Refactor command handling
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,26 +39,23 @@ async def on_message(message):
args = message.content.split(" ")
from pluralkit import proxy, utils
command_items = utils.command_map.items()
command_items = sorted(command_items, key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True)
cmd = None
# Look up commands with subcommands
if len(args) >= 2:
lookup = utils.command_map.get((args[0], args[1]), None)
if lookup:
# Curry with arg slice
cmd = lambda c, m, a: lookup[0](conn, message, args[2:])
# Look up root commands
if not cmd and len(args) >= 1:
lookup = utils.command_map.get((args[0], None), None)
if lookup:
# Curry with arg slice
cmd = lambda c, m, a: lookup[0](conn, message, args[1:])
prefix = "pk;"
for command, (func, _, _) in command_items:
if message.content.startswith(prefix + command):
args_str = message.content[len(prefix + command):].strip()
args = args_str.split(" ")
# Splitting on empty string yields one-element array, remove that
if len(args) == 1 and not args[0]:
args = []
# Found anything? run it
if cmd:
async with client.pool.acquire() as conn:
await cmd(conn, message, args)
async with client.pool.acquire() as conn:
await func(conn, message, args)
# Try doing proxy parsing
async with client.pool.acquire() as conn:
@ -9,18 +9,7 @@ from pluralkit import db
from import client, logger
from pluralkit.utils import command, generate_hid, generate_member_info_card, generate_system_info_card, member_command, parse_mention, text_input, get_system_fuzzy, get_member_fuzzy, command_map, make_default_embed, parse_channel_mention
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand=None, description="Shows information about your system.")
async def this_system_info(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
await client.send_message(, embed=await generate_system_info_card(conn, system))
return True
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="new", usage="[name]", description="Registers a new system to this account.", basic=True)
@command(cmd="system new", usage="[name]", description="Registers a new system to this account.")
async def new_system(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -42,7 +31,7 @@ async def new_system(conn, message, args):
return True, "System registered! To begin adding members, use `pk;member new <name>`."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="info", usage="[system]", description="Shows information about a system.", basic=True)
@command(cmd="system", usage="[system]", description="Shows information about a system.")
async def system_info(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
# Use sender's system
@ -61,7 +50,7 @@ async def system_info(conn, message, args):
return True
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="name", usage="[name]", description="Renames your system. Leave blank to clear.")
@command(cmd="system name", usage="[name]", description="Renames your system. Leave blank to clear.")
async def system_name(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -78,7 +67,7 @@ async def system_name(conn, message, args):
return True, "Name updated to {}.".format(new_name) if new_name else "Name cleared."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="description", usage="[clear]", description="Updates your system description. Add \"clear\" to clear.")
@command(cmd="system description", usage="[clear]", description="Updates your system description. Add \"clear\" to clear.")
async def system_description(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -99,7 +88,7 @@ async def system_description(conn, message, args):
return True, "Description set." if new_description else "Description cleared."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="tag", usage="[tag]", description="Updates your system tag. Leave blank to clear.")
@command(cmd="system tag", usage="[tag]", description="Updates your system tag. Leave blank to clear.")
async def system_tag(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -128,24 +117,24 @@ async def system_tag(conn, message, args):
return True, "Tag updated to {}.".format(tag) if tag else "Tag cleared."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="remove", description="Removes your system ***permanently***.")
async def system_remove(conn, message, args):
@command(cmd="system delete", description="Deletes your system from the database ***permanently***.")
async def system_delete(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
if system is None:
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
await client.send_message(, "Are you sure you want to remove your system? If so, reply to this message with the system's ID (`{}`).".format(system["hid"]))
await client.send_message(, "Are you sure you want to delete your system? If so, reply to this message with the system's ID (`{}`).".format(system["hid"]))
msg = await client.wait_for_message(,
if msg.content == system["hid"]:
await db.remove_system(conn, system_id=system["id"])
return True, "System removed."
return True, "System deleted."
return True, "System removal cancelled."
return True, "System deletion cancelled."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="link", usage="<account>", description="Links another account to your system.")
@command(cmd="system link", usage="<account>", description="Links another account to your system.")
async def system_link(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -182,7 +171,7 @@ async def system_link(conn, message, args):
return False, "Account link cancelled."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="unlink", description="Unlinks your system from this account. There must be at least one other account linked.")
@command(cmd="system unlink", description="Unlinks your system from this account. There must be at least one other account linked.")
async def system_unlink(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -198,7 +187,7 @@ async def system_unlink(conn, message, args):
await db.unlink_account(conn, system_id=system["id"],
return True, "Account unlinked."
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="fronter", usage="[system]", description="Gets the current fronter in the system.")
@command(cmd="system fronter", usage="[system]", description="Gets the current fronter in the system.")
async def system_fronter(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -229,7 +218,7 @@ async def system_fronter(conn, message, args):
embed.add_field(name="Since", value="{} ({})".format(since.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds"), humanize.naturaltime(since)))
return True, embed
@command(cmd="pk;system", subcommand="fronthistory", usage="[system]", description="Shows the past 10 switches in the system.")
@command(cmd="system fronthistory", usage="[system]", description="Shows the past 10 switches in the system.")
async def system_fronthistory(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -256,7 +245,7 @@ async def system_fronthistory(conn, message, args):
embed.title = "Past switches"
return True, embed
@command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="new", usage="<name>", description="Adds a new member to your system.", basic=True)
@command(cmd="member new", usage="<name>", description="Adds a new member to your system.")
async def new_member(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -276,13 +265,13 @@ async def new_member(conn, message, args):
return True, "Member \"{}\" (`{}`) registered!".format(name, hid)
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="info", description="Shows information about a system member.", system_only=False, basic=True)
@member_command(cmd="member info", description="Shows information about a system member.", system_only=False)
async def member_info(conn, message, member, args):
await client.send_message(, embed=await generate_member_info_card(conn, member))
return True
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="color", usage="[color]", description="Updates a member's associated color. Leave blank to clear.")
@member_command(cmd="member color", usage="[color]", description="Updates a member's associated color. Leave blank to clear.")
async def member_color(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
color = None
@ -298,7 +287,7 @@ async def member_color(conn, message, member, args):
return True, "Color updated to #{}.".format(color) if color else "Color cleared."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="pronouns", usage="[pronouns]", description="Updates a member's pronouns. Leave blank to clear.")
@member_command(cmd="member pronouns", usage="[pronouns]", description="Updates a member's pronouns. Leave blank to clear.")
async def member_pronouns(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
pronouns = None
@ -310,7 +299,7 @@ async def member_pronouns(conn, message, member, args):
return True, "Pronouns set to {}".format(pronouns) if pronouns else "Pronouns cleared."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="birthdate", usage="[birthdate]", description="Updates a member's birthdate. Must be in ISO-8601 format (eg. 1999-07-25). Leave blank to clear.")
@member_command(cmd="member birthdate", usage="[birthdate]", description="Updates a member's birthdate. Must be in ISO-8601 format (eg. 1999-07-25). Leave blank to clear.")
async def member_birthday(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
new_date = None
@ -326,7 +315,7 @@ async def member_birthday(conn, message, member, args):
return True, "Birthdate set to {}".format(new_date) if new_date else "Birthdate cleared."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="description", description="Updates a member's description. Add \"clear\" to clear.")
@member_command(cmd="member description", description="Updates a member's description. Add \"clear\" to clear.")
async def member_description(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "clear":
new_description = None
@ -341,7 +330,7 @@ async def member_description(conn, message, member, args):
return True, "Description set." if new_description else "Description cleared."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="remove", description="Removes a member from your system.")
@member_command(cmd="member remove", description="Removes a member from your system.")
async def member_remove(conn, message, member, args):
await client.send_message(, "Are you sure you want to remove {}? If so, reply to this message with the member's name.".format(member["name"]))
@ -353,7 +342,7 @@ async def member_remove(conn, message, member, args):
return True, "Member removal cancelled."
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="avatar", usage="[user|url]", description="Updates a member's avatar. Can be an account mention (which will use that account's avatar), or a link to an image. Leave blank to clear.", basic=True)
@member_command(cmd="member avatar", usage="[user|url]", description="Updates a member's avatar. Can be an account mention (which will use that account's avatar), or a link to an image. Leave blank to clear.")
async def member_avatar(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
avatar_url = None
@ -381,7 +370,7 @@ async def member_avatar(conn, message, member, args):
return True, make_default_embed("Avatar set.").set_image(url=avatar_url)
@member_command(cmd="pk;member", subcommand="proxy", usage="[example]", description="Updates a member's proxy settings. Needs an \"example\" proxied message containing the string \"text\" (eg. [text], |text|, etc).", basic=True)
@member_command(cmd="member proxy", usage="[example]", description="Updates a member's proxy settings. Needs an \"example\" proxied message containing the string \"text\" (eg. [text], |text|, etc).")
async def member_proxy(conn, message, member, args):
if len(args) == 0:
prefix, suffix = None, None
@ -412,7 +401,7 @@ async def member_proxy(conn, message, member, args):
return True, "Proxy settings updated." if prefix or suffix else "Proxy settings cleared."
@command(cmd="pk;message", subcommand=None, usage="<id>", description="Shows information about a proxied message. Requires the message ID.")
@command(cmd="message", usage="<id>", description="Shows information about a proxied message. Requires the message ID.")
async def message_info(conn, message, args):
mid = int(args[0])
@ -455,7 +444,7 @@ async def message_info(conn, message, args):
await client.send_message(, embed=embed)
return True
@command(cmd="pk;switch", subcommand=None, usage="<name|id>", description="Registers a switch and changes the current fronter.", basic=True)
@command(cmd="switch", usage="<name|id>", description="Registers a switch and changes the current fronter.")
async def switch_member(conn, message, args):
if len(args) == 0:
return False
@ -479,7 +468,7 @@ async def switch_member(conn, message, args):
await db.add_switch(conn, system_id=system["id"], member_id=member["id"])
return True, "Switch registered. Current fronter is now {}.".format(member["name"])
@command(cmd="pk;switch", subcommand="out", description="Registers a switch out, and leaves current fronter blank.")
@command(cmd="switch out", description="Registers a switch out, and leaves current fronter blank.")
async def switch_out(conn, message, args):
system = await db.get_system_by_account(conn,
@ -495,7 +484,7 @@ async def switch_out(conn, message, args):
await db.add_switch(conn, system_id=system["id"], member_id=None)
return True, "Switch-out registered."
@command(cmd="pk;mod", subcommand="log", usage="[channel]", description="Sets the bot to log events to a specified channel. Leave blank to disable.")
@command(cmd="mod log", usage="[channel]", description="Sets the bot to log events to a specified channel. Leave blank to disable.")
async def set_log(conn, message, args):
if not
return False, "You must be a server administrator to use this command."
@ -525,7 +514,7 @@ def make_help(cmds):
cmd, subcmd or "", usage or ""), value=description, inline=False)
return embed
@command(cmd="pk;help", subcommand=None, usage="[category]", description="Shows this help message.")
@command(cmd="help", usage="[category]", description="Shows this help message.")
async def show_help(conn, message, args):
embed = make_default_embed(None)
embed.title = "PluralKit Help"
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ command_map = {}
# Second parameter is the message it'll send. If just False, will print usage
def command(cmd, subcommand, usage=None, description=None, basic=False):
def command(cmd, usage=None, description=None):
def wrap(func):
async def wrapper(conn, message, args):
res = await func(conn, message, args)
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def command(cmd, subcommand, usage=None, description=None, basic=False):
if not success and not msg:
# Failure, no message, print usage
usage_str = "**Usage:** {} {} {}".format(cmd, subcommand or "", usage or "")
usage_str = "**Usage:** {} {}".format(cmd, usage or "")
await client.send_message(, embed=make_default_embed(usage_str))
elif not success:
# Failure, print message
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def command(cmd, subcommand, usage=None, description=None, basic=False):
# Success, don't print anything
# Put command in map
command_map[(cmd, subcommand)] = (wrapper, usage, description, basic)
command_map[cmd] = (wrapper, usage, description)
return wrapper
return wrap
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ def command(cmd, subcommand, usage=None, description=None, basic=False):
# If system_only=False, allows members from other systems by hid
def member_command(cmd, subcommand, usage=None, description=None, system_only=True, basic=False):
def member_command(cmd, usage=None, description=None, system_only=True):
def wrap(func):
async def wrapper(conn, message, args):
# Return if no member param
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def member_command(cmd, subcommand, usage=None, description=None, system_only=Tr
return False, "Can't find member \"{}\".".format(args[0])
return await func(conn, message, member, args[1:])
return command(cmd=cmd, subcommand=subcommand, usage="<name|id> {}".format(usage or ""), description=description, basic=basic)(wrapper)
return command(cmd=cmd, usage="<name|id> {}".format(usage or ""), description=description)(wrapper)
return wrap
Reference in New Issue
Block a user