Refactor multifronter system
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import humanize
from pluralkit import db
from import client, logger
from pluralkit.utils import command, generate_hid, generate_member_info_card, generate_system_info_card, member_command, parse_mention, text_input, get_system_fuzzy, get_member_fuzzy, command_map, make_default_embed, parse_channel_mention, bounds_check_member_name
from pluralkit.utils import command, generate_hid, generate_member_info_card, generate_system_info_card, member_command, parse_mention, text_input, get_system_fuzzy, get_member_fuzzy, command_map, make_default_embed, parse_channel_mention, bounds_check_member_name, get_fronters, get_fronter_ids, get_front_history
@command(cmd="system", usage="[system]", description="Shows information about a system.", category="System commands")
async def system_info(conn, message, args):
@ -159,31 +159,20 @@ async def system_fronter(conn, message, args):
if system is None:
return False, "Can't find system \"{}\".".format(args[0])
# Get latest switch from DB
switches = await db.front_history(conn, system_id=system["id"], count=1)
if len(switches) == 0:
# Special case if empty
return True, make_default_embed(None).add_field(name="Current fronter", value="*(nobody)*")
switch = switches[0]
fronter_names = []
if len(switch["members"]) > 0:
# Fetch member data from DB
members = await db.get_members(conn, switch["members"])
fronter_names = [member["name"] for member in members]
fronters, timestamp = await get_fronters(conn, system_id=system["id"])
fronter_names = [member["name"] for member in fronters]
embed = make_default_embed(None)
if len(fronter_names) == 0:
embed.add_field(name="Current fronter", value="*nobody*")
elif len(fronter_names) == 1:
embed.add_field(name="Current fronters", value=fronter_names[0])
embed.add_field(name="Current fronter", value=fronter_names[0])
embed.add_field(name="Current fronter", value=", ".join(fronter_names))
embed.add_field(name="Current fronters", value=", ".join(fronter_names))
since = switch["timestamp"]
embed.add_field(name="Since", value="{} ({})".format(since.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds"), humanize.naturaltime(since)))
if timestamp:
embed.add_field(name="Since", value="{} ({})".format(timestamp.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds"), humanize.naturaltime(timestamp)))
return True, embed
@command(cmd="system fronthistory", usage="[system]", description="Shows the past 10 switches in the system.", category="Switching commands")
@ -199,31 +188,21 @@ async def system_fronthistory(conn, message, args):
if system is None:
return False, "Can't find system \"{}\".".format(args[0])
# Get list of past switches from DB
switches = await db.front_history(conn, system_id=system["id"], count=10)
# Get all unique IDs referenced
all_member_ids = {id for switch in switches for id in switch["members"]}
# And look them up in the database into a dict
all_members = {member["id"]: member for member in await db.get_members(conn, list(all_member_ids))}
lines = []
for switch in switches:
for timestamp, members in await get_front_history(conn, system["id"], count=10):
# Special case when no one's fronting
if len(switch["members"]) == 0:
if len(members) == 0:
name = "*nobody*"
name = ", ".join([all_members[id]["name"] for id in switch["members"]])
name = ", ".join([member["name"] for member in members])
# Make proper date string
since = switch["timestamp"]
time_text = since.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds")
rel_text = humanize.naturaltime(since)
time_text = timestamp.isoformat(sep=" ", timespec="seconds")
rel_text = humanize.naturaltime(timestamp)
lines.append("**{}** ({}, {})".format(name, time_text, rel_text))
embed = make_default_embed("\n".join(lines))
embed = make_default_embed("\n".join(lines) or "(none)")
embed.title = "Past switches"
return True, embed
@ -449,11 +428,7 @@ async def switch_member(conn, message, args):
member_ids = {member["id"] for member in members}
switches = await db.front_history(conn, system_id=system["id"], count=1)
fronter_ids = {}
if switches:
fronter_ids = set(switches[0]["members"])
fronter_ids = set((await get_fronter_ids(conn, system["id"]))[0])
if member_ids == fronter_ids:
if len(members) == 1:
return False, "{} is already fronting.".format(members[0]["name"])
@ -478,8 +453,8 @@ async def switch_out(conn, message, args):
return False, "No system is registered to this account."
# Get current fronters
switches = await db.front_history(conn, system_id=system["id"], count=1)
if not switches or not switches[0]["members"]:
fronters, _ = await get_fronter_ids(conn, system_id=system["id"])
if not fronters:
return False, "There's already no one in front."
# Log it, and don't log any members
@ -47,7 +47,40 @@ def parse_channel_mention(mention: str, server: discord.Server) -> discord.Chann
except ValueError:
return None
async def get_fronter_ids(conn, system_id):
switches = await db.front_history(conn, system_id=system_id, count=1)
if not switches:
return [], None
if not switches[0]["members"]:
return [], switches[0]["timestamp"]
return switches[0]["members"], switches[0]["timestamp"]
async def get_fronters(conn, system_id):
member_ids, timestamp = await get_fronter_ids(conn, system_id)
members = await db.get_members(conn, member_ids)
return members, timestamp
async def get_front_history(conn, system_id, count):
# Get history from DB
switches = await db.front_history(conn, system_id=system_id, count=count)
if not switches:
return []
# Get all unique IDs referenced
all_member_ids = {id for switch in switches for id in switch["members"]}
# And look them up in the database into a dict
all_members = {member["id"]: member for member in await db.get_members(conn, list(all_member_ids))}
# Collect in array and return
out = []
for switch in switches:
timestamp = switch["timestamp"]
members = [all_members[id] for id in switch["members"]]
out.append((timestamp, members))
return out
async def get_system_fuzzy(conn, key) -> asyncpg.Record:
if isinstance(key, discord.User):
@ -169,14 +202,12 @@ async def generate_system_info_card(conn, system: asyncpg.Record) -> discord.Emb
if system["tag"]:
card.add_field(name="Tag", value=system["tag"])
switches = await db.front_history(conn, system_id=system["id"], count=1)
if switches and switches[0]["members"]:
members = await db.get_members(conn, switches[0]["members"])
names = ", ".join([member["name"] for member in members])
fronter_val = "{} (for {})".format(names, humanize.naturaldelta(switches[0]["timestamp"]))
card.add_field(name="Current fronter" if len(members) == 1 else "Current fronters", value=fronter_val)
fronters, switch_time = await get_fronters(conn, system["id"])
if fronters:
names = ", ".join([member["name"] for member in fronters])
fronter_val = "{} (for {})".format(names, humanize.naturaldelta(switch_time))
card.add_field(name="Current fronter" if len(fronters) == 1 else "Current fronters", value=fronter_val)
account_names = []
for account_id in await db.get_linked_accounts(conn, system_id=system["id"]):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user