Extract system/member guild settings and refactor DB access
(also refactor MemberAvatar now that I'm here)
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private readonly DiscordClient _shard;
private readonly DiscordMessage _message;
private readonly Parameters _parameters;
private readonly MessageContext _messageContext;
private readonly IDataStore _data;
private readonly PKSystem _senderSystem;
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private Command _currentCommand;
public Context(ILifetimeScope provider, DiscordClient shard, DiscordMessage message, int commandParseOffset,
PKSystem senderSystem)
PKSystem senderSystem, MessageContext messageContext)
_rest = provider.Resolve<DiscordRestClient>();
_client = provider.Resolve<DiscordShardedClient>();
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
_shard = shard;
_data = provider.Resolve<IDataStore>();
_senderSystem = senderSystem;
_messageContext = messageContext;
_metrics = provider.Resolve<IMetrics>();
_provider = provider;
_parameters = new Parameters(message.Content.Substring(commandParseOffset));
@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public DiscordGuild Guild => _message.Channel.Guild;
public DiscordClient Shard => _shard;
public DiscordShardedClient Client => _client;
public MessageContext MessageContext => _messageContext;
public DiscordRestClient Rest => _rest;
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using PluralKit.Core;
@ -10,11 +11,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public class Autoproxy
private IDataStore _data;
private readonly DbConnectionFactory _db;
public Autoproxy(IDataStore data)
public Autoproxy(DbConnectionFactory db)
_data = data;
_db = db;
public async Task AutoproxyRoot(Context ctx)
@ -39,48 +40,33 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private async Task AutoproxyOff(Context ctx)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
if (settings.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Off)
if (ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Off)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already off in this server.");
settings.AutoproxyMode = AutoproxyMode.Off;
settings.AutoproxyMember = null;
await _data.SetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id, settings);
await UpdateAutoproxy(ctx, AutoproxyMode.Off, null);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy turned off in this server.");
private async Task AutoproxyLatch(Context ctx)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
if (settings.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Latch)
if (ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Latch)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already set to latch mode in this server. If you want to disable autoproxying, use `pk;autoproxy off`.");
settings.AutoproxyMode = AutoproxyMode.Latch;
settings.AutoproxyMember = null;
await _data.SetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id, settings);
await UpdateAutoproxy(ctx, AutoproxyMode.Latch, null);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy set to latch mode in this server. Messages will now be autoproxied using the *last-proxied member* in this server.");
private async Task AutoproxyFront(Context ctx)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
if (settings.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Front)
if (ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode == AutoproxyMode.Front)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Autoproxy is already set to front mode in this server. If you want to disable autoproxying, use `pk;autoproxy off`.");
settings.AutoproxyMode = AutoproxyMode.Front;
settings.AutoproxyMember = null;
await _data.SetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id, settings);
await UpdateAutoproxy(ctx, AutoproxyMode.Front, null);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy set to front mode in this server. Messages will now be autoproxied using the *current first fronter*, if any.");
@ -88,51 +74,59 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private async Task AutoproxyMember(Context ctx, PKMember member)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
settings.AutoproxyMode = AutoproxyMode.Member;
settings.AutoproxyMember = member.Id;
await _data.SetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id, settings);
await UpdateAutoproxy(ctx, AutoproxyMode.Member, member.Id);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Autoproxy set to **{member.Name}** in this server.");
private async Task<DiscordEmbed> CreateAutoproxyStatusEmbed(Context ctx)
var settings = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
var commandList = "**pk;autoproxy latch** - Autoproxies as last-proxied member\n**pk;autoproxy front** - Autoproxies as current (first) fronter\n**pk;autoproxy <member>** - Autoproxies as a specific member";
var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder().WithTitle($"Current autoproxy status (for {ctx.Guild.Name.EscapeMarkdown()})");
var fronters = ctx.MessageContext.LastSwitchMembers;
var relevantMember = ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode switch
AutoproxyMode.Front => fronters.Count > 0 ? await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryMember(fronters[0])) : null,
AutoproxyMode.Member => await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryMember(ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMember.Value)),
_ => null
switch (settings.AutoproxyMode) {
switch (ctx.MessageContext.AutoproxyMode) {
case AutoproxyMode.Off: eb.WithDescription($"Autoproxy is currently **off** in this server. To enable it, use one of the following commands:\n{commandList}");
case AutoproxyMode.Front: {
var lastSwitch = await _data.GetLatestSwitch(ctx.System);
if (lastSwitch == null)
eb.WithDescription("Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server, but you have no registered switches. Use the `pk;switch` command to log one.");
case AutoproxyMode.Front:
if (fronters.Count == 0)
eb.WithDescription("Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server, but there are currently no fronters registered. Use the `pk;switch` command to log a switch.");
var firstMember = await _data.GetSwitchMembers(lastSwitch).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
eb.WithDescription(firstMember == null
? "Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server, but there are currently no fronters registered."
: $"Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server. The current (first) fronter is **{firstMember.Name.EscapeMarkdown()}** (`{firstMember.Hid}`). To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`.");
if (relevantMember == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Attempted to print member autoproxy status, but the linked member ID wasn't found in the database. Should be handled appropriately.");
eb.WithDescription($"Autoproxy is currently set to **front mode** in this server. The current (first) fronter is **{relevantMember.Name.EscapeMarkdown()}** (`{relevantMember.Hid}`). To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`.");
// AutoproxyMember is never null if Mode is Member, this is just to make the compiler shut up
case AutoproxyMode.Member when settings.AutoproxyMember != null: {
var member = await _data.GetMemberById(settings.AutoproxyMember.Value);
eb.WithDescription($"Autoproxy is active for member **{member.Name}** (`{member.Hid}`) in this server. To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`.");
case AutoproxyMode.Member when relevantMember != null: {
eb.WithDescription($"Autoproxy is active for member **{relevantMember.Name}** (`{relevantMember.Hid}`) in this server. To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`.");
case AutoproxyMode.Latch:
eb.WithDescription($"Autoproxy is currently set to **latch mode**, meaning the *last-proxied member* will be autoproxied. To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`.");
eb.WithDescription("Autoproxy is currently set to **latch mode**, meaning the *last-proxied member* will be autoproxied. To disable, type `pk;autoproxy off`.");
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return eb.Build();
private Task UpdateAutoproxy(Context ctx, AutoproxyMode autoproxyMode, int? autoproxyMember) =>
_db.Execute(c =>
"update system_guild set autoproxy_mode = @autoproxyMode, autoproxy_member = @autoproxyMember where guild = @guild and system = @system",
new {autoproxyMode, autoproxyMember, guild = ctx.Guild.Id, system = ctx.System.Id}));
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using DSharpPlus;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
@ -10,157 +14,145 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public class MemberAvatar
private IDataStore _data;
private readonly DbConnectionFactory _db;
public MemberAvatar(IDataStore data)
public MemberAvatar(DbConnectionFactory db)
_data = data;
public async Task Avatar(Context ctx, PKMember target)
var guildData = ctx.Guild != null ? await _data.GetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id) : null;
if (ctx.Match("clear", "remove", "reset") || ctx.MatchFlag("c", "clear"))
if (ctx.System == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError;
if (target.System != ctx.System.Id) throw Errors.NotOwnMemberError;
target.AvatarUrl = null;
await _data.SaveMember(target);
if (guildData?.AvatarUrl != null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member avatar cleared. Note that this member has a server-specific avatar set here, type `pk;member {target.Hid} serveravatar clear` if you wish to clear that too.");
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member avatar cleared.");
if (ctx.RemainderOrNull() == null && ctx.Message.Attachments.Count == 0)
if ((target.AvatarUrl?.Trim() ?? "").Length > 0)
var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
.WithTitle($"{target.Name.SanitizeMentions()}'s avatar")
if (target.System == ctx.System?.Id)
eb.WithDescription($"To clear, use `pk;member {target.Hid} avatar -clear`.");
await ctx.Reply(embed: eb.Build());
if (target.System == ctx.System?.Id)
throw new PKSyntaxError($"This member does not have an avatar set. Set one by attaching an image to this command, or by passing an image URL or @mention.");
throw new PKError($"This member does not have an avatar set.");
var user = await ctx.MatchUser();
if (ctx.System == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError;
if (target.System != ctx.System.Id) throw Errors.NotOwnMemberError;
else if (user != null)
if (user.AvatarHash == null) throw Errors.UserHasNoAvatar;
target.AvatarUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(ImageFormat.Png, size: 256);
await _data.SaveMember(target);
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder().WithImageUrl(target.AvatarUrl).Build();
await ctx.Reply(
$"{Emojis.Success} Member avatar changed to {user.Username}'s avatar! {Emojis.Warn} Please note that if {user.Username} changes their avatar, the member's avatar will need to be re-set.", embed: embed);
else if (ctx.RemainderOrNull() is string url)
if (url.Length > Limits.MaxUriLength) throw Errors.InvalidUrl(url);
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(url);
target.AvatarUrl = url;
await _data.SaveMember(target);
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder().WithImageUrl(url).Build();
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member avatar changed.", embed: embed);
else if (ctx.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault() is DiscordAttachment attachment)
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(attachment.Url);
target.AvatarUrl = attachment.Url;
await _data.SaveMember(target);
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member avatar changed to attached image. Please note that if you delete the message containing the attachment, the avatar will stop working.");
// No-arguments no-attachment case covered by conditional at the very top
_db = db;
public async Task ServerAvatar(Context ctx, PKMember target)
private async Task AvatarClear(AvatarLocation location, Context ctx, PKMember target, MemberGuildSettings? mgs)
var guildData = await _data.GetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id);
if (ctx.Match("clear", "remove", "reset") || ctx.MatchFlag("c", "clear"))
await UpdateAvatar(location, ctx, target, null);
if (location == AvatarLocation.Server)
if (ctx.System == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError;
if (target.System != ctx.System.Id) throw Errors.NotOwnMemberError;
guildData.AvatarUrl = null;
await _data.SetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id, guildData);
if (target.AvatarUrl != null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member server avatar cleared. This member will now use the global avatar in this server (**{ctx.Guild.Name}**).");
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member server avatar cleared. This member now has no avatar.");
if (ctx.RemainderOrNull() == null && ctx.Message.Attachments.Count == 0)
if ((guildData.AvatarUrl?.Trim() ?? "").Length > 0)
if (mgs?.AvatarUrl != null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member avatar cleared. Note that this member has a server-specific avatar set here, type `pk;member {target.Hid} serveravatar clear` if you wish to clear that too.");
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member avatar cleared.");
private async Task AvatarShow(AvatarLocation location, Context ctx, PKMember target, MemberGuildSettings? guildData)
var field = location == AvatarLocation.Server ? $"server avatar (for {ctx.Guild.Name})" : "avatar";
var cmd = location == AvatarLocation.Server ? "serveravatar" : "avatar";
var currentValue = location == AvatarLocation.Member ? target.AvatarUrl : guildData?.AvatarUrl;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue))
if (location == AvatarLocation.Member)
var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
.WithTitle($"{target.Name.SanitizeMentions()}'s server avatar (for {ctx.Guild.Name})")
if (target.System == ctx.System?.Id)
eb.WithDescription($"To clear, use `pk;member {target.Hid} serveravatar clear`.");
await ctx.Reply(embed: eb.Build());
throw new PKSyntaxError("This member does not have an avatar set. Set one by attaching an image to this command, or by passing an image URL or @mention.");
throw new PKError("This member does not have an avatar set.");
if (location == AvatarLocation.Server)
throw new PKError($"This member does not have a server avatar set. Type `pk;member {target.Hid} avatar` to see their global avatar.");
var user = await ctx.MatchUser();
if (ctx.System == null) throw Errors.NoSystemError;
if (target.System != ctx.System.Id) throw Errors.NotOwnMemberError;
if (user != null)
if (user.AvatarHash == null) throw Errors.UserHasNoAvatar;
guildData.AvatarUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(ImageFormat.Png, size: 256);
await _data.SetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id, guildData);
var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
.WithTitle($"{target.Name.SanitizeMentions()}'s {field}")
if (target.System == ctx.System?.Id)
eb.WithDescription($"To clear, use `pk;member {target.Hid} {cmd} clear`.");
await ctx.Reply(embed: eb.Build());
private async Task AvatarFromUser(AvatarLocation location, Context ctx, PKMember target, DiscordUser user)
if (user.AvatarHash == null) throw Errors.UserHasNoAvatar;
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder().WithImageUrl(guildData.AvatarUrl).Build();
await ctx.Reply(
$"{Emojis.Success} Member server avatar changed to {user.Username}'s avatar! This avatar will now be used when proxying in this server (**{ctx.Guild.Name}**). {Emojis.Warn} Please note that if {user.Username} changes their avatar, the member's server avatar will need to be re-set.", embed: embed);
else if (ctx.RemainderOrNull() is string url)
if (url.Length > Limits.MaxUriLength) throw Errors.InvalidUrl(url);
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(url);
guildData.AvatarUrl = url;
await _data.SetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id, guildData);
var url = user.GetAvatarUrl(ImageFormat.Png, 256);
await UpdateAvatar(location, ctx, target, url);
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder().WithImageUrl(url).Build();
if (location == AvatarLocation.Server)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member server avatar changed to {user.Username}'s avatar! This avatar will now be used when proxying in this server (**{ctx.Guild.Name}**). {Emojis.Warn} Please note that if {user.Username} changes their avatar, the member's server avatar will need to be re-set.", embed: embed);
else if (location == AvatarLocation.Member)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member avatar changed to {user.Username}'s avatar! {Emojis.Warn} Please note that if {user.Username} changes their avatar, the member's avatar will need to be re-set.", embed: embed);
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder().WithImageUrl(url).Build();
private async Task AvatarFromArg(AvatarLocation location, Context ctx, PKMember target, string url)
if (url.Length > Limits.MaxUriLength) throw Errors.InvalidUrl(url);
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(url);
await UpdateAvatar(location, ctx, target, url);
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder().WithImageUrl(url).Build();
if (location == AvatarLocation.Server)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member server avatar changed. This avatar will now be used when proxying in this server (**{ctx.Guild.Name}**).", embed: embed);
else if (ctx.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault() is DiscordAttachment attachment)
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(attachment.Url);
guildData.AvatarUrl = attachment.Url;
await _data.SetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id, guildData);
private async Task AvatarFromAttachment(AvatarLocation location, Context ctx, PKMember target, DiscordAttachment attachment)
await AvatarUtils.VerifyAvatarOrThrow(attachment.Url);
await UpdateAvatar(location, ctx, target, attachment.Url);
if (location == AvatarLocation.Server)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member server avatar changed to attached image. This avatar will now be used when proxying in this server (**{ctx.Guild.Name}**). Please note that if you delete the message containing the attachment, the avatar will stop working.");
// No-arguments no-attachment case covered by conditional at the very top
else if (location == AvatarLocation.Member)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member avatar changed to attached image. Please note that if you delete the message containing the attachment, the avatar will stop working.");
public async Task ServerAvatar(Context ctx, PKMember target)
var guildData = await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryOrInsertMemberGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
await AvatarCommandTree(AvatarLocation.Server, ctx, target, guildData);
public async Task Avatar(Context ctx, PKMember target)
var guildData = ctx.Guild != null ?
await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryOrInsertMemberGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id))
: null;
await AvatarCommandTree(AvatarLocation.Member, ctx, target, guildData);
private async Task AvatarCommandTree(AvatarLocation location, Context ctx, PKMember target, MemberGuildSettings? guildData)
if (ctx.Match("clear", "remove", "reset") || ctx.MatchFlag("c", "clear"))
await AvatarClear(location, ctx, target, guildData);
else if (ctx.RemainderOrNull() == null && ctx.Message.Attachments.Count == 0)
await AvatarShow(location, ctx, target, guildData);
else if (await ctx.MatchUser() is {} user)
await AvatarFromUser(location, ctx, target, user);
else if (ctx.RemainderOrNull() is {} url)
await AvatarFromArg(location, ctx, target, url);
else if (ctx.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault() is {} attachment)
await AvatarFromAttachment(location, ctx, target, attachment);
else throw new Exception("Unexpected condition when parsing avatar command");
private Task UpdateAvatar(AvatarLocation location, Context ctx, PKMember target, string? avatar) =>
location switch
AvatarLocation.Server => _db.Execute(c =>
"update member_guild set avatar_url = @Avatar where member = @Member and guild = @Guild",
new {Avatar = avatar, Guild = ctx.Guild.Id, Member = target.Id})),
AvatarLocation.Member => _db.Execute(c =>
"update members set avatar_url = @Avatar where id = @Member",
new {Avatar = avatar, Member = target.Id})),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unknown avatar location {location}")
private enum AvatarLocation
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using Dapper;
using NodaTime;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using PluralKit.Core;
@ -12,11 +11,13 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public class MemberEdit
private IDataStore _data;
private readonly IDataStore _data;
private readonly DbConnectionFactory _db;
public MemberEdit(IDataStore data)
public MemberEdit(IDataStore data, DbConnectionFactory db)
_data = data;
_db = db;
public async Task Name(Context ctx, PKMember target) {
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (ctx.Guild != null)
var memberGuildConfig = await _data.GetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id);
var memberGuildConfig = await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryOrInsertMemberGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
if (memberGuildConfig.DisplayName != null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Note} Note that this member has a server name set ({memberGuildConfig.DisplayName.SanitizeMentions()}) in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name.SanitizeMentions()}), and will be proxied using that name here.");
@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
MemberGuildSettings memberGuildConfig = null;
if (ctx.Guild != null)
memberGuildConfig = await _data.GetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id);
memberGuildConfig = await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryOrInsertMemberGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
var eb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder().WithTitle($"Member names")
.WithFooter($"Member ID: {target.Hid} | Active name in bold. Server name overrides display name, which overrides base name.");
@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var successStr = text;
if (ctx.Guild != null)
var memberGuildConfig = await _data.GetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id);
var memberGuildConfig = await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryOrInsertMemberGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id, target.Id));
if (memberGuildConfig.DisplayName != null)
successStr += $" However, this member has a server name set in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name.SanitizeMentions()}), and will be proxied using that name, \"{memberGuildConfig.DisplayName.SanitizeMentions()}\", here.";
@ -296,14 +297,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task ServerName(Context ctx, PKMember target)
var guildSettings = await _data.GetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id);
if (MatchClear(ctx))
CheckEditMemberPermission(ctx, target);
guildSettings.DisplayName = null;
await _data.SetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id, guildSettings);
await _db.Execute(c =>
c.ExecuteAsync("update member_guild set display_name = null where member = @member and guild = @guild",
new {member = target.Id, guild = ctx.Guild.Id}));
if (target.DisplayName != null)
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member server name cleared. This member will now be proxied using their global display name \"{target.DisplayName.SanitizeMentions()}\" in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name.SanitizeMentions()}).");
@ -323,8 +324,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
CheckEditMemberPermission(ctx, target);
var newServerName = ctx.RemainderOrNull();
guildSettings.DisplayName = newServerName;
await _data.SetMemberGuildSettings(target, ctx.Guild.Id, guildSettings);
await _db.Execute(c =>
c.ExecuteAsync("update member_guild set display_name = @newServerName where member = @member and guild = @guild",
new {member = target.Id, guild = ctx.Guild.Id, newServerName}));
await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} Member server name changed. This member will now be proxied using the name \"{newServerName.SanitizeMentions()}\" in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name.SanitizeMentions()}).");
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dapper;
using DSharpPlus;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
@ -16,12 +18,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public class SystemEdit
private IDataStore _data;
private DbConnectionFactory _db;
private EmbedService _embeds;
public SystemEdit(IDataStore data, EmbedService embeds)
public SystemEdit(IDataStore data, EmbedService embeds, DbConnectionFactory db)
_data = data;
_embeds = embeds;
_db = db;
public async Task Name(Context ctx)
@ -181,7 +185,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public async Task SystemProxy(Context ctx)
var gs = await _data.GetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id);
var gs = await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryOrInsertSystemGuildConfig(ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.System.Id));
bool newValue;
if (ctx.Match("on", "enabled", "true", "yes")) newValue = true;
@ -196,8 +200,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
gs.ProxyEnabled = newValue;
await _data.SetSystemGuildSettings(ctx.System, ctx.Guild.Id, gs);
await _db.Execute(c =>
c.ExecuteAsync("update system_guild set proxy_enabled = @newValue where system = @system and guild = @guild",
new {newValue, system = ctx.System.Id, guild = ctx.Guild.Id}));
if (newValue)
await ctx.Reply($"Message proxying in this server ({ctx.Guild.Name.EscapeMarkdown()}) is now **enabled** for your system.");
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var system = ctx.SystemId != null ? await _data.GetSystemById(ctx.SystemId.Value) : null;
await _tree.ExecuteCommand(new Context(_services, evt.Client, evt.Message, argPos, system));
await _tree.ExecuteCommand(new Context(_services, evt.Client, evt.Message, argPos, system, ctx));
catch (PKError)
@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot {
public class EmbedService
private IDataStore _data;
private DbConnectionFactory _db;
private DiscordShardedClient _client;
public EmbedService(DiscordShardedClient client, IDataStore data)
public EmbedService(DiscordShardedClient client, IDataStore data, DbConnectionFactory db)
_client = client;
_data = data;
_db = db;
public async Task<DiscordEmbed> CreateSystemEmbed(DiscordClient client, PKSystem system, LookupContext ctx) {
@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot {
color = DiscordUtils.Gray;
var guildSettings = guild != null ? await _data.GetMemberGuildSettings(member, guild.Id) : null;
var guildSettings = guild != null ? await _db.Execute(c => c.QueryOrInsertMemberGuildConfig(guild.Id, member.Id)) : null;
var guildDisplayName = guildSettings?.DisplayName;
var avatar = guildSettings?.AvatarUrl ?? member.AvatarUrl;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#nullable enable
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class MemberGuildSettings
public int Member { get; }
public ulong Guild { get; }
public string? DisplayName { get; }
public string? AvatarUrl { get; }
public MemberGuildSettings() { }
public MemberGuildSettings(int member, ulong guild)
Member = member;
Guild = guild;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System;
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
@ -8,7 +9,21 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public static class ModelQueryExt
public static Task<PKMember?> QueryMember(this IDbConnection conn, int id) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<PKMember?>("select * from members where id = @id", new {id});
public static Task<GuildConfig> QueryOrInsertGuildConfig(this IDbConnection conn, ulong guild) =>
conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<GuildConfig>("insert into servers (id) values (@Guild) on conflict do nothing returning *", new {Guild = guild});
conn.QueryFirstAsync<GuildConfig>("insert into servers (id) values (@Guild) on conflict do nothing returning *", new {Guild = guild});
public static Task<SystemGuildSettings> QueryOrInsertSystemGuildConfig(this IDbConnection conn, ulong guild, int system) =>
"insert into member_guild (guild, member) values (@guild, @member) on conflict (guild, member) do update set guild = @guild, member = @member returning *",
new {guild, system});
public static Task<MemberGuildSettings> QueryOrInsertMemberGuildConfig(
this IDbConnection conn, ulong guild, int member) =>
"insert into member_guild (guild, member) values (@guild, @member) on conflict (guild, member) do update set guild = @guild, member = @member returning *",
new {guild, member});
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace PluralKit.Core
public class SystemGuildSettings
public ulong Guild { get; }
public bool ProxyEnabled { get; } = true;
public AutoproxyMode AutoproxyMode { get; } = AutoproxyMode.Off;
public int? AutoproxyMember { get; }
@ -48,23 +48,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
public int Member;
public Instant Timestamp;
public class SystemGuildSettings
public ulong Guild { get; set; }
public bool ProxyEnabled { get; set; } = true;
public AutoproxyMode AutoproxyMode { get; set; } = AutoproxyMode.Off;
public int? AutoproxyMember { get; set; }
public class MemberGuildSettings
public int Member { get; set; }
public ulong Guild { get; set; }
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
public string AvatarUrl { get; set; }
public interface IDataStore
/// <summary>
@ -112,17 +96,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
/// </summary>
/// <param name="system">The system to check in.</param>
Task<IEnumerable<PKMember>> GetConflictingProxies(PKSystem system, ProxyTag tag);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a specific system's guild-specific settings for a given guild.
/// </summary>
Task<SystemGuildSettings> GetSystemGuildSettings(PKSystem system, ulong guild);
/// <summary>
/// Saves a specific system's guild-specific settings.
/// </summary>
Task SetSystemGuildSettings(PKSystem system, ulong guild, SystemGuildSettings settings);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a system, auto-generating its corresponding IDs.
/// </summary>
@ -210,16 +184,6 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
/// </para>
Task DeleteMember(PKMember member);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a specific member's guild-specific settings for a given guild.
/// </summary>
Task<MemberGuildSettings> GetMemberGuildSettings(PKMember member, ulong guild);
/// <summary>
/// Saves a specific member's guild-specific settings.
/// </summary>
Task SetMemberGuildSettings(PKMember member, ulong guild, MemberGuildSettings settings);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a message and its information by its ID.
/// </summary>
@ -35,28 +35,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
Suffix = tag.Suffix
public async Task<SystemGuildSettings> GetSystemGuildSettings(PKSystem system, ulong guild)
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
return await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<SystemGuildSettings>(
"select * from system_guild where system = @System and guild = @Guild",
new {System = system.Id, Guild = guild}) ?? new SystemGuildSettings();
public async Task SetSystemGuildSettings(PKSystem system, ulong guild, SystemGuildSettings settings)
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
await conn.ExecuteAsync("insert into system_guild (system, guild, proxy_enabled, autoproxy_mode, autoproxy_member) values (@System, @Guild, @ProxyEnabled, @AutoproxyMode, @AutoproxyMember) on conflict (system, guild) do update set proxy_enabled = @ProxyEnabled, autoproxy_mode = @AutoproxyMode, autoproxy_member = @AutoproxyMember", new
System = system.Id,
Guild = guild,
_logger.Information("Updated system guild settings {@SystemGuildSettings}", settings);
public async Task<PKSystem> CreateSystem(string systemName = null) {
PKSystem system;
using (var conn = await _conn.Obtain())
@ -189,23 +168,6 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core {
_logger.Information("Deleted member {@Member}", member);
public async Task<MemberGuildSettings> GetMemberGuildSettings(PKMember member, ulong guild)
using var conn = await _conn.Obtain();
return await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<MemberGuildSettings>(
"select * from member_guild where member = @Member and guild = @Guild", new { Member = member.Id, Guild = guild})
?? new MemberGuildSettings { Guild = guild, Member = member.Id };
public async Task SetMemberGuildSettings(PKMember member, ulong guild, MemberGuildSettings settings)
using var conn = await _conn.Obtain();
await conn.ExecuteAsync(
"insert into member_guild (member, guild, display_name, avatar_url) values (@Member, @Guild, @DisplayName, @AvatarUrl) on conflict (member, guild) do update set display_name = @DisplayName, avatar_url = @AvatarUrl",
_logger.Information("Updated member guild settings {@MemberGuildSettings}", settings);
public async Task<int> GetSystemMemberCount(PKSystem system, bool includePrivate)
var query = "select count(*) from members where system = @Id";
@ -311,6 +311,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Core
public static class DatabaseExt
public static async Task Execute(this DbConnectionFactory db, Func<IDbConnection, Task> func)
await using var conn = await db.Obtain();
await func(conn);
public static async Task<T> Execute<T>(this DbConnectionFactory db, Func<IDbConnection, Task<T>> func)
await using var conn = await db.Obtain();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user