feat(dashboard): randomize member and group lists
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import DiscordLogin from "./pages/DiscordLogin.svelte";
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import BulkGroupPrivacy from "./pages/BulkGroupPrivacy.svelte";
import BulkMemberPrivacy from "./pages/BulkMemberPrivacy.svelte";
import Random from './pages/Random.svelte';
// theme cdns (I might make some myself too)
// if there's a style already set, retrieve it
@ -38,8 +39,6 @@ import BulkMemberPrivacy from "./pages/BulkMemberPrivacy.svelte";
let falseBool = false;
onMount(() => {
let settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("pk-settings"));
@ -55,21 +54,29 @@ import BulkMemberPrivacy from "./pages/BulkMemberPrivacy.svelte";
<Route path="/"><Home /></Route>
<Route path="/login/discord"><DiscordLogin /></Route>
<Route path="dash"><Dash /></Route>
<Route path="dash/m/:id"><Member isPublic={falseBool}/></Route>
<Route path = "dash/g/:id"><Group isPublic={falseBool}/></Route>
<Route path="dash/m/:id"><Member isPublic={false}/></Route>
<Route path = "dash/g/:id"><Group isPublic={false}/></Route>
<Route path="dash/random"><Random isPublic={false} type={"member"}/></Route>
<Route path="dash/random/m"><Random isPublic={false} type={"member"}/></Route>
<Route path="dash/random/g"><Random isPublic={false} type={"group"}/></Route>
<Route path="dash/g/:groupId/random"><Random isPublic={false} type={"member"} pickFromGroup={true}/></Route>
<Route path="dash/bulk-member-privacy"><BulkMemberPrivacy/></Route>
<Route path="dash/bulk-group-privacy"><BulkGroupPrivacy/></Route>
<Route path="settings"><Settings /></Route>
<Route path="profile"><Public /></Route>
<Route path = "profile/s/:id"><Main /></Route>
<Route path = "s">
<Route path = "profile/s">
<Alert color="danger">Please provide a system ID in the URL.</Alert>
<Route path="profile/s/:id/random"><Random isPublic={true} type={"member"}/></Route>
<Route path="profile/s/:id/random/m"><Random isPublic={true} type={"member"}/></Route>
<Route path="profile/s/:id/random/g"><Random isPublic={true} type={"group"}/></Route>
<Route path = "profile/m/:id"><Member/></Route>
<Route path = "profile/m">
<Alert color="danger">Please provide a member ID in the URL.</Alert>
<Route path = "profile/g/:id"><Group/></Route>
<Route path="profile/g/:groupId/random"><Random isPublic={true} type={"member"} pickFromGroup={true}/></Route>
<Route path = "profile/g">
<Alert color="danger">Please provide a group ID in the URL.</Alert>
@ -104,25 +104,50 @@
<div class="my-2 description" bind:this={descriptionElement}>
<div class="mt-2 mb-3 description" bind:this={descriptionElement}>
<b>Description:</b><br />
{@html htmlDescription && htmlDescription}
{#if (group.banner && ((settings && settings.appearance.banner_bottom) || !settings))}
<img src={group.banner} alt="group banner" class="w-100 mb-3 rounded" style="max-height: 12em; object-fit: cover"/>
{#if !isPublic}
<Button style="flex: 0" color="primary" on:click={() => editMode = true} aria-label="edit group information">Edit</Button>
{#if isMainDash}<Button style="flex: 0" color="secondary" on:click={() => memberMode = true} aria-label="edit group members">Members</Button>{/if}
{#if !isPage}
<Link to={isPublic ? `/profile/g/${group.id}` : `/dash/g/${group.id}`}><Button style="flex: 0; {!isPublic && "float: right;"}" color="primary" tabindex={-1} aria-label="view group page">View page</Button></Link>
{:else if !isPublic}
<Link to="/dash?tab=groups"><Button style="flex: 0; {!isPublic && "float: right;"}" color="primary" tabindex={-1} aria-label="view group system">View system</Button></Link>
<Button style="flex: 0" class="link-button" color="primary" on:click={() => editMode = true} aria-label="edit group information">Edit</Button>
{#if isMainDash}
<Button class="link-button" style="flex: 0" color="secondary" on:click={() => memberMode = true} aria-label="edit group members">Members</Button>
{#if !isPage}
<Link to={isPublic ? `/profile/g/${group.id}` : `/dash/g/${group.id}`}><button class="link-button button-right btn btn-primary" tabindex={-1} aria-label="view group page">View page</button></Link>
{:else if !isPublic}
<Link to="/dash?tab=groups"><button class="link-button button-right btn btn-primary" tabindex={-1} aria-label="view group system">View system</button></Link>
<Link to={isPublic ? `/profile/g/${group.id}/random` : `/dash/g/${group.id}/random`}><button class="link-button button-right btn btn-secondary" style={isPublic ? "float: none !important; margin-left: 0;" : ""} tabindex={-1} aria-label="randomize group members">Randomize group</button></Link>
{:else if editMode}
<Edit on:deletion bind:group bind:editMode />
{:else if memberMode}
<MemberEdit bind:group bind:memberMode bind:members />
.link-button {
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 0.2em;
@media (min-width: 992px) {
.link-button {
width: max-content;
margin-bottom: 0;
.button-right {
float: right;
margin-left: 0.25em;
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { Card, CardHeader, CardBody, CardTitle, Alert, Accordion, AccordionItem,
import FaSearch from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaSearch.svelte'
import Svelecte, { addFormatter } from 'svelecte';
import { Member, Group } from '../../api/types';
import { Link, useParams } from 'svelte-navigator';
export let list: Member[] | Group[] = [];
@ -24,6 +25,9 @@ let selectedGroups = [];
export let currentPage: number;
export let isPublic: boolean;
let params = useParams();
$: systemId = $params.id;
$: {searchValue; privacyFilter; currentPage = 1};
// converting list to any[] avoids a "this expression is not calleable" error
@ -143,6 +147,19 @@ function memberListRenderer(item: any) {
'member-list': memberListRenderer
function getRandomizerUrl(): string {
let str: string;
if (isPublic) str = `/profile/s/${systemId}/random`
else str = "/dash/random";
if (itemType === "group") str += "/g";
return str;
function capitalizeFirstLetter(string: string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
<Card class="mb-3">
@ -210,6 +227,9 @@ addFormatter({
<Col xs={12} lg={3} class="mb-2">
<Link to={getRandomizerUrl()}><Button class="w-100" color="secondary" tabindex={-1} aria-label={`randomize ${itemType}s`}>Random {capitalizeFirstLetter(itemType)}</Button></Link>
{#if !isPublic}
@ -220,14 +240,29 @@ addFormatter({
<Svelecte disableHighlight renderer="member-list" valueAsObject bind:value={selectedGroups} options={memberList} multiple style="margin-bottom: 0.5rem" />
<span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-include" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "include"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "include" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "include" ? "<b>include</b>" : "include"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-exclude" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "exclude"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "exclude" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "exclude" ? "<b>exclude</b>" : "exclude"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-match" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "match"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "match" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "match" ? "<b>exact match</b>" : "exact match"}</span>
| <span style="cursor: pointer" id="m-none" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "none"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "none" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "none" ? "<b>none</b>" : "none"}</span>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-include">Includes every member who's a part of any of the groups.</Tooltip>
<div class="filter-mode-group">
<span class="filter-mode-label" id="m-include" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "include"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "include" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "include" ? "<b>include</b>" : "include"}</span>
| <span class="filter-mode-label" id="m-exclude" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "exclude"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "exclude" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "exclude" ? "<b>exclude</b>" : "exclude"}</span>
| <span class="filter-mode-label" id="m-match" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "match"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "match" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "match" ? "<b>exact match</b>" : "exact match"}</span>
| <span class="filter-mode-label" id="m-none" on:click={() => groupSearchMode = "none"} on:keyup={e => e.key === "Enter" ? groupSearchMode = "none" : ""} tabindex={0}>{@html groupSearchMode === "none" ? "<b>none</b>" : "none"}</span>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-include">Includes every member who's a part of any of the groups.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-exclude">Excludes every member who's a part of any of the groups, the opposite of include.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-match">Only includes members who are a part of every group.</Tooltip>
<Tooltip placement="bottom" target="m-none">Only includes members that are in no groups.</Tooltip>
.filter-mode-label {
cursor: pointer;
.filter-mode-group {
line-height: 1.5em;
padding:0.375rem 0;
display: inline-block;
margin-bottom: 0.25em;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { Link, useLocation, useParams, navigate } from 'svelte-navigator';
import { Alert, Col, Container, Row, Card, CardBody, CardHeader, CardTitle, Input, Label, Button, Accordion, AccordionHeader, AccordionItem } from 'sveltestrap';
import FaRandom from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaRandom.svelte'
import MemberBody from '../lib/member/Body.svelte';
import GroupBody from '../lib/group/Body.svelte';
import CardsHeader from '../lib/CardsHeader.svelte';
import api from '../api';
import { Group, Member } from '../api/types';
import FaUserCircle from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaUserCircle.svelte';
import FaUsers from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaUsers.svelte';
import FaLock from 'svelte-icons/fa/FaLock.svelte';
export let isPublic: boolean = false;
export let type: string = "member";
export let pickFromGroup: boolean = false;
let list: Member[]|Group[] = [];
let randomList: Member[]|Group[] = [];
let loading = true;
let err: string;
let params = useParams();
$: id = $params.id;
$: groupId = $params.groupId;
let location = useLocation();
let searchParams = $location.search && new URLSearchParams($location.search);
let path = $location.pathname;
let amount: number = 1;
if (searchParams && searchParams.get("amount")) {
amount = parseInt(searchParams.get("amount"));
if (amount === NaN) amount = 1;
else if (amount > 5) amount = 5;
let usePrivateMembers = false;
if (searchParams && searchParams.get("all") === "true") usePrivateMembers = true;
let allowDoubles = false;
if (searchParams && searchParams.get("doubles") === "true") allowDoubles = true;
// just a hidden option to expand the cards by default regardless of your global settings
let openByDefault = false;
if (searchParams && searchParams.get("open") === "true") openByDefault = true;
let settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("pk-settings"));
onMount(async () => {
await fetchList(amount, usePrivateMembers);
async function fetchList(amount: number, usePrivateMembers?: boolean|string) {
err = "";
loading = true;
try {
if (type === "member") {
if (pickFromGroup) {
const res: Member[] = await api().groups(groupId).members.get({auth: !isPublic});
list = res;
} else {
const res: Member[] = await api().systems(isPublic ? id : "@me").members.get({ auth: !isPublic });
list = res;
else if (type === "group") {
const res: Group[] = await api().systems(isPublic ? id : "@me").groups.get({ auth: !isPublic });
list = res;
else throw new Error(`Unknown list type ${type}`);
randomList = randomizeList(amount, usePrivateMembers, allowDoubles);
} catch (error) {
err = error.message;
loading = false;
function randomizeList(amount: number, usePrivateMembers?: boolean|string, allowDoubles?: boolean|string) {
err = "";
let filteredList = [...list];
if (!isPublic && (!usePrivateMembers || usePrivateMembers === "false")) filteredList = (list as Member[]).filter(item => item.privacy && item.privacy.visibility === "public" ? true : false);
let cappedAmount = amount;
if (amount > filteredList.length) cappedAmount = filteredList.length;
if (cappedAmount === 0) err = `No valid ${type}s could be randomized. ${!isPublic ? `If every ${type} is privated, roll again with private ${type}s included.` : ""}`;
let tempList = [];
for (let i = 0; i < cappedAmount; i++) {
let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * filteredList.length);
if (!allowDoubles || allowDoubles === "false") {
filteredList.splice(index, 1);
return tempList;
function rerollList() {
let amount = parseInt(optionAmount);
let paramArray = [];
if (amount > 1) paramArray.push(`amount=${amount}`);
if (optionAllowDoubles === "true") paramArray.push("doubles=true");
if (optionUsePrivateMembers === "true") paramArray.push("all=true");
if (openByDefault === true) paramArray.push("open=true");
randomList = randomizeList(parseInt(optionAmount), optionUsePrivateMembers, optionAllowDoubles);
navigate(`${path}${paramArray.length > 0 ? `?${paramArray.join('&')}` : ""}`);
function capitalizeFirstLetter(string: string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
let optionAmount = amount.toString();
let optionUsePrivateMembers = "false";
if (usePrivateMembers === true) optionUsePrivateMembers = "true";
let optionAllowDoubles = "false";
if (allowDoubles === true) optionAllowDoubles = "true";
function getItemLink(item: Member | Group): string {
let url: string;
if (isPublic) url = "/dash/";
else url = "/profile/";
if (type === "member") url += "m/";
else if (type === "group") url += "g/";
url += item.id;
return url;
function getBackUrl() {
let str: string;
if (isPublic) {
str = "/profile";
if (!pickFromGroup) str += `/s/${id}`;
} else str = "/dash"
if (pickFromGroup) str += `/g/${groupId}`;
return str;
<Col class="mx-auto" xs={12} lg={11} xl={10}>
<Card class="mb-4">
<CardTitle style="margin-top: 8px; outline: none;">
<div class="icon d-inline-block">
<FaRandom />
</div>Randomize {capitalizeFirstLetter(type)}s {isPublic && id ? `(${id})` : pickFromGroup ? `(${groupId})` : ""}</CardTitle>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Input bind:value={optionAmount} type="select" aria-label="amount">
<option default={amount === 1}>1</option>
<option default={amount === 2}>2</option>
<option default={amount === 3}>3</option>
<option default={amount === 4}>4</option>
<option default={amount === 5}>5</option>
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Label>Allow duplicates:</Label>
<Input bind:value={optionAllowDoubles} type="select" aria-label="allow duplicates">
<option value="false" default={allowDoubles === false}>no</option>
<option value="true" default={allowDoubles === true}>yes</option>
{#if !isPublic}
<Col xs={12} lg={4} class="mb-2">
<Label>Use all members:</Label>
<Input bind:value={optionUsePrivateMembers} type="select" aria-label="include private members">
<option value="false" default={usePrivateMembers === false}>no (only public members)</option>
<option value="true" default={usePrivateMembers === true}>yes (include private members)</option>
<Button color="primary" on:click={() => {rerollList()}}>
Reroll list
<Link to={getBackUrl()}>
<Button color="secondary" tabindex={-1} aria-label={`back to ${pickFromGroup ? "group" : "system"}`}>
Back to {pickFromGroup ? "group" : "system"}
{#if loading}
{:else if err}
<Alert color="danger">{err}</Alert>
{#if !openByDefault && (settings && settings.accessibility ? (!settings.accessibility.expandedcards && !settings.accessibility.pagelinks) : true)}
<Accordion class="my-3" stayOpen>
{#each randomList as item, index (item.id + index)}
<CardsHeader {item} slot="header">
<div slot="icon">
{#if isPublic || item.privacy.visibility === "public"}
{#if type === "member"}
<FaUserCircle />
{:else if type === "group"}
<FaUsers />
<FaLock />
{#if type === "member"}
<MemberBody isPublic={true} bind:member={item} isMainDash={false} />
{:else if type === "group"}
<GroupBody isPublic={true} bind:group={item} isMainDash={false} />
{:else if openByDefault || settings.accessibility.expandedcards}
{#each randomList as item, index (item.id + index)}
<Card class="mb-3">
<CardsHeader {item}>
<div slot="icon">
{#if isPublic || item.privacy.visibility === "public"}
{#if type === "member"}
<FaUserCircle />
{:else if type === "group"}
<FaUsers />
<FaLock />
{#if type === "member"}
<MemberBody isPublic={true} bind:member={item} isMainDash={false} />
{:else if type === "group"}
<GroupBody isPublic={true} bind:group={item} isMainDash={false} />
<div class="my-3">
{#each randomList as item, index (item.id + index)}
<Link class="accordion-button collapsed" style="text-decoration: none;" to={getItemLink(item)}>
<CardsHeader {item}>
<div slot="icon">
{#if isPublic || item.privacy.visibility === "public"}
{#if type === "member"}
<FaUserCircle />
{:else if type === "group"}
<FaUsers />
<FaLock />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user