Merge pull request #134 from nephanim/feature/member-limit
Add members per system cap & improve import performance
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.API.Controllers
if (newMember.Name == null)
return BadRequest("Member name cannot be null.");
// Enforce per-system member limit
var memberCount = await _members.MemberCount(system);
if (memberCount >= Limits.MaxMemberCount)
return BadRequest($"Member limit reached ({memberCount} / {Limits.MaxMemberCount}).");
// Explicit bounds checks
if (newMember.Name != null && newMember.Name.Length > Limits.MaxMemberNameLength)
return BadRequest($"Member name too long ({newMember.Name.Length} > {Limits.MaxMemberNameLength}.");
@ -101,13 +101,16 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
// If passed system is null, it'll create a new one
// (and that's okay!)
var result = await _dataFiles.ImportSystem(data, ctx.System, ctx.Author.Id);
if (ctx.System != null)
if (!result.Success)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Error} The provided system profile could not be imported. {result.Message}");
else if (ctx.System == null)
// We didn't have a system prior to importing, so give them the new system's ID
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} PluralKit has created a system for you based on the given file. Your system ID is `{result.System.Hid}`. Type `pk;system` for more information.");
// We already had a system, so show them what changed
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Updated {result.ModifiedNames.Count} members, created {result.AddedNames.Count} members. Type `pk;system list` to check!");
@ -45,13 +45,24 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot.Commands
if (!await ctx.PromptYesNo(msg)) throw new PKError("Member creation cancelled.");
// Enforce per-system member limit
var memberCount = await _members.MemberCount(ctx.System);
if (memberCount >= Limits.MaxMemberCount)
throw Errors.MemberLimitReachedError;
// Create the member
var member = await _members.Create(ctx.System, memberName);
// Send confirmation and space hint
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member \"{memberName.SanitizeMentions()}\" (`{member.Hid}`) registered! See the user guide for commands for editing this member:");
if (memberName.Contains(" ")) await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Note that this member's name contains spaces. You will need to surround it with \"double quotes\" when using commands referring to it, or just use the member's 5-character ID (which is `{member.Hid}`).");
if (memberName.Contains(" "))
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Note that this member's name contains spaces. You will need to surround it with \"double quotes\" when using commands referring to it, or just use the member's 5-character ID (which is `{member.Hid}`).");
if (memberCount >= Limits.MaxMemberCount)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Warn} You have reached the per-system member limit ({Limits.MaxMemberCount}). You will be unable to create additional members until existing members are deleted.");
else if (memberCount >= Limits.MaxMembersWarnThreshold)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Warn} You are approaching the per-system member limit ({memberCount} / {Limits.MaxMemberCount} members). Please review your member list for unused or duplicate members.");
await _proxyCache.InvalidateResultsForSystem(ctx.System);
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot {
public static PKError DescriptionTooLongError(int length) => new PKError($"Description too long ({length}/{Limits.MaxDescriptionLength} characters).");
public static PKError MemberNameTooLongError(int length) => new PKError($"Member name too long ({length}/{Limits.MaxMemberNameLength} characters).");
public static PKError MemberPronounsTooLongError(int length) => new PKError($"Member pronouns too long ({length}/{Limits.MaxMemberNameLength} characters).");
public static PKError MemberLimitReachedError => new PKError($"System has reached the maximum number of members ({Limits.MaxMemberCount}). Please delete unused members first in order to create new ones.");
public static PKError InvalidColorError(string color) => new PKError($"\"{color.SanitizeMentions()}\" is not a valid color. Color must be in 6-digit RGB hex format (eg. #ff0000).");
public static PKError BirthdayParseError(string birthday) => new PKError($"\"{birthday.SanitizeMentions()}\" could not be parsed as a valid date. Try a format like \"2016-12-24\" or \"May 3 1996\".");
public static PKError ProxyMustHaveText => new PKSyntaxError("Example proxy message must contain the string 'text'.");
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NodaTime;
using NodaTime.Text;
using PluralKit.Core;
using Serilog;
namespace PluralKit.Bot
@ -70,38 +71,22 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private async Task<DataFileMember> ExportMember(PKMember member) => new DataFileMember
Id = member.Hid,
Name = member.Name,
DisplayName = member.DisplayName,
Description = member.Description,
Birthday = member.Birthday != null ? Formats.DateExportFormat.Format(member.Birthday.Value) : null,
Pronouns = member.Pronouns,
Color = member.Color,
AvatarUrl = member.AvatarUrl,
Prefix = member.Prefix,
Suffix = member.Suffix,
Created = Formats.TimestampExportFormat.Format(member.Created),
MessageCount = await _members.MessageCount(member)
private async Task<DataFileSwitch> ExportSwitch(PKSwitch sw) => new DataFileSwitch
Members = (await _switches.GetSwitchMembers(sw)).Select(m => m.Hid).ToList(),
Timestamp = Formats.TimestampExportFormat.Format(sw.Timestamp)
public async Task<ImportResult> ImportSystem(DataFileSystem data, PKSystem system, ulong accountId)
// TODO: make atomic, somehow - we'd need to obtain one IDbConnection and reuse it
// which probably means refactoring SystemStore.Save and friends etc
var result = new ImportResult {AddedNames = new List<string>(), ModifiedNames = new List<string>()};
var hidMapping = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
var result = new ImportResult {
AddedNames = new List<string>(),
ModifiedNames = new List<string>(),
Success = true // Assume success unless indicated otherwise
var dataFileToMemberMapping = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
var unmappedMembers = new List<DataFileMember>();
// If we don't already have a system to save to, create one
if (system == null) system = await _systems.Create(data.Name);
if (system == null)
system = await _systems.Create(data.Name);
result.System = system;
// Apply system info
system.Name = data.Name;
@ -110,41 +95,56 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (data.AvatarUrl != null) system.AvatarUrl = data.AvatarUrl;
if (data.TimeZone != null) system.UiTz = data.TimeZone ?? "UTC";
await _systems.Save(system);
// Make sure to link the sender account, too
await _systems.Link(system, accountId);
// Apply members
// TODO: parallelize?
foreach (var dataMember in data.Members)
// Determine which members already exist and which ones need to be created
var existingMembers = await _members.GetBySystem(system);
foreach (var d in data.Members)
// If member's given an ID, we try to look up the member with the given ID
PKMember member = null;
if (dataMember.Id != null)
// Try to look up the member with the given ID
var match = existingMembers.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Hid.Equals(d.Id));
if (match == null)
match = existingMembers.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals(d.Name)); // Try with the name instead
if (match != null)
member = await _members.GetByHid(dataMember.Id);
// ...but if it's a different system's member, we just make a new one anyway
if (member != null && member.System != system.Id) member = null;
// Try to look up by name, too
if (member == null) member = await _members.GetByName(system, dataMember.Name);
// And if all else fails (eg. fresh import from Tupperbox, etc) we just make a member lol
if (member == null)
member = await _members.Create(system, dataMember.Name);
dataFileToMemberMapping.Add(d.Id, match); // Relate the data file ID to the PKMember for importing switches
unmappedMembers.Add(d); // Track members that weren't found so we can create them all
// Keep track of what the data file's member ID maps to for switch import
if (!hidMapping.ContainsKey(dataMember.Id))
hidMapping.Add(dataMember.Id, member);
// If creating the unmatched members would put us over the member limit, abort before creating any members
// new total: # in the system + (# in the file - # in the file that already exist)
if (data.Members.Count - dataFileToMemberMapping.Count + existingMembers.Count() > Limits.MaxMemberCount)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = $"Import would exceed the maximum number of members ({Limits.MaxMemberCount}).";
return result;
// Create all unmapped members in one transaction
// These consist of members from another PluralKit system or another framework (e.g. Tupperbox)
var membersToCreate = new Dictionary<string, string>();
unmappedMembers.ForEach(x => membersToCreate.Add(x.Id, x.Name));
var newMembers = await _members.CreateMultiple(system, membersToCreate);
foreach (var member in newMembers)
dataFileToMemberMapping.Add(member.Key, member.Value);
// Update members with data file properties
// TODO: parallelize?
foreach (var dataMember in data.Members)
dataFileToMemberMapping.TryGetValue(dataMember.Id, out PKMember member);
if (member == null)
// Apply member info
member.Name = dataMember.Name;
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (dataMember.Birthday != null)
var birthdayParse = Formats.DateExportFormat.Parse(dataMember.Birthday);
member.Birthday = birthdayParse.Success ? (LocalDate?) birthdayParse.Value : null;
member.Birthday = birthdayParse.Success ? (LocalDate?)birthdayParse.Value : null;
await _members.Save(member);
@ -174,16 +174,15 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var timestamp = InstantPattern.ExtendedIso.Parse(sw.Timestamp).Value;
var swMembers = new List<PKMember>();
swMembers.AddRange(sw.Members.Select(x =>
hidMapping.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Key.Equals(x)).Value));
dataFileToMemberMapping.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Key.Equals(x)).Value));
var mapped = new Tuple<Instant, ICollection<PKMember>>(timestamp, swMembers);
// Import switches
await _switches.RegisterSwitches(system, mappedSwitches);
if (mappedSwitches.Any())
await _switches.BulkImportSwitches(system, mappedSwitches);
_logger.Information("Imported system {System}", system.Id);
result.System = system;
_logger.Information("Imported system {System}", system.Hid);
return result;
@ -193,6 +192,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public ICollection<string> AddedNames;
public ICollection<string> ModifiedNames;
public PKSystem System;
public bool Success;
public string Message;
public struct DataFileSystem
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
public static readonly int MaxSystemNameLength = 100;
public static readonly int MaxSystemTagLength = MaxProxyNameLength - 1;
public static readonly int MaxMemberCount = 1000;
public static readonly int MaxMembersWarnThreshold = MaxMemberCount - 50;
public static readonly int MaxDescriptionLength = 1000;
public static readonly int MaxMemberNameLength = 100; // Fair bit larger than MaxProxyNameLength for bookkeeping
public static readonly int MaxPronounsLength = 100;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using App.Metrics.Logging;
using Dapper;
using NodaTime;
using Npgsql;
using PluralKit.Core;
using Serilog;
@ -128,6 +128,37 @@ namespace PluralKit {
return member;
public async Task<Dictionary<string,PKMember>> CreateMultiple(PKSystem system, Dictionary<string,string> names)
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
using (var tx = conn.BeginTransaction())
var results = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
foreach (var name in names)
string hid;
hid = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<string>("SELECT @Hid WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM members WHERE hid = @Hid LIMIT 1)", new
Hid = Utils.GenerateHid()
} while (hid == null);
var member = await conn.QuerySingleAsync<PKMember>("INSERT INTO members (hid, system, name) VALUES (@Hid, @SystemId, @Name) RETURNING *", new
Hid = hid,
SystemID = system.Id,
Name = name.Value
results.Add(name.Key, member);
_logger.Information("Created {MemberCount} members for system {SystemID}", names.Count(), system.Hid);
return results;
public async Task<PKMember> GetByHid(string hid) {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
return await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKMember>("select * from members where hid = @Hid", new { Hid = hid.ToLower() });
@ -314,6 +345,77 @@ namespace PluralKit {
public async Task BulkImportSwitches(PKSystem system, ICollection<Tuple<Instant, ICollection<PKMember>>> switches)
// Read existing switches to enforce unique timestamps
var priorSwitches = await GetSwitches(system);
var lastSwitchId = priorSwitches.Any()
? priorSwitches.Max(x => x.Id)
: 0;
using (var conn = (PerformanceTrackingConnection) await _conn.Obtain())
using (var tx = conn.BeginTransaction())
// Import switches in bulk
using (var importer = conn.BeginBinaryImport("COPY switches (system, timestamp) FROM STDIN (FORMAT BINARY)"))
foreach (var sw in switches)
// If there's already a switch at this time, move on
if (priorSwitches.Any(x => x.Timestamp.Equals(sw.Item1)))
// Otherwise, add it to the importer
importer.Write(system.Id, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer);
importer.Write(sw.Item1, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Timestamp);
importer.Complete(); // Commits the copy operation so dispose won't roll it back
// Get all switches that were created above and don't have members for ID lookup
var switchesWithoutMembers =
await conn.QueryAsync<PKSwitch>(@"
SELECT switches.*
FROM switches
LEFT JOIN switch_members
ON switch_members.switch =
WHERE > @LastSwitchId
AND switches.system = @System
AND IS NULL", new { LastSwitchId = lastSwitchId, System = system.Id });
// Import switch_members in bulk
using (var importer = conn.BeginBinaryImport("COPY switch_members (switch, member) FROM STDIN (FORMAT BINARY)"))
// Iterate over the switches we created above and set their members
foreach (var pkSwitch in switchesWithoutMembers)
// If this isn't in our import set, move on
var sw = switches.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item1.Equals(pkSwitch.Timestamp));
if (sw == null)
// Loop through associated members to add each to the switch
foreach (var m in sw.Item2)
// Skip switch-outs - these don't have switch_members
if (m == null)
importer.Write(pkSwitch.Id, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer);
importer.Write(m.Id, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer);
importer.Complete(); // Commits the copy operation so dispose won't roll it back
_logger.Information("Completed bulk import of switches for system {0}", system.Hid);
public async Task RegisterSwitches(PKSystem system, ICollection<Tuple<Instant, ICollection<PKMember>>> switches)
// Use a transaction here since we're doing multiple executed commands in one
@ -488,6 +488,11 @@ namespace PluralKit
public NpgsqlBinaryImporter BeginBinaryImport(string copyFromCommand)
return _impl.BeginBinaryImport(copyFromCommand);
public string ConnectionString
get => _impl.ConnectionString;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user