rbtprograms 0f9ddf1e5d fix: Switch converted to Object Literal ()
* updating a switch into object literal and fixed a couple linter errors

* added a comment about weird formatting

* style: use lodash get

* fix: pass eslint + puglint + jest
2019-08-04 16:31:13 -04:00

44 lines
1.2 KiB

/* global WIKI */
// ------------------------------------
// GitHub Account
// ------------------------------------
const GitHubStrategy = require('passport-github2').Strategy
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = {
init (passport, conf) {
let githubConfig = {
clientID: conf.clientId,
clientSecret: conf.clientSecret,
callbackURL: conf.callbackURL,
scope: ['user:email']
if (conf.useEnterprise) {
githubConfig.authorizationURL = `https://${conf.enterpriseDomain}/login/oauth/authorize`
githubConfig.tokenURL = `https://${conf.enterpriseDomain}/login/oauth/access_token`
githubConfig.userProfileURL = conf.enterpriseUserEndpoint
githubConfig.userEmailURL = `${conf.enterpriseUserEndpoint}/emails`
new GitHubStrategy(githubConfig, async (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) => {
try {
const user = await WIKI.models.users.processProfile({
profile: {
picture: _.get(profile, 'photos[0].value', '')
providerKey: 'github'
cb(null, user)
} catch (err) {
cb(err, null)