Edoardo Morassutto a37a73dede
fix: inline math interpreted as attributes ()
When using inline math ($e^{-x^2}$) the curly braces are interpreted as
attributes by markdown-it-attrs. Since most of the times they are not
valid attributes they simply get removed.

This patch escapes the curly braces (the default attribute delimiter),
fixing the KaTeX rendering errors.

It would be nice to simply skip that rule for `katex_inline` block types
but as far as I know markdown-it-attrs doesn't have such an option.

2020-11-01 13:00:39 -05:00

148 lines
4.2 KiB

// Test if potential opening or closing delimieter
// Assumes that there is a "$" at state.src[pos]
function isValidDelim (state, pos) {
let prevChar
let nextChar
let max = state.posMax
let canOpen = true
let canClose = true
prevChar = pos > 0 ? state.src.charCodeAt(pos - 1) : -1
nextChar = pos + 1 <= max ? state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 1) : -1
// Check non-whitespace conditions for opening and closing, and
// check that closing delimeter isn't followed by a number
if (prevChar === 0x20/* " " */ || prevChar === 0x09/* \t */ ||
(nextChar >= 0x30/* "0" */ && nextChar <= 0x39/* "9" */)) {
canClose = false
if (nextChar === 0x20/* " " */ || nextChar === 0x09/* \t */) {
canOpen = false
return {
canOpen: canOpen,
canClose: canClose
export default {
katexInline (state, silent) {
let start, match, token, res, pos
if (state.src[state.pos] !== '$') { return false }
res = isValidDelim(state, state.pos)
if (!res.canOpen) {
if (!silent) { state.pending += '$' }
state.pos += 1
return true
// First check for and bypass all properly escaped delimieters
// This loop will assume that the first leading backtick can not
// be the first character in state.src, which is known since
// we have found an opening delimieter already.
start = state.pos + 1
match = start
while ((match = state.src.indexOf('$', match)) !== -1) {
// Found potential $, look for escapes, pos will point to
// first non escape when complete
pos = match - 1
while (state.src[pos] === '\\') { pos -= 1 }
// Even number of escapes, potential closing delimiter found
if (((match - pos) % 2) === 1) { break }
match += 1
// No closing delimter found. Consume $ and continue.
if (match === -1) {
if (!silent) { state.pending += '$' }
state.pos = start
return true
// Check if we have empty content, ie: $$. Do not parse.
if (match - start === 0) {
if (!silent) { state.pending += '$$' }
state.pos = start + 1
return true
// Check for valid closing delimiter
res = isValidDelim(state, match)
if (!res.canClose) {
if (!silent) { state.pending += '$' }
state.pos = start
return true
if (!silent) {
token = state.push('katex_inline', 'math', 0)
token.markup = '$'
token.content = state.src
// Extract the math part without the $
.slice(start, match)
// Escape the curly braces since they will be interpreted as
// attributes by markdown-it-attrs (the "curly_attributes"
// core rule)
.replaceAll("{", "{{")
.replaceAll("}", "}}")
state.pos = match + 1
return true
katexBlock (state, start, end, silent) {
let firstLine; let lastLine; let next; let lastPos; let found = false; let token
let pos = state.bMarks[start] + state.tShift[start]
let max = state.eMarks[start]
if (pos + 2 > max) { return false }
if (state.src.slice(pos, pos + 2) !== '$$') { return false }
pos += 2
firstLine = state.src.slice(pos, max)
if (silent) { return true }
if (firstLine.trim().slice(-2) === '$$') {
// Single line expression
firstLine = firstLine.trim().slice(0, -2)
found = true
for (next = start; !found;) {
if (next >= end) { break }
pos = state.bMarks[next] + state.tShift[next]
max = state.eMarks[next]
if (pos < max && state.tShift[next] < state.blkIndent) {
// non-empty line with negative indent should stop the list:
if (state.src.slice(pos, max).trim().slice(-2) === '$$') {
lastPos = state.src.slice(0, max).lastIndexOf('$$')
lastLine = state.src.slice(pos, lastPos)
found = true
state.line = next + 1
token = state.push('katex_block', 'math', 0)
token.block = true
token.content = (firstLine && firstLine.trim() ? firstLine + '\n' : '') +
state.getLines(start + 1, next, state.tShift[start], true) +
(lastLine && lastLine.trim() ? lastLine : '')
token.map = [ start, state.line ]
token.markup = '$$'
return true