Commit partial changes

This commit is contained in:
maddiebaka 2023-06-27 18:42:04 -04:00
parent e440f3489b
commit 78450a85bb
3 changed files with 407 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
// MoonrakerSocketManagerNative.swift
// Soyuz
// Created by Madeline Pace on 6/27/23.
import Foundation
import Foundation
import Network
import AppKit
//import Starscream
class MoonrakerSocketManagerNative: ObservableObject {
// Websocket JSON-RPC published data
@Published var state: String
@Published var progress: Double
@Published var extruderTemperature: Double
@Published var bedTemperature: Double
// Active connection published data
@Published var isConnected = false
@Published var socketHost: String
@Published var socketPort: String
// Published NWConnection for listing connection information
@Published var connection: NWConnection?
@Published var friendlyHostname: String = ""
var notification = UserNotificationHandler.shared
private var socket: NWConnection?
private var lastPingDate = Date()
// MARK: PRM init()
init() {
state = ""
progress = 0.0
extruderTemperature = 0.0
bedTemperature = 0.0
socketHost = ""
socketPort = ""
// Set up sleep/wake notification observers
let center = NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter;
let mainQueue = OperationQueue.main
center.addObserver(forName: NSWorkspace.screensDidWakeNotification, object: nil, queue: mainQueue) { notification in
center.addObserver(forName: NSWorkspace.screensDidSleepNotification, object: nil, queue: mainQueue) { notification in
// Called from the UI with an endpoint.
// Momentarily connect/disconnects from the endpoint to retrieve the host/port
// calls private function openWebsocket to process the host/port
func connectToBonjourEndpoint(_ endpoint: NWEndpoint) {
// Debug stuff
endpoint.txtRecord?.forEach({ (key: String, value: NWTXTRecord.Entry) in
print("\(key): \(value)")
print("About to connect to endpoint \(endpoint.debugDescription)")
if connection == nil || connection?.state == .cancelled {
// //let parameters = NWParameters.tcp
// //let options = NWProtocolWebSocket.Options()
// //parameters.defaultProtocolStack.applicationProtocols.insert(options, at: 0)
// let paramet
connection = NWConnection(to: endpoint, using: .tcp)
// connection!.stateUpdateHandler = { [self] state in
// switch state {
// case .setup:
// break
// case .ready:
// self.isConnected = true
// case .failed(let error):
// self.isConnected = false
// print("[NWConnection websocket] connection failed: \(error)")
// case .cancelled:
// self.isConnected = false
// print("Connection cancelled.")
// default:
// break
// }
// }
connection?.stateUpdateHandler = { [self] state in
switch state {
case .ready:
if let innerEndpoint = connection?.currentPath?.remoteEndpoint, case .hostPort(let host, let port) = innerEndpoint {
let hostPortDebugOutput = "Connected to \(host):\(port)"
let hostString = "\(host)"
let regex = try! Regex("%(.+)")
let match = hostString.firstMatch(of: regex)
let sanitizedHost = hostString.replacingOccurrences(of: match?.0 ?? "", with: "")
print("[sanitized] Resolved \(sanitizedHost):\(port)")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.friendlyHostname = endpoint.toFriendlyString()
self.socketHost = sanitizedHost
self.socketPort = "\(port)"
connection?.start(queue: .global())
func disconnect() {
print("disconnect() called")
self.isConnected = false
//socket = nil
func openWebsocket() {
let parameters = NWParameters.tcp
let socketUrl = URL(string: "ws://\(socketHost):\(socketPort)/websocket")
let options = NWProtocolWebSocket.Options()
parameters.defaultProtocolStack.applicationProtocols.insert(options, at: 0)
socket = NWConnection(to: .url(socketUrl!), using: parameters)
socket?.stateUpdateHandler = { state in
switch state {
case .setup:
print("[websocket] Connection setup.")
case .ready:
print("[websocket] Connection ready.")
case .failed(let error):
print("[websocket] Connection failed: \(error)")
case .cancelled:
print("[websocket] Connection cancelled.")
socket?.start(queue: .global())
func socketConnectionChangedState() {
// TODO: This may not work properly when already connected to the socket
private func reconnectWebsocket() {
if socket == nil {
print("Socket doesn't exist. Fail-safe triggered.")
// MARK: Callbacks
func screenChangedSleepState(_ notification: Notification) {
switch( {
case NSWorkspace.screensDidSleepNotification:
print("Screen slept. Disconnecting..")
case NSWorkspace.screensDidWakeNotification:
print("Screen awoke. Opening websocket..")
// Properly formatted JSON-RPC Request for use with Starscream
// MARK: JSON-RPC Request Codable
//struct JsonRpcRequest: Codable {
// var jsonrpc = "2.0"
// let method: String
// let params: [String: [String: String?]]
// var id = 1
// func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
// var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
// try container.encode(jsonrpc, forKey: .jsonrpc)
// try container.encode(method, forKey: .method)
// try container.encode(params, forKey: .params)
// try container.encode(id, forKey: .id)
// }