* Update storage.js to match pageHelper.injectPageMetadata At pageHelper.injectPageMetadata references editorKey and tags to build metadata, but this data seems not to be supplied to this function, since page object is only built from specified columns. As a result, tags are always empty when exporting pages, and editor key appears as undefined. It happens also with git storage, but may happen with another storage providers. I run into this issue running Wiki.js 2.5.170 with the following Docker stack: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 39373979b693 requarks/wiki:2 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 44 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>3000/tcp,>3443/tcp wiki 608de6278aaa requarks/wiki-update-companion:latest "dotnet wiki-update-…" 5 months ago Up 6 hours 80/tcp wiki-update-companion 12c7b35ba295 postgres:11 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 5 months ago Up 6 hours 5432/tcp db * Provide id to allow to query for tags * Update git storage to provide editorKey and tags
463 lines
16 KiB
463 lines
16 KiB
const path = require('path')
const sgit = require('simple-git/promise')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const _ = require('lodash')
const stream = require('stream')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const pipeline = Promise.promisify(stream.pipeline)
const klaw = require('klaw')
const os = require('os')
const pageHelper = require('../../../helpers/page')
const assetHelper = require('../../../helpers/asset')
const commonDisk = require('../disk/common')
/* global WIKI */
module.exports = {
git: null,
repoPath: path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, WIKI.config.dataPath, 'repo'),
async activated() {
// not used
async deactivated() {
// not used
async init() {
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Initializing...')
this.repoPath = path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, this.config.localRepoPath)
await fs.ensureDir(this.repoPath)
this.git = sgit(this.repoPath)
// Set custom binary path
if (!_.isEmpty(this.config.gitBinaryPath)) {
// Initialize repo (if needed)
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Checking repository state...')
const isRepo = await this.git.checkIsRepo()
if (!isRepo) {
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Initializing local repository...')
await this.git.init()
// Set default author
await this.git.raw(['config', '--local', 'user.email', this.config.defaultEmail])
await this.git.raw(['config', '--local', 'user.name', this.config.defaultName])
// Purge existing remotes
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Listing existing remotes...')
const remotes = await this.git.getRemotes()
if (remotes.length > 0) {
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Purging existing remotes...')
for (let remote of remotes) {
await this.git.removeRemote(remote.name)
// Add remote
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Setting SSL Verification config...')
await this.git.raw(['config', '--local', '--bool', 'http.sslVerify', _.toString(this.config.verifySSL)])
switch (this.config.authType) {
case 'ssh':
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Setting SSH Command config...')
if (this.config.sshPrivateKeyMode === 'contents') {
try {
this.config.sshPrivateKeyPath = path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, WIKI.config.dataPath, 'secure/git-ssh.pem')
await fs.outputFile(this.config.sshPrivateKeyPath, this.config.sshPrivateKeyContent + os.EOL, {
encoding: 'utf8',
mode: 0o600
} catch (err) {
throw err
await this.git.addConfig('core.sshCommand', `ssh -i "${this.config.sshPrivateKeyPath}" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no`)
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Adding origin remote via SSH...')
await this.git.addRemote('origin', this.config.repoUrl)
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Adding origin remote via HTTP/S...')
let originUrl = ''
if (_.startsWith(this.config.repoUrl, 'http')) {
originUrl = this.config.repoUrl.replace('://', `://${encodeURI(this.config.basicUsername)}:${encodeURI(this.config.basicPassword)}@`)
} else {
originUrl = `https://${encodeURI(this.config.basicUsername)}:${encodeURI(this.config.basicPassword)}@${this.config.repoUrl}`
await this.git.addRemote('origin', originUrl)
// Fetch updates for remote
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Fetch updates from remote...')
await this.git.raw(['remote', 'update', 'origin'])
// Checkout branch
const branches = await this.git.branch()
if (!_.includes(branches.all, this.config.branch) && !_.includes(branches.all, `remotes/origin/${this.config.branch}`)) {
throw new Error('Invalid branch! Make sure it exists on the remote first.')
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Checking out branch ${this.config.branch}...`)
await this.git.checkout(this.config.branch)
// Perform initial sync
await this.sync()
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Initialization completed.')
async sync() {
const currentCommitLog = _.get(await this.git.log(['-n', '1', this.config.branch]), 'latest', {})
const rootUser = await WIKI.models.users.getRootUser()
// Pull rebase
if (_.includes(['sync', 'pull'], this.mode)) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Performing pull rebase from origin on branch ${this.config.branch}...`)
await this.git.pull('origin', this.config.branch, ['--rebase'])
// Push
if (_.includes(['sync', 'push'], this.mode)) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Performing push to origin on branch ${this.config.branch}...`)
let pushOpts = ['--signed=if-asked']
if (this.mode === 'push') {
await this.git.push('origin', this.config.branch, pushOpts)
// Process Changes
if (_.includes(['sync', 'pull'], this.mode)) {
const latestCommitLog = _.get(await this.git.log(['-n', '1', this.config.branch]), 'latest', {})
const diff = await this.git.diffSummary(['-M', currentCommitLog.hash, latestCommitLog.hash])
if (_.get(diff, 'files', []).length > 0) {
let filesToProcess = []
for (const f of diff.files) {
const fPath = path.join(this.repoPath, f.file)
let fStats = { size: 0 }
try {
fStats = await fs.stat(fPath)
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
WIKI.logger.warn(`(STORAGE/GIT) Failed to access file ${f.file}! Skipping...`)
file: {
path: fPath,
stats: fStats
relPath: f.file
await this.processFiles(filesToProcess, rootUser)
* Process Files
* @param {Array<String>} files Array of files to process
async processFiles(files, user) {
for (const item of files) {
const contentType = pageHelper.getContentType(item.relPath)
const fileExists = await fs.pathExists(item.file)
if (!item.binary && contentType) {
// -> Page
if (!fileExists && item.deletions > 0 && item.insertions === 0) {
// Page was deleted by git, can safely mark as deleted in DB
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Page marked as deleted: ${item.relPath}`)
const contentPath = pageHelper.getPagePath(item.relPath)
await WIKI.models.pages.deletePage({
user: user,
path: contentPath.path,
locale: contentPath.locale,
skipStorage: true
try {
await commonDisk.processPage({
relPath: item.relPath,
fullPath: this.repoPath,
contentType: contentType,
moduleName: 'GIT'
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn(`(STORAGE/GIT) Failed to process ${item.relPath}`)
} else {
// -> Asset
if (!fileExists && ((item.before > 0 && item.after === 0) || (item.deletions > 0 && item.insertions === 0))) {
// Asset was deleted by git, can safely mark as deleted in DB
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Asset marked as deleted: ${item.relPath}`)
const fileHash = assetHelper.generateHash(item.relPath)
const assetToDelete = await WIKI.models.assets.query().findOne({ hash: fileHash })
if (assetToDelete) {
await WIKI.models.knex('assetData').where('id', assetToDelete.id).del()
await WIKI.models.assets.query().deleteById(assetToDelete.id)
await assetToDelete.deleteAssetCache()
} else {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Asset was not found in the DB, nothing to delete: ${item.relPath}`)
try {
await commonDisk.processAsset({
relPath: item.relPath,
file: item.file,
contentType: contentType,
moduleName: 'GIT'
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn(`(STORAGE/GIT) Failed to process asset ${item.relPath}`)
* @param {Object} page Page to create
async created(page) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Committing new file [${page.localeCode}] ${page.path}...`)
let fileName = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}`
if (WIKI.config.lang.namespacing && WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) {
fileName = `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}`
const filePath = path.join(this.repoPath, fileName)
await fs.outputFile(filePath, page.injectMetadata(), 'utf8')
await this.git.add(`./${fileName}`)
await this.git.commit(`docs: create ${page.path}`, fileName, {
'--author': `"${page.authorName} <${page.authorEmail}>"`
* @param {Object} page Page to update
async updated(page) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Committing updated file [${page.localeCode}] ${page.path}...`)
let fileName = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}`
if (WIKI.config.lang.namespacing && WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) {
fileName = `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}`
const filePath = path.join(this.repoPath, fileName)
await fs.outputFile(filePath, page.injectMetadata(), 'utf8')
await this.git.add(`./${fileName}`)
await this.git.commit(`docs: update ${page.path}`, fileName, {
'--author': `"${page.authorName} <${page.authorEmail}>"`
* @param {Object} page Page to delete
async deleted(page) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Committing removed file [${page.localeCode}] ${page.path}...`)
let fileName = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}`
if (WIKI.config.lang.namespacing && WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) {
fileName = `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}`
await this.git.rm(`./${fileName}`)
await this.git.commit(`docs: delete ${page.path}`, fileName, {
'--author': `"${page.authorName} <${page.authorEmail}>"`
* @param {Object} page Page to rename
async renamed(page) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Committing file move from [${page.localeCode}] ${page.path} to [${page.destinationLocaleCode}] ${page.destinationPath}...`)
let sourceFileName = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}`
let destinationFileName = `${page.destinationPath}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}`
if (WIKI.config.lang.namespacing) {
if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) {
sourceFileName = `${page.localeCode}/${sourceFileName}`
if (WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.destinationLocaleCode) {
destinationFileName = `${page.destinationLocaleCode}/${destinationFileName}`
const sourceFilePath = path.join(this.repoPath, sourceFileName)
const destinationFilePath = path.join(this.repoPath, destinationFileName)
await fs.move(sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath)
await this.git.rm(`./${sourceFileName}`)
await this.git.add(`./${destinationFileName}`)
await this.git.commit(`docs: rename ${page.path} to ${page.destinationPath}`, [sourceFilePath, destinationFilePath], {
'--author': `"${page.moveAuthorName} <${page.moveAuthorEmail}>"`
* @param {Object} asset Asset to upload
async assetUploaded (asset) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Committing new file ${asset.path}...`)
const filePath = path.join(this.repoPath, asset.path)
await fs.outputFile(filePath, asset.data, 'utf8')
await this.git.add(`./${asset.path}`)
await this.git.commit(`docs: upload ${asset.path}`, asset.path, {
'--author': `"${asset.authorName} <${asset.authorEmail}>"`
* @param {Object} asset Asset to upload
async assetDeleted (asset) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Committing removed file ${asset.path}...`)
await this.git.rm(`./${asset.path}`)
await this.git.commit(`docs: delete ${asset.path}`, asset.path, {
'--author': `"${asset.authorName} <${asset.authorEmail}>"`
* @param {Object} asset Asset to upload
async assetRenamed (asset) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Committing file move from ${asset.path} to ${asset.destinationPath}...`)
await this.git.mv(`./${asset.path}`, `./${asset.destinationPath}`)
await this.git.commit(`docs: rename ${asset.path} to ${asset.destinationPath}`, [asset.path, asset.destinationPath], {
'--author': `"${asset.moveAuthorName} <${asset.moveAuthorEmail}>"`
async getLocalLocation (asset) {
return path.join(this.repoPath, asset.path)
async importAll() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Importing all content from local Git repo to the DB...`)
const rootUser = await WIKI.models.users.getRootUser()
await pipeline(
klaw(this.repoPath, {
filter: (f) => {
return !_.includes(f, '.git')
new stream.Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform: async (file, enc, cb) => {
const relPath = file.path.substr(this.repoPath.length + 1)
if (file.stats.size < 1) {
// Skip directories and zero-byte files
return cb()
} else if (relPath && relPath.length > 3) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Processing ${relPath}...`)
await this.processFiles([{
user: rootUser,
deletions: 0,
insertions: 0
}], rootUser)
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Import completed.')
async syncUntracked() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Adding all untracked content...`)
// -> Pages
await pipeline(
WIKI.models.knex.column('id', 'path', 'localeCode', 'title', 'description', 'contentType', 'content', 'isPublished', 'updatedAt', 'createdAt', 'editorKey').select().from('pages').where({
isPrivate: false
new stream.Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform: async (page, enc, cb) => {
const pageObject = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById(page.id)
page.tags = await pageObject.$relatedQuery('tags')
let fileName = `${page.path}.${pageHelper.getFileExtension(page.contentType)}`
if (WIKI.config.lang.namespacing && WIKI.config.lang.code !== page.localeCode) {
fileName = `${page.localeCode}/${fileName}`
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Adding page ${fileName}...`)
const filePath = path.join(this.repoPath, fileName)
await fs.outputFile(filePath, pageHelper.injectPageMetadata(page), 'utf8')
await this.git.add(`./${fileName}`)
// -> Assets
const assetFolders = await WIKI.models.assetFolders.getAllPaths()
await pipeline(
WIKI.models.knex.column('filename', 'folderId', 'data').select().from('assets').join('assetData', 'assets.id', '=', 'assetData.id').stream(),
new stream.Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform: async (asset, enc, cb) => {
const filename = (asset.folderId && asset.folderId > 0) ? `${_.get(assetFolders, asset.folderId)}/${asset.filename}` : asset.filename
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Adding asset ${filename}...`)
await fs.outputFile(path.join(this.repoPath, filename), asset.data)
await this.git.add(`./${filename}`)
await this.git.commit(`docs: add all untracked content`)
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) All content is now tracked.')
async purge() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(STORAGE/GIT) Purging local repository...`)
await fs.emptyDir(this.repoPath)
WIKI.logger.info('(STORAGE/GIT) Local repository is now empty. Reinitializing...')
await this.init()