LDAP queries to Open Directory on macOS Server don't include a "displayName" attribute, but the first name + surname combo is available in the "cn" attribute.
110 lines
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110 lines
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'use strict'
/* global db, lang */
const Mongoose = require('mongoose')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs-then')
const _ = require('lodash')
* Users schema
* @type {<Mongoose.Schema>}
var userSchema = Mongoose.Schema({
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
index: true
provider: {
type: String,
required: true
providerId: {
type: String
password: {
type: String
name: {
type: String
rights: [{
role: String,
path: String,
exact: Boolean,
deny: Boolean
}, { timestamps: {} })
userSchema.statics.processProfile = (profile) => {
let primaryEmail = ''
if (_.isArray(profile.emails)) {
let e = _.find(profile.emails, ['primary', true])
primaryEmail = (e) ? e.value : _.first(profile.emails).value
} else if (_.isString(profile.email) && profile.email.length > 5) {
primaryEmail = profile.email
} else if (_.isString(profile.mail) && profile.mail.length > 5) {
primaryEmail = profile.mail
} else if (profile.user && profile.user.email && profile.user.email.length > 5) {
primaryEmail = profile.user.email
} else {
return Promise.reject(new Error(lang.t('auth:errors.invaliduseremail')))
profile.provider = _.lowerCase(profile.provider)
primaryEmail = _.toLower(primaryEmail)
return db.User.findOneAndUpdate({
email: primaryEmail,
provider: profile.provider
}, {
email: primaryEmail,
provider: profile.provider,
providerId: profile.id,
name: profile.displayName || profile.cn || _.split(primaryEmail, '@')[0]
}, {
new: true
}).then((user) => {
// Handle unregistered accounts
if (!user && profile.provider !== 'local' && (appconfig.auth.defaultReadAccess || profile.provider === 'ldap' || profile.provider === 'azure')) {
let nUsr = {
email: primaryEmail,
provider: profile.provider,
providerId: profile.id,
password: '',
name: profile.displayName || profile.name || profile.cn,
rights: [{
role: 'read',
path: '/',
exact: false,
deny: false
return db.User.create(nUsr)
return user || Promise.reject(new Error(lang.t('auth:errors:notyetauthorized')))
userSchema.statics.hashPassword = (rawPwd) => {
return bcrypt.hash(rawPwd)
userSchema.methods.validatePassword = function (rawPwd) {
return bcrypt.compare(rawPwd, this.password).then((isValid) => {
return (isValid) ? true : Promise.reject(new Error(lang.t('auth:errors:invalidlogin')))
module.exports = Mongoose.model('User', userSchema)