Handle collision case when generating hid
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,15 +16,18 @@ namespace PluralKit {
this._conn = conn;
_logger = logger.ForContext<SystemStore>();
public async Task<PKSystem> Create(string systemName = null) {
// TODO: handle HID collision case
var hid = Utils.GenerateHid();
string hid;
hid = Utils.GenerateHid();
} while (await GetByHid(hid) != null);
PKSystem system;
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
system = await conn.QuerySingleAsync<PKSystem>("insert into systems (hid, name) values (@Hid, @Name) returning *", new { Hid = hid, Name = systemName });
_logger.Information("Created system {System}", system.Id);
return system;
@ -34,14 +37,14 @@ namespace PluralKit {
// This is used in import/export, although the pk;link command checks for this case beforehand
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("insert into accounts (uid, system) values (@Id, @SystemId) on conflict do nothing", new { Id = accountId, SystemId = system.Id });
_logger.Information("Linked system {System} to account {Account}", system.Id, accountId);
public async Task Unlink(PKSystem system, ulong accountId) {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from accounts where uid = @Id and system = @SystemId", new { Id = accountId, SystemId = system.Id });
_logger.Information("Unlinked system {System} from account {Account}", system.Id, accountId);
@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
return await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKSystem>("select * from systems where token = @Token", new { Token = token });
public async Task<PKSystem> GetById(int id)
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
public async Task Save(PKSystem system) {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("update systems set name = @Name, description = @Description, tag = @Tag, avatar_url = @AvatarUrl, token = @Token, ui_tz = @UiTz where id = @Id", system);
_logger.Information("Updated system {@System}", system);
@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from systems where id = @Id", system);
_logger.Information("Deleted system {System}", system.Id);
public async Task<IEnumerable<ulong>> GetLinkedAccountIds(PKSystem system)
@ -103,8 +106,11 @@ namespace PluralKit {
public async Task<PKMember> Create(PKSystem system, string name) {
// TODO: handle collision
var hid = Utils.GenerateHid();
string hid;
hid = Utils.GenerateHid();
} while (await GetByHid(hid) != null);
PKMember member;
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
@ -113,7 +119,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
SystemID = system.Id,
Name = name
_logger.Information("Created member {Member}", member.Id);
return member;
@ -145,14 +151,14 @@ namespace PluralKit {
public async Task Save(PKMember member) {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("update members set name = @Name, description = @Description, color = @Color, avatar_url = @AvatarUrl, birthday = @Birthday, pronouns = @Pronouns, prefix = @Prefix, suffix = @Suffix where id = @Id", member);
_logger.Information("Updated member {@Member}", member);
public async Task Delete(PKMember member) {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from members where id = @Id", member);
_logger.Information("Deleted member {@Member}", member);
@ -167,7 +173,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
return await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<int>("select count(*) from members where system = @Id", system);
public async Task<ulong> Count()
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
@ -207,8 +213,8 @@ namespace PluralKit {
MemberId = member.Id,
SenderId = senderId,
OriginalMid = originalMessage
_logger.Information("Stored message {Message} in channel {Channel}", messageId, channelId);
@ -222,13 +228,13 @@ namespace PluralKit {
Member = member
}, new { Id = id })).FirstOrDefault();
public async Task Delete(ulong id) {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
if (await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from messages where mid = @Id", new { Id = id }) > 0)
_logger.Information("Deleted message {Message}", id);
public async Task BulkDelete(IReadOnlyCollection<ulong> ids)
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
@ -240,7 +246,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
_logger.Information("Bulk deleted messages {Messages}, {FoundCount} found", ids, foundCount);
public async Task<ulong> Count()
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
@ -268,7 +274,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
// First, we insert the switch itself
var sw = await conn.QuerySingleAsync<PKSwitch>("insert into switches(system) values (@System) returning *",
new {System = system.Id});
// Then we insert each member in the switch in the switch_members table
// TODO: can we parallelize this or send it in bulk somehow?
foreach (var member in members)
@ -277,10 +283,10 @@ namespace PluralKit {
"insert into switch_members(switch, member) values(@Switch, @Member)",
new {Switch = sw.Id, Member = member.Id});
// Finally we commit the tx, since the using block will otherwise rollback it
_logger.Information("Registered switch {Switch} in system {System} with members {@Members}", sw.Id, system.Id, members.Select(m => m.Id));
@ -299,7 +305,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
return await conn.QueryAsync<int>("select member from switch_members where switch = @Switch order by switch_members.id",
new {Switch = sw.Id});
public async Task<IEnumerable<PKMember>> GetSwitchMembers(PKSwitch sw)
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
@ -315,7 +321,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("update switches set timestamp = @Time where id = @Id",
new {Time = time, Id = sw.Id});
_logger.Information("Moved switch {Switch} to {Time}", sw.Id, time);
@ -323,16 +329,16 @@ namespace PluralKit {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from switches where id = @Id", new {Id = sw.Id});
_logger.Information("Deleted switch {Switch}");
public async Task<ulong> Count()
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
return await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<ulong>("select count(id) from switches");
public struct SwitchListEntry
public ICollection<PKMember> Members;
@ -346,7 +352,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
// todo: this is in general not very efficient LOL
// returns switches in chronological (newest first) order
var switches = await GetSwitches(system);
// we skip all switches that happened later than the range end, and taking all the ones that happened after the range start
// *BUT ALSO INCLUDING* the last switch *before* the range (that partially overlaps the range period)
var switchesInRange = switches.SkipWhile(sw => sw.Timestamp >= periodEnd).TakeWhileIncluding(sw => sw.Timestamp > periodStart).ToList();
@ -375,14 +381,14 @@ namespace PluralKit {
// find the start time of the switch, but clamp it to the range (only applicable to the Last Switch Before Range we include in the TakeWhileIncluding call above)
var switchStartClamped = switchInRange.Timestamp;
if (switchStartClamped < periodStart) switchStartClamped = periodStart;
outList.Add(new SwitchListEntry
Members = (await GetSwitchMemberIds(switchInRange)).Select(id => memberObjects[id]).ToList(),
TimespanStart = switchStartClamped,
TimespanEnd = endTime
// next switch's end is this switch's start
endTime = switchInRange.Timestamp;
@ -402,15 +408,15 @@ namespace PluralKit {
Instant periodEnd)
var dict = new Dictionary<PKMember, Duration>();
var noFronterDuration = Duration.Zero;
// Sum up all switch durations for each member
// switches with multiple members will result in the duration to add up to more than the actual period range
var actualStart = periodEnd; // will be "pulled" down
var actualEnd = periodStart; // will be "pulled" up
foreach (var sw in await GetTruncatedSwitchList(system, periodStart, periodEnd))
var span = sw.TimespanEnd - sw.TimespanStart;
@ -425,7 +431,7 @@ namespace PluralKit {
if (sw.TimespanStart < actualStart) actualStart = sw.TimespanStart;
if (sw.TimespanEnd > actualEnd) actualEnd = sw.TimespanEnd;
return new PerMemberSwitchDuration
MemberSwitchDurations = dict,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user