/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import SwiftUI import UserNotifications import AppKit import Network struct SoyuzMenuBarExtraView: View { // The threshhold considered a burn-risk, at which point certain UI elements turn red. // Measured in degrees Celsius let DANGERTEMP = 40.0 @Environment(\.openWindow) var openWindow @ObservedObject var printerManager: MoonrakerSocketManager @State var printPercentage: Double = 0 @Binding var currentMenuBarIcon: String var notification = UserNotificationHandler.shared @State var hotendHotTemp: Bool = false @State var bedHotTemp: Bool = false // TODO: Use @published API data instead of instance state variable var body: some View { VStack { // Printer Readouts //if let printerStats = printerManager.printerStats { if(printerManager.isConnected) { VStack { Text(printerManager.state.capitalized) .font(.title) .padding(4) // Print information HStack { Image(systemName: "pencil.tip") .rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 180)) .offset(x: 5.5, y: 4) .font(.system(size: 24)) ProgressView(value: printerManager.progress, total: 1.0) .progressViewStyle(.linear) .offset(x: 10) Text("\(Int(printerManager.progress * 100))%") .padding(2) .padding([.leading], 8) } // Temperatures HStack { // Hot-end temperature HStack { Image(systemName: "flame") .foregroundColor( printerManager.extruderTemperature > DANGERTEMP ? .red : Color(nsColor: .labelColor)) .opacity( printerManager.extruderTemperature > DANGERTEMP ? 1.0 : 0.3 ) Text("Hotend") .font(.headline) Spacer() Text("\(Int(printerManager.extruderTemperature))°C") } // Bed temperature HStack { Image(systemName: "flame") .foregroundColor( printerManager.bedTemperature > DANGERTEMP ? .red : Color(nsColor: .labelColor) ) .opacity( printerManager.bedTemperature > DANGERTEMP ? 1.0 : 0.3 ) Text("Plate") .font(.headline) Spacer() Text("\(Int(printerManager.bedTemperature))°C") } } Divider() } } } // Footer information HStack { Button { openWindow(id: "soyuz_cfg") } label: { Text("Printers") .foregroundColor(Color("ButtonForegroundColor")) } Spacer() if(printerManager.isConnected) { Image(systemName: "network") Text("Online") } else { Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle") Text("Offline") } } .padding(2) .frame(minWidth: 220, maxWidth: 375) } } struct KlipperMonMenuBarExtraView_Previews: PreviewProvider { @State static var currentMenuBarIcon = "move.3d" @State static var printerManager = MoonrakerSocketManager() static var previews: some View { SoyuzMenuBarExtraView(printerManager: printerManager, currentMenuBarIcon: $currentMenuBarIcon) } }