsFocused: sync('site/searchIsFocused'), searchIsLoading: sync('site/searchIsLoading'), searchRestrictLocale: sync('site/searchRestrictLocale'), searchRestrictPath: sync('site/searchRestrictPath'), results() { return this.response.results ? this.response.results : [] }, hits() { return this.response.totalHits ? this.response.totalHits : 0 }, suggestions() { return this.response.suggestions ? this.response.suggestions : [] }, paginationLength() { return (this.response.totalHits > 0) ? 0 : Math.ceil(this.response.totalHits / 10) } }, watch: { search(newValue, oldValue) { this.cursor = 0 if (newValue.length < 2) { this.response.results = [] this.response.suggestions = [] } else { this.searchIsLoading = true } } }, mounted() { this.$root.$on('searchMove', (dir) => { this.cursor += ((dir === 'up') ? -1 : 1) if (this.cursor < -1) { this.cursor = -1 } else if (this.cursor > this.results.length + this.suggestions.length - 1) { this.cursor = this.results.length + this.suggestions.length - 1 } }) this.$root.$on('searchEnter', () => { if (this.cursor >= 0 && this.cursor < this.results.length) { this.goToPage(_.nth(this.results, this.cursor)) } else if (this.cursor >= 0) { this.setSearchTerm(_.nth(this.suggestions, this.cursor - this.results.length)) } }) }, methods: { setSearchTerm(term) { this.search = term }, goToPage(item) { window.location.assign(`/${item.locale}/${item.path}`) } }, apollo: { response: { query: searchPagesQuery, variables() { return { query: this.search } }, fetchPolicy: 'network-only', debounce: 300, throttle: 1000, skip() { return !this.search || this.search.length < 2 }, update: (data) => _.get(data, 'pages.search', {}), watchLoading (isLoading) { this.searchIsLoading = isLoading } } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .search-results { position: fixed; top: 64px; left: 0; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 64px); background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.9); z-index: 100; text-align: center; animation: searchResultsReveal .6s ease; @media #{map-get($display-breakpoints, 'sm-and-down')} { top: 112px; } &-container { margin: 12px auto; width: 90vw; max-width: 1024px; } &-help { text-align: center; padding: 32px 0; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 300; color: #FFF; img { width: 104px; } } &-loader { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; padding: 32px 0; color: #FFF; } &-none { color: #FFF; img { width: 200px; } } &-items { text-align: left; .highlighted { background: #FFF linear-gradient(to bottom, #FFF, mc('orange', '100')); @at-root .theme--dark & { background: mc('grey', '900') linear-gradient(to bottom, mc('orange', '900'), darken(mc('orange', '900'), 15%)); } } } &-suggestions { .highlighted { background: transparent linear-gradient(to bottom, mc('blue', '500'), mc('blue', '700')); } } } @keyframes searchResultsReveal { 0% { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); padding-top: 32px; } 100% { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.9); padding-top: 0; } } </style>