For building suggest in elasticsearch, the safeContent field will be splitted into arrays. If the page is renamed or moved, the server will throw error: "Cannot read property 'split' of Undefined", and the index will be broken. Here two lines are added to fix this issue.
986 lines
28 KiB
986 lines
28 KiB
const Model = require('objection').Model
const _ = require('lodash')
const JSBinType = require('js-binary').Type
const pageHelper = require('../helpers/page')
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const striptags = require('striptags')
const emojiRegex = require('emoji-regex')
const he = require('he')
const CleanCSS = require('clean-css')
/* global WIKI */
const frontmatterRegex = {
html: /^(<!-{2}(?:\n|\r)([\w\W]+?)(?:\n|\r)-{2}>)?(?:\n|\r)*([\w\W]*)*/,
legacy: /^(<!-- TITLE: ?([\w\W]+?) ?-{2}>)?(?:\n|\r)?(<!-- SUBTITLE: ?([\w\W]+?) ?-{2}>)?(?:\n|\r)*([\w\W]*)*/i,
markdown: /^(-{3}(?:\n|\r)([\w\W]+?)(?:\n|\r)-{3})?(?:\n|\r)*([\w\W]*)*/
const punctuationRegex = /[!,:;/\\_+\-=()&#@<>$~%^*[\]{}"'|]+|(\.\s)|(\s\.)/ig
// const htmlEntitiesRegex = /(&#[0-9]{3};)|(&#x[a-zA-Z0-9]{2};)/ig
* Pages model
module.exports = class Page extends Model {
static get tableName() { return 'pages' }
static get jsonSchema () {
return {
type: 'object',
required: ['path', 'title'],
properties: {
id: {type: 'integer'},
path: {type: 'string'},
hash: {type: 'string'},
title: {type: 'string'},
description: {type: 'string'},
isPublished: {type: 'boolean'},
privateNS: {type: 'string'},
publishStartDate: {type: 'string'},
publishEndDate: {type: 'string'},
content: {type: 'string'},
contentType: {type: 'string'},
createdAt: {type: 'string'},
updatedAt: {type: 'string'}
static get jsonAttributes() {
return ['extra']
static get relationMappings() {
return {
tags: {
relation: Model.ManyToManyRelation,
modelClass: require('./tags'),
join: {
from: '',
through: {
from: 'pageTags.pageId',
to: 'pageTags.tagId'
to: ''
links: {
relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
modelClass: require('./pageLinks'),
join: {
from: '',
to: 'pageLinks.pageId'
author: {
relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
modelClass: require('./users'),
join: {
from: 'pages.authorId',
to: ''
creator: {
relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
modelClass: require('./users'),
join: {
from: 'pages.creatorId',
to: ''
editor: {
relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
modelClass: require('./editors'),
join: {
from: 'pages.editorKey',
to: 'editors.key'
locale: {
relation: Model.BelongsToOneRelation,
modelClass: require('./locales'),
join: {
from: 'pages.localeCode',
to: 'locales.code'
$beforeUpdate() {
this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString()
$beforeInsert() {
this.createdAt = new Date().toISOString()
this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString()
* Solving the violates foreign key constraint using cascade strategy
* using static hooks
* @see
static async beforeDelete({ asFindQuery }) {
const page = await asFindQuery().select('id')
await WIKI.models.comments.query().delete().where('pageId', page[0].id)
* Cache Schema
static get cacheSchema() {
return new JSBinType({
id: 'uint',
authorId: 'uint',
authorName: 'string',
createdAt: 'string',
creatorId: 'uint',
creatorName: 'string',
description: 'string',
isPrivate: 'boolean',
isPublished: 'boolean',
publishEndDate: 'string',
publishStartDate: 'string',
render: 'string',
tags: [
tag: 'string',
title: 'string'
extra: {
js: 'string',
css: 'string'
title: 'string',
toc: 'string',
updatedAt: 'string'
* Inject page metadata into contents
* @returns {string} Page Contents with Injected Metadata
injectMetadata () {
return pageHelper.injectPageMetadata(this)
* Get the page's file extension based on content type
* @returns {string} File Extension
getFileExtension() {
return pageHelper.getFileExtension(this.contentType)
* Parse injected page metadata from raw content
* @param {String} raw Raw file contents
* @param {String} contentType Content Type
* @returns {Object} Parsed Page Metadata with Raw Content
static parseMetadata (raw, contentType) {
let result
switch (contentType) {
case 'markdown':
result = frontmatterRegex.markdown.exec(raw)
if (result[2]) {
return {
content: result[3]
} else {
// Attempt legacy v1 format
result = frontmatterRegex.legacy.exec(raw)
if (result[2]) {
return {
title: result[2],
description: result[4],
content: result[5]
case 'html':
result = frontmatterRegex.html.exec(raw)
if (result[2]) {
return {
content: result[3]
return {
content: raw
* Create a New Page
* @param {Object} opts Page Properties
* @returns {Promise} Promise of the Page Model Instance
static async createPage(opts) {
// -> Validate path
if (opts.path.includes('.') || opts.path.includes(' ') || opts.path.includes('\\') || opts.path.includes('//')) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageIllegalPath()
// -> Remove trailing slash
if (opts.path.endsWith('/')) {
opts.path = opts.path.slice(0, -1)
// -> Remove starting slash
if (opts.path.startsWith('/')) {
opts.path = opts.path.slice(1)
// -> Check for page access
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(opts.user, ['write:pages'], {
locale: opts.locale,
path: opts.path
})) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageDeleteForbidden()
// -> Check for duplicate
const dupCheck = await WIKI.models.pages.query().select('id').where('localeCode', opts.locale).where('path', opts.path).first()
if (dupCheck) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageDuplicateCreate()
// -> Check for empty content
if (!opts.content || _.trim(opts.content).length < 1) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageEmptyContent()
// -> Format CSS Scripts
let scriptCss = ''
if (WIKI.auth.checkAccess(opts.user, ['write:styles'], {
locale: opts.locale,
path: opts.path
})) {
if (!_.isEmpty(opts.scriptCss)) {
scriptCss = new CleanCSS({ inline: false }).minify(opts.scriptCss).styles
} else {
scriptCss = ''
// -> Format JS Scripts
let scriptJs = ''
if (WIKI.auth.checkAccess(opts.user, ['write:scripts'], {
locale: opts.locale,
path: opts.path
})) {
scriptJs = opts.scriptJs || ''
// -> Create page
await WIKI.models.pages.query().insert({
content: opts.content,
contentType: _.get(_.find(, ['key', opts.editor]), `contentType`, 'text'),
description: opts.description,
editorKey: opts.editor,
hash: pageHelper.generateHash({ path: opts.path, locale: opts.locale, privateNS: opts.isPrivate ? 'TODO' : '' }),
isPrivate: opts.isPrivate,
isPublished: opts.isPublished,
localeCode: opts.locale,
path: opts.path,
publishEndDate: opts.publishEndDate || '',
publishStartDate: opts.publishStartDate || '',
title: opts.title,
toc: '[]',
extra: JSON.stringify({
js: scriptJs,
css: scriptCss
const page = await WIKI.models.pages.getPageFromDb({
path: opts.path,
locale: opts.locale,
isPrivate: opts.isPrivate
// -> Save Tags
if (opts.tags && opts.tags.length > 0) {
await WIKI.models.tags.associateTags({ tags: opts.tags, page })
// -> Render page to HTML
await WIKI.models.pages.renderPage(page)
// -> Rebuild page tree
await WIKI.models.pages.rebuildTree()
// -> Add to Search Index
const pageContents = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById('render')
page.safeContent = WIKI.models.pages.cleanHTML(pageContents.render)
// -> Add to Storage
if (!opts.skipStorage) {
event: 'created',
// -> Reconnect Links
await WIKI.models.pages.reconnectLinks({
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path,
mode: 'create'
// -> Get latest updatedAt
page.updatedAt = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById('updatedAt').then(r => r.updatedAt)
return page
* Update an Existing Page
* @param {Object} opts Page Properties
* @returns {Promise} Promise of the Page Model Instance
static async updatePage(opts) {
// -> Fetch original page
const ogPage = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById(
if (!ogPage) {
throw new Error('Invalid Page Id')
// -> Check for page access
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(opts.user, ['write:pages'], {
locale: opts.locale,
path: opts.path
})) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageUpdateForbidden()
// -> Check for empty content
if (!opts.content || _.trim(opts.content).length < 1) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageEmptyContent()
// -> Create version snapshot
await WIKI.models.pageHistory.addVersion({
isPublished: ogPage.isPublished === true || ogPage.isPublished === 1,
action: opts.action ? opts.action : 'updated',
versionDate: ogPage.updatedAt
// -> Format Extra Properties
if (!_.isPlainObject(ogPage.extra)) {
ogPage.extra = {}
// -> Format CSS Scripts
let scriptCss = _.get(ogPage, 'extra.css', '')
if (WIKI.auth.checkAccess(opts.user, ['write:styles'], {
locale: opts.locale,
path: opts.path
})) {
if (!_.isEmpty(opts.scriptCss)) {
scriptCss = new CleanCSS({ inline: false }).minify(opts.scriptCss).styles
} else {
scriptCss = ''
// -> Format JS Scripts
let scriptJs = _.get(ogPage, 'extra.js', '')
if (WIKI.auth.checkAccess(opts.user, ['write:scripts'], {
locale: opts.locale,
path: opts.path
})) {
scriptJs = opts.scriptJs || ''
// -> Update page
await WIKI.models.pages.query().patch({
content: opts.content,
description: opts.description,
isPublished: opts.isPublished === true || opts.isPublished === 1,
publishEndDate: opts.publishEndDate || '',
publishStartDate: opts.publishStartDate || '',
title: opts.title,
extra: JSON.stringify({
js: scriptJs,
css: scriptCss
let page = await WIKI.models.pages.getPageFromDb(
// -> Save Tags
await WIKI.models.tags.associateTags({ tags: opts.tags, page })
// -> Render page to HTML
await WIKI.models.pages.renderPage(page)
|'deletePageFromCache', page.hash)
// -> Update Search Index
const pageContents = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById('render')
page.safeContent = WIKI.models.pages.cleanHTML(pageContents.render)
// -> Update on Storage
if (!opts.skipStorage) {
event: 'updated',
// -> Perform move?
if ((opts.locale && opts.locale !== page.localeCode) || (opts.path && opts.path !== page.path)) {
await WIKI.models.pages.movePage({
destinationLocale: opts.locale,
destinationPath: opts.path,
user: opts.user
} else {
// -> Update title of page tree entry
await WIKI.models.knex.table('pageTree').where({
}).update('title', page.title)
// -> Get latest updatedAt
page.updatedAt = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById('updatedAt').then(r => r.updatedAt)
return page
* Move a Page
* @param {Object} opts Page Properties
* @returns {Promise} Promise with no value
static async movePage(opts) {
const page = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById(
if (!page) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageNotFound()
// -> Validate path
if (opts.destinationPath.includes('.') || opts.destinationPath.includes(' ') || opts.destinationPath.includes('\\') || opts.destinationPath.includes('//')) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageIllegalPath()
// -> Remove trailing slash
if (opts.destinationPath.endsWith('/')) {
opts.destinationPath = opts.destinationPath.slice(0, -1)
// -> Remove starting slash
if (opts.destinationPath.startsWith('/')) {
opts.destinationPath = opts.destinationPath.slice(1)
// -> Check for source page access
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(opts.user, ['manage:pages'], {
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path
})) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageMoveForbidden()
// -> Check for destination page access
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(opts.user, ['write:pages'], {
locale: opts.destinationLocale,
path: opts.destinationPath
})) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageMoveForbidden()
// -> Check for existing page at destination path
const destPage = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findOne({
path: opts.destinationPath,
localeCode: opts.destinationLocale
if (destPage) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PagePathCollision()
// -> Create version snapshot
await WIKI.models.pageHistory.addVersion({
action: 'moved',
versionDate: page.updatedAt
const destinationHash = pageHelper.generateHash({ path: opts.destinationPath, locale: opts.destinationLocale, privateNS: opts.isPrivate ? 'TODO' : '' })
// -> Move page
await WIKI.models.pages.query().patch({
path: opts.destinationPath,
localeCode: opts.destinationLocale,
hash: destinationHash
await WIKI.models.pages.deletePageFromCache(page.hash)
|'deletePageFromCache', page.hash)
// -> Rebuild page tree
await WIKI.models.pages.rebuildTree()
// -> Rename in Search Index
const pageContents = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById('render')
page.safeContent = WIKI.models.pages.cleanHTML(pageContents.render)
destinationPath: opts.destinationPath,
destinationLocaleCode: opts.destinationLocale,
// -> Rename in Storage
if (!opts.skipStorage) {
event: 'renamed',
page: {
destinationPath: opts.destinationPath,
destinationLocaleCode: opts.destinationLocale,
// -> Reconnect Links : Changing old links to the new path
await WIKI.models.pages.reconnectLinks({
sourceLocale: page.localeCode,
sourcePath: page.path,
locale: opts.destinationLocale,
path: opts.destinationPath,
mode: 'move'
// -> Reconnect Links : Validate invalid links to the new path
await WIKI.models.pages.reconnectLinks({
locale: opts.destinationLocale,
path: opts.destinationPath,
mode: 'create'
* Delete an Existing Page
* @param {Object} opts Page Properties
* @returns {Promise} Promise with no value
static async deletePage(opts) {
let page
if (_.has(opts, 'id')) {
page = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById(
} else {
page = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findOne({
path: opts.path,
localeCode: opts.locale
if (!page) {
throw new Error('Invalid Page Id')
// -> Check for page access
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(opts.user, ['delete:pages'], {
locale: page.locale,
path: page.path
})) {
throw new WIKI.Error.PageDeleteForbidden()
// -> Create version snapshot
await WIKI.models.pageHistory.addVersion({
action: 'deleted',
versionDate: page.updatedAt
// -> Delete page
await WIKI.models.pages.query().delete().where('id',
await WIKI.models.pages.deletePageFromCache(page.hash)
|'deletePageFromCache', page.hash)
// -> Rebuild page tree
await WIKI.models.pages.rebuildTree()
// -> Delete from Search Index
// -> Delete from Storage
if (!opts.skipStorage) {
event: 'deleted',
// -> Reconnect Links
await WIKI.models.pages.reconnectLinks({
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path,
mode: 'delete'
* Reconnect links to new/move/deleted page
* @param {Object} opts - Page parameters
* @param {string} opts.path - Page Path
* @param {string} opts.locale - Page Locale Code
* @param {string} [opts.sourcePath] - Previous Page Path (move only)
* @param {string} [opts.sourceLocale] - Previous Page Locale Code (move only)
* @param {string} opts.mode - Page Update mode (create, move, delete)
* @returns {Promise} Promise with no value
static async reconnectLinks (opts) {
const pageHref = `/${opts.locale}/${opts.path}`
let replaceArgs = {
from: '',
to: ''
switch (opts.mode) {
case 'create':
replaceArgs.from = `<a href="${pageHref}" class="is-internal-link is-invalid-page">`
| = `<a href="${pageHref}" class="is-internal-link is-valid-page">`
case 'move':
const prevPageHref = `/${opts.sourceLocale}/${opts.sourcePath}`
replaceArgs.from = `<a href="${prevPageHref}" class="is-internal-link is-valid-page">`
| = `<a href="${pageHref}" class="is-internal-link is-valid-page">`
case 'delete':
replaceArgs.from = `<a href="${pageHref}" class="is-internal-link is-valid-page">`
| = `<a href="${pageHref}" class="is-internal-link is-invalid-page">`
return false
let affectedHashes = []
// -> Perform replace and return affected page hashes (POSTGRES only)
if (WIKI.config.db.type === 'postgres') {
const qryHashes = await WIKI.models.pages.query()
render: WIKI.models.knex.raw('REPLACE(??, ?, ?)', ['render', replaceArgs.from,])
.whereIn('', function () {
'pageLinks.path': opts.path,
'pageLinks.localeCode': opts.locale
affectedHashes = => h.hash)
} else {
// -> Perform replace, then query affected page hashes (MYSQL, MARIADB, MSSQL, SQLITE only)
await WIKI.models.pages.query()
render: WIKI.models.knex.raw('REPLACE(??, ?, ?)', ['render', replaceArgs.from,])
.whereIn('', function () {
'pageLinks.path': opts.path,
'pageLinks.localeCode': opts.locale
const qryHashes = await WIKI.models.pages.query()
.whereIn('', function () {
'pageLinks.path': opts.path,
'pageLinks.localeCode': opts.locale
affectedHashes = => h.hash)
for (const hash of affectedHashes) {
await WIKI.models.pages.deletePageFromCache(hash)
|'deletePageFromCache', hash)
* Rebuild page tree for new/updated/deleted page
* @returns {Promise} Promise with no value
static async rebuildTree() {
const rebuildJob = await WIKI.scheduler.registerJob({
name: 'rebuild-tree',
immediate: true,
worker: true
return rebuildJob.finished
* Trigger the rendering of a page
* @param {Object} page Page Model Instance
* @returns {Promise} Promise with no value
static async renderPage(page) {
const renderJob = await WIKI.scheduler.registerJob({
name: 'render-page',
immediate: true,
worker: true
return renderJob.finished
* Fetch an Existing Page from Cache if possible, from DB otherwise and save render to Cache
* @param {Object} opts Page Properties
* @returns {Promise} Promise of the Page Model Instance
static async getPage(opts) {
// -> Get from cache first
let page = await WIKI.models.pages.getPageFromCache(opts)
if (!page) {
// -> Get from DB
page = await WIKI.models.pages.getPageFromDb(opts)
if (page) {
if (page.render) {
// -> Save render to cache
await WIKI.models.pages.savePageToCache(page)
} else {
// -> No render? Possible duplicate issue
/* TODO: Detect duplicate and delete */
throw new Error('Error while fetching page. Duplicate entry detected. Reload the page to try again.')
return page
* Fetch an Existing Page from the Database
* @param {Object} opts Page Properties
* @returns {Promise} Promise of the Page Model Instance
static async getPageFromDb(opts) {
const queryModeID = _.isNumber(opts)
try {
return WIKI.models.pages.query()
authorName: '',
authorEmail: '',
creatorName: '',
creatorEmail: ''
.modifyGraph('tags', builder => {
|'tag', 'title')
.where(queryModeID ? {
'': opts
} : {
'pages.path': opts.path,
'pages.localeCode': opts.locale
// .andWhere(builder => {
// if (queryModeID) return
// builder.where({
// 'pages.isPublished': true
// }).orWhere({
// 'pages.isPublished': false,
// 'pages.authorId': opts.userId
// })
// })
// .andWhere(builder => {
// if (queryModeID) return
// if (opts.isPrivate) {
// builder.where({ 'pages.isPrivate': true, 'pages.privateNS': opts.privateNS })
// } else {
// builder.where({ 'pages.isPrivate': false })
// }
// })
} catch (err) {
throw err
* Save a Page Model Instance to Cache
* @param {Object} page Page Model Instance
* @returns {Promise} Promise with no value
static async savePageToCache(page) {
const cachePath = path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, WIKI.config.dataPath, `cache/${page.hash}.bin`)
await fs.outputFile(cachePath, WIKI.models.pages.cacheSchema.encode({
authorId: page.authorId,
authorName: page.authorName,
createdAt: page.createdAt,
creatorId: page.creatorId,
creatorName: page.creatorName,
description: page.description,
extra: {
css: _.get(page, 'extra.css', ''),
js: _.get(page, 'extra.js', '')
isPrivate: page.isPrivate === 1 || page.isPrivate === true,
isPublished: page.isPublished === 1 || page.isPublished === true,
publishEndDate: page.publishEndDate,
publishStartDate: page.publishStartDate,
render: page.render,
tags: => _.pick(t, ['tag', 'title'])),
title: page.title,
toc: _.isString(page.toc) ? page.toc : JSON.stringify(page.toc),
updatedAt: page.updatedAt
* Fetch an Existing Page from Cache
* @param {Object} opts Page Properties
* @returns {Promise} Promise of the Page Model Instance
static async getPageFromCache(opts) {
const pageHash = pageHelper.generateHash({ path: opts.path, locale: opts.locale, privateNS: opts.isPrivate ? 'TODO' : '' })
const cachePath = path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, WIKI.config.dataPath, `cache/${pageHash}.bin`)
try {
const pageBuffer = await fs.readFile(cachePath)
let page = WIKI.models.pages.cacheSchema.decode(pageBuffer)
return {
path: opts.path,
localeCode: opts.locale,
isPrivate: opts.isPrivate
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return false
throw err
* Delete an Existing Page from Cache
* @param {String} page Page Unique Hash
* @returns {Promise} Promise with no value
static async deletePageFromCache(hash) {
return fs.remove(path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, WIKI.config.dataPath, `cache/${hash}.bin`))
* Flush the contents of the Cache
static async flushCache() {
return fs.emptyDir(path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, WIKI.config.dataPath, `cache`))
* Migrate all pages from a source locale to the target locale
* @param {Object} opts Migration properties
* @param {string} opts.sourceLocale Source Locale Code
* @param {string} opts.targetLocale Target Locale Code
* @returns {Promise} Promise with no value
static async migrateToLocale({ sourceLocale, targetLocale }) {
return WIKI.models.pages.query()
localeCode: targetLocale
localeCode: sourceLocale
.whereNotExists(function() {
|'id').from('pages AS pagesm').where('pagesm.localeCode', targetLocale).andWhereRaw('pagesm.path = pages.path')
* Clean raw HTML from content for use in search engines
* @param {string} rawHTML Raw HTML
* @returns {string} Cleaned Content Text
static cleanHTML(rawHTML = '') {
let data = striptags(rawHTML || '', [], ' ')
.replace(emojiRegex(), '')
// .replace(htmlEntitiesRegex, '')
return he.decode(data)
.replace(punctuationRegex, ' ')
.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ' ')
.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ')
.split(' ').filter(w => w.length > 1).join(' ').toLowerCase()
* Subscribe to HA propagation events
static subscribeToEvents() {
|'deletePageFromCache', hash => {
|'flushCache', () => {