$"{Emojis.Warn} The following potential issues were detected converting your Tupperbox input file:";
"\n- PluralKit does not support member groups. Members will be imported without groups.";
issueStr+="\n- PluralKit does not support members with multiple proxy tags. Only the first pair will be imported.";
"\n- PluralKit does not support per-member system tags. Since you had multiple members with distinct tags, tags will not be imported. You can set your system tag using the `pk;system tag <tag>` command later.";
varmsg=awaitContext.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{issueStr}\n\nDo you want to proceed with the import?");
varmsg=awaitContext.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Warn} You seem to importing a system profile belonging to another account. Are you sure you want to proceed?");
awaitContext.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Success} PluralKit has created a system for you based on the given file. Your system ID is `{result.System.Hid}`. Type `pk;system` for more information.");
awaitContext.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Emojis.Success} Updated {result.ModifiedNames.Count} members, created {result.AddedNames.Count} members. Type `pk;system list` to check!");