Refactor import/export database code
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NodaTime;
using NodaTime.Text;
using Serilog;
@ -16,11 +15,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public class DataFileService
private IDataStore _data;
private DbConnectionFactory _db;
private ILogger _logger;
public DataFileService(ILogger logger, IDataStore data)
public DataFileService(ILogger logger, IDataStore data, DbConnectionFactory db)
_data = data;
_db = db;
_logger = logger.ForContext<DataFileService>();
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
return new DataFileSystem
Version = 1,
Id = system.Hid,
Name = system.Name,
Description = system.Description,
@ -71,23 +73,52 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
private PKMember ConvertMember(PKSystem system, DataFileMember fileMember)
var newMember = new PKMember
Hid = fileMember.Id,
System = system.Id,
Name = fileMember.Name,
DisplayName = fileMember.DisplayName,
Description = fileMember.Description,
Color = fileMember.Color,
Pronouns = fileMember.Pronouns,
AvatarUrl = fileMember.AvatarUrl,
KeepProxy = fileMember.KeepProxy,
if (fileMember.Prefix != null || fileMember.Suffix != null)
newMember.ProxyTags = new List<ProxyTag> {new ProxyTag(fileMember.Prefix, fileMember.Suffix)};
// Ignore proxy tags where both prefix and suffix are set to null (would be invalid anyway)
newMember.ProxyTags = (fileMember.ProxyTags ?? new ProxyTag[] { }).Where(tag => !tag.IsEmpty).ToList();
if (fileMember.Birthday != null)
var birthdayParse = DateTimeFormats.DateExportFormat.Parse(fileMember.Birthday);
newMember.Birthday = birthdayParse.Success ? (LocalDate?)birthdayParse.Value : null;
return newMember;
public async Task<ImportResult> ImportSystem(DataFileSystem data, PKSystem system, ulong accountId)
// TODO: make atomic, somehow - we'd need to obtain one IDbConnection and reuse it
// which probably means refactoring SystemStore.Save and friends etc
var result = new ImportResult {
AddedNames = new List<string>(),
ModifiedNames = new List<string>(),
System = system,
Success = true // Assume success unless indicated otherwise
var dataFileToMemberMapping = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
var unmappedMembers = new List<DataFileMember>();
// If we don't already have a system to save to, create one
if (system == null)
system = await _data.CreateSystem(data.Name);
result.System = system;
system = result.System = await _data.CreateSystem(data.Name);
await _data.AddAccount(system, accountId);
// Apply system info
system.Name = data.Name;
if (data.Description != null) system.Description = data.Description;
@ -95,111 +126,53 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
if (data.AvatarUrl != null) system.AvatarUrl = data.AvatarUrl;
if (data.TimeZone != null) system.UiTz = data.TimeZone ?? "UTC";
await _data.SaveSystem(system);
// Make sure to link the sender account, too
await _data.AddAccount(system, accountId);
// Determine which members already exist and which ones need to be created
var membersByHid = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
var membersByName = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
await foreach (var member in _data.GetSystemMembers(system))
// -- Member/switch import --
await using var conn = (PerformanceTrackingConnection) await _db.Obtain();
await using (var imp = await BulkImporter.Begin(system, conn._impl))
membersByHid[member.Hid] = member;
membersByName[member.Name] = member;
foreach (var d in data.Members)
PKMember match = null;
if (membersByHid.TryGetValue(d.Id, out var matchByHid)) match = matchByHid; // Try to look up the member with the given ID
else if (membersByName.TryGetValue(d.Name, out var matchByName)) match = matchByName; // Try with the name instead
// Tally up the members that didn't exist before, and check member count on import
// If creating the unmatched members would put us over the member limit, abort before creating any members
var memberCountBefore = await _data.GetSystemMemberCount(system, true);
var membersToAdd = data.Members.Count(m => imp.IsNewMember(m.Id, m.Name));
if (memberCountBefore + membersToAdd > Limits.MaxMemberCount)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = $"Import would exceed the maximum number of members ({Limits.MaxMemberCount}).";
return result;
if (match != null)
async Task DoImportMember(BulkImporter imp, DataFileMember fileMember)
dataFileToMemberMapping.Add(d.Id, match); // Relate the data file ID to the PKMember for importing switches
unmappedMembers.Add(d); // Track members that weren't found so we can create them all
var isCreatingNewMember = imp.IsNewMember(fileMember.Id, fileMember.Name);
// Use the file member's id as the "unique identifier" for the importing (actual value is irrelevant but needs to be consistent)
"Importing member with identifier {FileId} to system {System} (is creating new member? {IsCreatingNewMember})",
fileMember.Id, system.Id, isCreatingNewMember);
var newMember = await imp.AddMember(fileMember.Id, ConvertMember(system, fileMember));
if (isCreatingNewMember)
// If creating the unmatched members would put us over the member limit, abort before creating any members
// new total: # in the system + (# in the file - # in the file that already exist)
if (data.Members.Count - dataFileToMemberMapping.Count + membersByHid.Count > Limits.MaxMemberCount)
result.Success = false;
result.Message = $"Import would exceed the maximum number of members ({Limits.MaxMemberCount}).";
return result;
// Create all unmapped members in one transaction
// These consist of members from another PluralKit system or another framework (e.g. Tupperbox)
var membersToCreate = new Dictionary<string, string>();
unmappedMembers.ForEach(x => membersToCreate.Add(x.Id, x.Name));
var newMembers = await _data.CreateMembersBulk(system, membersToCreate);
foreach (var member in newMembers)
dataFileToMemberMapping.Add(member.Key, member.Value);
// Update members with data file properties
// TODO: parallelize?
foreach (var dataMember in data.Members)
dataFileToMemberMapping.TryGetValue(dataMember.Id, out PKMember member);
if (member == null)
// Apply member info
member.Name = dataMember.Name;
if (dataMember.DisplayName != null) member.DisplayName = dataMember.DisplayName;
if (dataMember.Description != null) member.Description = dataMember.Description;
if (dataMember.Color != null) member.Color = dataMember.Color.ToLower();
if (dataMember.AvatarUrl != null) member.AvatarUrl = dataMember.AvatarUrl;
if (dataMember.Prefix != null || dataMember.Suffix != null)
// Can't parallelize this because we can't reuse the same connection/tx inside the importer
foreach (var m in data.Members)
await DoImportMember(imp, m);
// Lastly, import the switches
await imp.AddSwitches(data.Switches.Select(sw => new BulkImporter.SwitchInfo
member.ProxyTags = new List<ProxyTag> { new ProxyTag(dataMember.Prefix, dataMember.Suffix) };
// Ignore proxy tags where both prefix and suffix are set to null (would be invalid anyway)
member.ProxyTags = (dataMember.ProxyTags ?? new ProxyTag[] { }).Where(tag => !tag.IsEmpty).ToList();
member.KeepProxy = dataMember.KeepProxy;
if (dataMember.Birthday != null)
var birthdayParse = DateTimeFormats.DateExportFormat.Parse(dataMember.Birthday);
member.Birthday = birthdayParse.Success ? (LocalDate?)birthdayParse.Value : null;
await _data.SaveMember(member);
Timestamp = DateTimeFormats.TimestampExportFormat.Parse(sw.Timestamp).Value,
// "Members" here is from whatever ID the data file uses, which the bulk importer can map to the real IDs! :)
MemberIdentifiers = sw.Members.ToList()
// Re-map the switch members in the likely case IDs have changed
var mappedSwitches = new List<ImportedSwitch>();
foreach (var sw in data.Switches)
var timestamp = InstantPattern.ExtendedIso.Parse(sw.Timestamp).Value;
var swMembers = new List<PKMember>();
swMembers.AddRange(sw.Members.Select(x =>
dataFileToMemberMapping.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Key.Equals(x)).Value));
mappedSwitches.Add(new ImportedSwitch
Timestamp = timestamp,
Members = swMembers
// Import switches
if (mappedSwitches.Any())
await _data.AddSwitchesBulk(system, mappedSwitches);
_logger.Information("Imported system {System}", system.Hid);
return result;
return result;
@ -214,6 +187,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public struct DataFileSystem
[JsonProperty("version")] public int Version;
[JsonProperty("id")] public string Id;
[JsonProperty("name")] public string Name;
[JsonProperty("description")] public string Description;
@ -228,14 +228,6 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
/// <returns>The created system model.</returns>
Task<PKMember> CreateMember(PKSystem system, string name);
/// <summary>
/// Creates multiple members, auto-generating each corresponding ID.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="system">The system to create the member in.</param>
/// <param name="memberNames">A dictionary containing a mapping from an arbitrary key to the member's name.</param>
/// <returns>A dictionary containing the resulting member structs, each mapped to the key given in the argument dictionary.</returns>
Task<Dictionary<string, PKMember>> CreateMembersBulk(PKSystem system, Dictionary<string, string> memberNames);
/// <summary>
/// Saves the information within the given <see cref="PKMember"/> struct to the data store.
/// </summary>
@ -357,14 +349,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
/// </summary>
/// <exception>Throws an exception (TODO: which?) if any of the members are not in the given system.</exception>
Task AddSwitch(PKSystem system, IEnumerable<PKMember> switchMembers);
/// <summary>
/// Registers switches in bulk.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="switches">A list of switch structs, each containing a timestamp and a list of members.</param>
/// <exception>Throws an exception (TODO: which?) if any of the given members are not in the given system.</exception>
Task AddSwitchesBulk(PKSystem system, IEnumerable<ImportedSwitch> switches);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the timestamp of a given switch.
/// </summary>
@ -174,38 +174,6 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
return member;
public async Task<Dictionary<string,PKMember>> CreateMembersBulk(PKSystem system, Dictionary<string,string> names)
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
using (var tx = conn.BeginTransaction())
var results = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
foreach (var name in names)
string hid;
hid = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<string>("SELECT @Hid WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM members WHERE hid = @Hid LIMIT 1)", new
Hid = StringUtils.GenerateHid()
} while (hid == null);
var member = await conn.QuerySingleAsync<PKMember>("INSERT INTO members (hid, system, name) VALUES (@Hid, @SystemId, @Name) RETURNING *", new
Hid = hid,
SystemID = system.Id,
Name = name.Value
results.Add(name.Key, member);
_logger.Information("Created {MemberCount} members for system {SystemID}", names.Count(), system.Hid);
await _cache.InvalidateSystem(system);
return results;
public async Task<PKMember> GetMemberById(int id) {
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
return await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<PKMember>("select * from members where id = @Id", new { Id = id });
@ -439,79 +407,6 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
public async Task AddSwitchesBulk(PKSystem system, IEnumerable<ImportedSwitch> switches)
// Read existing switches to enforce unique timestamps
var priorSwitches = new List<PKSwitch>();
await foreach (var sw in GetSwitches(system)) priorSwitches.Add(sw);
var lastSwitchId = priorSwitches.Any()
? priorSwitches.Max(x => x.Id)
: 0;
using (var conn = (PerformanceTrackingConnection) await _conn.Obtain())
using (var tx = conn.BeginTransaction())
// Import switches in bulk
using (var importer = conn.BeginBinaryImport("COPY switches (system, timestamp) FROM STDIN (FORMAT BINARY)"))
foreach (var sw in switches)
// If there's already a switch at this time, move on
if (priorSwitches.Any(x => x.Timestamp.Equals(sw.Timestamp)))
// Otherwise, add it to the importer
importer.Write(system.Id, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer);
importer.Write(sw.Timestamp, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Timestamp);
importer.Complete(); // Commits the copy operation so dispose won't roll it back
// Get all switches that were created above and don't have members for ID lookup
var switchesWithoutMembers =
await conn.QueryAsync<PKSwitch>(@"
SELECT switches.*
FROM switches
LEFT JOIN switch_members
ON switch_members.switch =
WHERE > @LastSwitchId
AND switches.system = @System
AND IS NULL", new { LastSwitchId = lastSwitchId, System = system.Id });
// Import switch_members in bulk
using (var importer = conn.BeginBinaryImport("COPY switch_members (switch, member) FROM STDIN (FORMAT BINARY)"))
// Iterate over the switches we created above and set their members
foreach (var pkSwitch in switchesWithoutMembers)
// If this isn't in our import set, move on
var sw = switches.Select(x => (ImportedSwitch?) x).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Timestamp.Equals(pkSwitch.Timestamp));
if (sw == null)
// Loop through associated members to add each to the switch
foreach (var m in sw.Value.Members)
// Skip switch-outs - these don't have switch_members
if (m == null)
importer.Write(pkSwitch.Id, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer);
importer.Write(m.Id, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Integer);
importer.Complete(); // Commits the copy operation so dispose won't roll it back
_logger.Information("Completed bulk import of switches for system {0}", system.Hid);
public IAsyncEnumerable<PKSwitch> GetSwitches(PKSystem system)
// TODO: refactor the PKSwitch data structure to somehow include a hydrated member list
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using NodaTime;
using Npgsql;
using NpgsqlTypes;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class BulkImporter: IAsyncDisposable
private readonly int _systemId;
private readonly NpgsqlConnection _conn;
private readonly NpgsqlTransaction _tx;
private readonly Dictionary<string, int> _knownMembers = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private readonly Dictionary<string, PKMember> _existingMembersByHid = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
private readonly Dictionary<string, PKMember> _existingMembersByName = new Dictionary<string, PKMember>();
private BulkImporter(int systemId, NpgsqlConnection conn, NpgsqlTransaction tx)
_systemId = systemId;
_conn = conn;
_tx = tx;
public static async Task<BulkImporter> Begin(PKSystem system, NpgsqlConnection conn)
var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();
var importer = new BulkImporter(system.Id, conn, tx);
await importer.Begin();
return importer;
public async Task Begin()
// Fetch all members in the system and log their names and hids
var members = await _conn.QueryAsync<PKMember>("select id, hid, name from members where system = @System",
new {System = _systemId});
foreach (var m in members)
_existingMembersByHid[m.Hid] = m;
_existingMembersByName[m.Name] = m;
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether trying to add a member with the given hid and name would result in creating a new member (as opposed to just updating one).
/// </summary>
public bool IsNewMember(string hid, string name) => FindExistingMemberInSystem(hid, name) == null;
/// <summary>
/// Imports a member into the database
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>If an existing member exists in this system that matches this member in either HID or name, it'll overlay the member information on top of this instead.</remarks>
/// <param name="identifier">An opaque identifier string that refers to this member regardless of source. Is used when importing switches. Value is irrelevant, but should be consistent with the same member later.</param>
/// <param name="member">A member struct containing the data to apply to this member. Null fields will be ignored.</param>
/// <returns>The inserted member object, which may or may not share an ID or HID with the input member.</returns>
public async Task<PKMember> AddMember(string identifier, PKMember member)
// See if we can find a member that matches this one
// if not, roll a new hid and we'll insert one with that
// (we can't trust the hid given in the member, it might let us overwrite another system's members)
var existingMember = FindExistingMemberInSystem(member.Hid, member.Name);
string newHid = existingMember?.Hid ?? await FindFreeHid();
// Upsert member data and return the ID
QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilder.Upsert("members", "hid")
.Constant("hid", "@Hid")
.Constant("system", "@System")
.Variable("name", "@Name")
.Variable("keep_proxy", "@KeepProxy");
if (member.DisplayName != null) qb.Variable("display_name", "@DisplayName");
if (member.Description != null) qb.Variable("description", "@Description");
if (member.Color != null) qb.Variable("color", "@Color");
if (member.AvatarUrl != null) qb.Variable("avatar_url", "@AvatarUrl");
if (member.ProxyTags != null) qb.Variable("proxy_tags", "@ProxyTags");
if (member.Birthday != null) qb.Variable("birthday", "@Birthday");
var newMember = await _conn.QueryFirstAsync<PKMember>(qb.Build("returning *"),
Hid = newHid,
System = _systemId,
// Log this member ID by the given identifier
_knownMembers[identifier] = newMember.Id;
return newMember;
private PKMember? FindExistingMemberInSystem(string hid, string name)
if (_existingMembersByHid.TryGetValue(hid, out var byHid)) return byHid;
if (_existingMembersByName.TryGetValue(name, out var byName)) return byName;
return null;
private async Task<string> FindFreeHid()
string hid;
hid = await _conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<string>(
"select @Hid where not exists (select id from members where hid = @Hid)",
new {Hid = StringUtils.GenerateHid()});
} while (hid == null);
return hid;
/// <summary>
/// Register switches in bulk.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This function assumes there are no duplicate switches (ie. switches with the same timestamp).</remarks>
public async Task AddSwitches(IReadOnlyCollection<SwitchInfo> switches)
// Ensure we're aware of all the members we're trying to import from
if (!switches.All(sw => sw.MemberIdentifiers.All(m => _knownMembers.ContainsKey(m))))
throw new ArgumentException("One or more switch members haven't been added using this importer");
// Fetch the existing switches in the database so we can avoid duplicates
var existingSwitches = (await _conn.QueryAsync<PKSwitch>("select * from switches where system = @System", new {System = _systemId})).ToList();
var existingTimestamps = existingSwitches.Select(sw => sw.Timestamp).ToImmutableHashSet();
var lastSwitchId = existingSwitches.Count != 0 ? existingSwitches.Select(sw => sw.Id).Max() : -1;
// Import switch definitions
var importedSwitches = new Dictionary<Instant, SwitchInfo>();
await using (var importer = _conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy switches (system, timestamp) from stdin (format binary)"))
foreach (var sw in switches)
// Don't import duplicate switches
if (existingTimestamps.Contains(sw.Timestamp)) continue;
// Otherwise, write to importer
await importer.StartRowAsync();
await importer.WriteAsync(_systemId, NpgsqlDbType.Integer);
await importer.WriteAsync(sw.Timestamp, NpgsqlDbType.Timestamp);
// Note that we've imported a switch with this timestamp
importedSwitches[sw.Timestamp] = sw;
// Commit the import
await importer.CompleteAsync();
// Now, fetch all the switches we just added (so, now we get their IDs too)
// IDs are sequential, so any ID in this system, with a switch ID > the last max, will be one we just added
var justAddedSwitches = await _conn.QueryAsync<PKSwitch>(
"select * from switches where system = @System and id > @LastSwitchId",
new {System = _systemId, LastSwitchId = lastSwitchId});
// Lastly, import the switch members
await using (var importer = _conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy switch_members (switch, member) from stdin (format binary)"))
foreach (var justAddedSwitch in justAddedSwitches)
if (!importedSwitches.TryGetValue(justAddedSwitch.Timestamp, out var switchInfo))
throw new Exception($"Found 'just-added' switch (by ID) with timestamp {justAddedSwitch.Timestamp}, but this did not correspond to a timestamp we just added a switch entry of! :/");
// We still assume timestamps are unique and non-duplicate, so:
var members = switchInfo.MemberIdentifiers;
foreach (var memberIdentifier in members)
if (!_knownMembers.TryGetValue(memberIdentifier, out var memberId))
throw new Exception($"Attempted to import switch with member identifier {memberIdentifier} but could not find an entry in the id map for this! :/");
await importer.StartRowAsync();
await importer.WriteAsync(justAddedSwitch.Id, NpgsqlDbType.Integer);
await importer.WriteAsync(memberId, NpgsqlDbType.Integer);
await importer.CompleteAsync();
public struct SwitchInfo
public Instant Timestamp;
/// <summary>
/// An ordered list of "member identifiers" matching with the identifier parameter passed to <see cref="BulkImporter.AddMember"/>.
/// </summary>
public IReadOnlyList<string> MemberIdentifiers;
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() =>
await _tx.CommitAsync();
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public class PerformanceTrackingConnection: IDbConnection
public class PerformanceTrackingConnection: IDbConnection, IAsyncDisposable
// Simple delegation of everything.
internal NpgsqlConnection _impl;
@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public string Database => _impl.Database;
public ConnectionState State => _impl.State;
public ValueTask DisposeAsync() => _impl.DisposeAsync();
public class DbConnectionCountHolder
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class QueryBuilder
private readonly string? _conflictField;
private readonly string? _condition;
private StringBuilder _insertFragment = new StringBuilder();
private StringBuilder _valuesFragment = new StringBuilder();
private StringBuilder _updateFragment = new StringBuilder();
private bool _firstInsert = true;
private bool _firstUpdate = true;
public QueryType Type { get; }
public string Table { get; }
private QueryBuilder(QueryType type, string table, string? conflictField, string? condition)
Type = type;
Table = table;
_conflictField = conflictField;
_condition = condition;
public static QueryBuilder Insert(string table) => new QueryBuilder(QueryType.Insert, table, null, null);
public static QueryBuilder Update(string table, string condition) => new QueryBuilder(QueryType.Update, table, null, condition);
public static QueryBuilder Upsert(string table, string conflictField) => new QueryBuilder(QueryType.Upsert, table, conflictField, null);
public QueryBuilder Constant(string fieldName, string paramName)
if (_firstInsert) _firstInsert = false;
_insertFragment.Append(", ");
_valuesFragment.Append(", ");
return this;
public QueryBuilder Variable(string fieldName, string paramName)
Constant(fieldName, paramName);
if (_firstUpdate) _firstUpdate = false;
else _updateFragment.Append(", ");
return this;
public string Build(string? suffix = null)
if (_firstInsert)
throw new ArgumentException("No fields have been added to the query.");
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(Type switch
QueryType.Insert => $"insert into {Table} ({_insertFragment}) values ({_valuesFragment})",
QueryType.Upsert => $"insert into {Table} ({_insertFragment}) values ({_valuesFragment}) on conflict ({_conflictField}) do update set {_updateFragment}",
QueryType.Update => $"update {Table} set {_updateFragment}",
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unknown query type {Type}")
if (Type == QueryType.Update && _condition != null)
query.Append($" where {_condition}");
if (suffix != null)
query.Append($" {suffix}");
return query.ToString();
public enum QueryType
Reference in New Issue
Block a user