/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import XCTest import Starscream import Combine import Network @testable import Soyuz class DummyEngine: Engine { var delegate: Starscream.EngineDelegate? @Published var startCalled = false @Published var stopCalled = false func resetForNextTest() { self.startCalled = false self.stopCalled = false } func register(delegate: Starscream.EngineDelegate) { self.delegate = delegate } func start(request: URLRequest) { startCalled = true } func stop(closeCode: UInt16) { stopCalled = true return } func forceStop() { stopCalled = true return } func write(data: Data, opcode: Starscream.FrameOpCode, completion: (() -> ())?) { return } func write(string: String, completion: (() -> ())?) { return } } class MoonrakerSocketManagerTests: XCTestCase { var socketManager: MoonrakerSocketManager? var bonjourListener: NWListener? var engine: DummyEngine! var cancellable: AnyCancellable? override func setUp() { engine = DummyEngine() socketManager = MoonrakerSocketManager(starscreamEngine: engine!) do { bonjourListener = try NWListener(using: .tcp, on: .http) bonjourListener!.newConnectionHandler = { newConnection in return } bonjourListener!.start(queue: DispatchQueue.main) } catch { print("Error: \(error)") } } func testConnectToBonjourEndpoint() { let endpoint = NWEndpoint.hostPort(host: "localhost", port: .http) print("Trying to connect to bonjour endpoint \(endpoint)") // Test connecting to endpoint let connectExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "MoonrakerSocketManager.connectToBonjourEndpoint opens Starscream socket") cancellable = engine.$startCalled .sink(receiveValue: { newValue in if newValue == true { connectExpectation.fulfill() } }) socketManager?.connectToBonjourEndpoint(endpoint) wait(for: [connectExpectation], timeout: 2) XCTAssertTrue(engine.startCalled) // Test screen sleeping engine.resetForNextTest() let screenSleepExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "MoonrakerSocketManager.screenChangedSleepState screen sleep triggers Starscream socket disconnection") let sleepNotification = Notification(name: NSWorkspace.screensDidSleepNotification) cancellable = engine.$stopCalled .sink(receiveValue: { newValue in if newValue == true { screenSleepExpectation.fulfill() } }) socketManager?.screenChangedSleepState(sleepNotification) wait(for: [screenSleepExpectation], timeout: 2) XCTAssertTrue(engine.stopCalled) // Test screen waking engine.resetForNextTest() let screenWakeExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "MoonrakerSocketManager.screenChangedSleepState screen wake triggers Starscream socket reconnection") let wakeNotification = Notification(name: NSWorkspace.screensDidWakeNotification) cancellable = engine.$startCalled .sink(receiveValue: { newValue in if newValue == true { screenWakeExpectation.fulfill() } }) socketManager?.screenChangedSleepState(wakeNotification) wait(for: [screenWakeExpectation], timeout: 2) XCTAssertTrue(engine.startCalled) } }