Denying the **Send Messages** permission will *not* stop the bot from proxying, although it will prevent it from sending command responses. Denying the **Read Messages** permission will, as any other bot, prevent the bot from interacting in that channel at all.
## Webhook permissions
Webhooks exist outside of the normal Discord permissions system, and (with a few exceptions) it's not possible to modify their permissions.
However, PluralKit will make an attempt to apply the sender account's permissions to proxied messages. For example, role mentions, `@everyone`, and `@here`
will only function if the sender account has that permission. The same applies to link embeds.
Forexternal emojis to work in proxied messages, the `@everyone` role must have the "Use External Emojis" permission. If it still doesn't work, check if the permission was denied in channel-specific permission settings.