Converted shard and logclean service
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
using Myriad.Gateway;
using System;
using Myriad.Gateway;
using Myriad.Types;
namespace Myriad.Extensions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System;
using Myriad.Types;
namespace Myriad.Extensions
public static class SnowflakeExtensions
public static readonly DateTimeOffset DiscordEpoch = new(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
public static DateTimeOffset SnowflakeToTimestamp(ulong snowflake) =>
DiscordEpoch + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(snowflake >> 22);
public static DateTimeOffset Timestamp(this Message msg) => SnowflakeToTimestamp(msg.Id);
public static DateTimeOffset Timestamp(this Channel channel) => SnowflakeToTimestamp(channel.Id);
public static DateTimeOffset Timestamp(this Guild guild) => SnowflakeToTimestamp(guild.Id);
public static DateTimeOffset Timestamp(this Webhook webhook) => SnowflakeToTimestamp(webhook.Id);
public static DateTimeOffset Timestamp(this User user) => SnowflakeToTimestamp(user.Id);
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
public Func<Shard, IGatewayEvent, Task>? EventReceived { get; set; }
public event Action<Shard>? ShardCreated;
public IReadOnlyDictionary<int, Shard> Shards => _shards;
public ClusterSessionState SessionState => GetClusterState();
@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
foreach (var (id, shard) in _shards)
shards.Add(new ClusterSessionState.ShardState
Shard = shard.ShardInfo ?? new ShardInfo(id, _shards.Count), Session = shard.SessionInfo
Shard = shard.ShardInfo,
Session = shard.SessionInfo
return new ClusterSessionState {Shards = shards};
@ -78,6 +80,8 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
var shard = new Shard(_logger, new Uri(url), _gatewaySettings, shardInfo, session);
shard.OnEventReceived += evt => OnShardEventReceived(shard, evt);
_shards[shardInfo.ShardId] = shard;
private async Task OnShardEventReceived(Shard shard, IGatewayEvent evt)
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
public class Shard: IAsyncDisposable
private const string LibraryName = "Newcord Test";
private const string LibraryName = "Myriad (for PluralKit)";
private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _jsonSerializerOptions =
new JsonSerializerOptions().ConfigureForNewcord();
new JsonSerializerOptions().ConfigureForMyriad();
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly Uri _uri;
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
private DateTimeOffset? _lastHeartbeatSent;
private Task _worker;
public ShardInfo? ShardInfo { get; private set; }
public int ShardId => ShardInfo?.ShardId ?? 0;
public ShardInfo ShardInfo { get; private set; }
public int ShardId => ShardInfo.ShardId;
public GatewaySettings Settings { get; }
public ShardSessionInfo SessionInfo { get; private set; }
public ShardState State { get; private set; }
@ -36,11 +36,16 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
public ApplicationPartial? Application { get; private set; }
public Func<IGatewayEvent, Task>? OnEventReceived { get; set; }
public event Action<TimeSpan>? HeartbeatReceived;
public event Action? SocketOpened;
public event Action? Resumed;
public event Action? Ready;
public event Action<WebSocketCloseStatus, string?>? SocketClosed;
public Shard(ILogger logger, Uri uri, GatewaySettings settings, ShardInfo? info = null,
public Shard(ILogger logger, Uri uri, GatewaySettings settings, ShardInfo info,
ShardSessionInfo? sessionInfo = null)
_logger = logger;
_logger = logger.ForContext<Shard>();
_uri = uri;
Settings = settings;
@ -71,23 +76,23 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
while (true)
_logger.Information("Shard {ShardId}: Connecting...", ShardId);
State = ShardState.Connecting;
await Connect();
_logger.Information("Connected. Entering main loop...");
_logger.Information("Shard {ShardId}: Connected. Entering main loop...", ShardId);
// Tick returns false if we need to stop and reconnect
while (await Tick(_conn!))
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));
_logger.Information("Connection closed, reconnecting...");
_logger.Information("Shard {ShardId}: Connection closed, reconnecting...", ShardId);
State = ShardState.Closed;
catch (Exception e)
_logger.Error(e, "Error in shard state handler");
_logger.Error(e, "Shard {ShardId}: Error in shard state handler", ShardId);
@ -116,8 +121,8 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
if (!_hasReceivedAck)
"Did not receive heartbeat Ack from gateway within interval ({HeartbeatInterval})",
"Shard {ShardId}: Did not receive heartbeat Ack from gateway within interval ({HeartbeatInterval})",
ShardId, _currentHeartbeatInterval);
State = ShardState.Closing;
await conn.Disconnect(WebSocketCloseStatus.ProtocolError, "Did not receive ACK in time");
return false;
@ -131,7 +136,8 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
private async Task SendHeartbeat(ShardConnection conn)
_logger.Debug("Sending heartbeat");
_logger.Debug("Shard {ShardId}: Sending heartbeat with {LastSequence}",
ShardId, SessionInfo.LastSequence);
await conn.Send(new GatewayPacket {Opcode = GatewayOpcode.Heartbeat, Payload = SessionInfo.LastSequence});
_lastHeartbeatSent = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
@ -144,7 +150,12 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
_currentHeartbeatInterval = null;
_conn = new ShardConnection(_uri, _logger, _jsonSerializerOptions) {OnReceive = OnReceive};
_conn = new ShardConnection(_uri, _logger, _jsonSerializerOptions)
OnReceive = OnReceive,
OnOpen = () => SocketOpened?.Invoke(),
OnClose = (closeStatus, message) => SocketClosed?.Invoke(closeStatus, message)
private async Task OnReceive(GatewayPacket packet)
@ -158,21 +169,23 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
case GatewayOpcode.Heartbeat:
_logger.Debug("Received heartbeat request from shard, sending Ack");
_logger.Debug("Shard {ShardId}: Received heartbeat request from shard, sending Ack", ShardId);
await _conn!.Send(new GatewayPacket {Opcode = GatewayOpcode.HeartbeatAck});
case GatewayOpcode.HeartbeatAck:
Latency = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - _lastHeartbeatSent;
_logger.Debug("Received heartbeat Ack (latency {Latency})", Latency);
_logger.Debug("Shard {ShardId}: Received heartbeat Ack with latency {Latency}", ShardId, Latency);
if (Latency != null)
_hasReceivedAck = true;
case GatewayOpcode.Reconnect:
_logger.Information("Received Reconnect, closing and reconnecting");
_logger.Information("Shard {ShardId}: Received Reconnect, closing and reconnecting", ShardId);
await _conn!.Disconnect(WebSocketCloseStatus.Empty, null);
@ -187,8 +200,8 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
var delay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(new Random().Next(1000, 5000));
"Received Invalid Session (can resume? {CanResume}), reconnecting after {ReconnectDelay}",
canResume, delay);
"Shard {ShardId}: Received Invalid Session (can resume? {CanResume}), reconnecting after {ReconnectDelay}",
ShardId, canResume, delay);
await _conn!.Disconnect(WebSocketCloseStatus.Empty, null);
// Will reconnect after exiting this "loop"
@ -205,15 +218,16 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
if (State == ShardState.Connecting)
await HandleReady(rdy);
_logger.Warning("Received Ready event in unexpected state {ShardState}, ignoring?", State);
_logger.Warning("Shard {ShardId}: Received Ready event in unexpected state {ShardState}, ignoring?",
ShardId, State);
else if (evt is ResumedEvent)
if (State == ShardState.Connecting)
await HandleResumed();
_logger.Warning("Received Resumed event in unexpected state {ShardState}, ignoring?",
_logger.Warning("Shard {ShardId}: Received Resumed event in unexpected state {ShardState}, ignoring?",
ShardId, State);
await HandleEvent(evt);
@ -221,7 +235,7 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
_logger.Debug("Received unknown gateway opcode {Opcode}", packet.Opcode);
_logger.Debug("Shard {ShardId}: Received unknown gateway opcode {Opcode}", ShardId, packet.Opcode);
@ -238,44 +252,47 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
if (!IGatewayEvent.EventTypes.TryGetValue(eventType, out var clrType))
_logger.Information("Received unknown event type {EventType}", eventType);
_logger.Information("Shard {ShardId}: Received unknown event type {EventType}", ShardId, eventType);
return null;
_logger.Verbose("Deserializing {EventType} to {ClrType}", eventType, clrType);
_logger.Verbose("Shard {ShardId}: Deserializing {EventType} to {ClrType}", ShardId, eventType, clrType);
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize(data.GetRawText(), clrType, _jsonSerializerOptions)
as IGatewayEvent;
catch (JsonException e)
_logger.Error(e, "Error deserializing event {EventType} to {ClrType}", eventType, clrType);
_logger.Error(e, "Shard {ShardId}: Error deserializing event {EventType} to {ClrType}", ShardId, eventType, clrType);
return null;
private Task HandleReady(ReadyEvent ready)
ShardInfo = ready.Shard;
// TODO: when is ready.Shard ever null?
ShardInfo = ready.Shard ?? new ShardInfo(0, 0);
SessionInfo = SessionInfo with { Session = ready.SessionId };
User = ready.User;
Application = ready.Application;
State = ShardState.Open;
return Task.CompletedTask;
private Task HandleResumed()
State = ShardState.Open;
return Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task HandleHello(JsonElement json)
var hello = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GatewayHello>(json.GetRawText(), _jsonSerializerOptions)!;
_logger.Debug("Received Hello with interval {Interval} ms", hello.HeartbeatInterval);
_logger.Debug("Shard {ShardId}: Received Hello with interval {Interval} ms", ShardId, hello.HeartbeatInterval);
_currentHeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(hello.HeartbeatInterval);
await SendHeartbeat(_conn!);
@ -293,7 +310,7 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
private async Task SendIdentify()
_logger.Information("Sending gateway Identify for shard {@ShardInfo}", SessionInfo);
_logger.Information("Shard {ShardId}: Sending gateway Identify for shard {@ShardInfo}", ShardId, ShardInfo);
await _conn!.Send(new GatewayPacket
Opcode = GatewayOpcode.Identify,
@ -312,11 +329,12 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
private async Task SendResume(string session, int lastSequence)
_logger.Information("Sending gateway Resume for session {@SessionInfo}", ShardInfo,
_logger.Information("Shard {ShardId}: Sending gateway Resume for session {@SessionInfo}",
ShardId, SessionInfo);
await _conn!.Send(new GatewayPacket
Opcode = GatewayOpcode.Resume, Payload = new GatewayResume(Settings.Token, session, lastSequence)
Opcode = GatewayOpcode.Resume,
Payload = new GatewayResume(Settings.Token, session, lastSequence)
@ -29,9 +29,12 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
public Func<GatewayPacket, Task>? OnReceive { get; set; }
public Action? OnOpen { get; set; }
public Action<WebSocketCloseStatus, string?>? OnClose { get; set; }
public WebSocketState State => _client.State;
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
@ -50,8 +53,14 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
_logger.Debug("Connecting to gateway WebSocket at {GatewayUrl}", realUrl);
await _client.ConnectAsync(realUrl, default);
_logger.Debug("Gateway connection opened");
// Main worker loop, spins until we manually disconnect (which hits the cancellation token)
// or the server disconnects us (which sets state to closed)
while (!_cts.IsCancellationRequested && _client.State == WebSocketState.Open)
await HandleReceive();
@ -60,6 +69,9 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
_logger.Error(e, "Error in WebSocket receive worker");
OnClose?.Invoke(_client.CloseStatus ?? default, _client.CloseStatusDescription);
private async Task HandleReceive()
@ -92,6 +104,7 @@ namespace Myriad.Gateway
private async Task<ValueWebSocketReceiveResult> ReadData(MemoryStream stream)
// TODO: does this throw if we disconnect mid-read?
using var buf = MemoryPool<byte>.Shared.Rent();
ValueWebSocketReceiveResult result;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace Myriad.Rest
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("User-Agent", userAgent);
Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Authorization", token);
_jsonSerializerOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions().ConfigureForNewcord();
_jsonSerializerOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions().ConfigureForMyriad();
_ratelimiter = new Ratelimiter(logger);
var discordPolicy = new DiscordRateLimitPolicy(_ratelimiter);
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ namespace Myriad.Rest.Ratelimit
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _semaphore = new(1, 1);
private DateTimeOffset _nextReset;
private DateTimeOffset? _nextReset;
private bool _resetTimeValid;
private bool _hasReceivedRemaining;
private bool _hasReceivedHeaders;
public Bucket(ILogger logger, string key, ulong major, int limit)
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ namespace Myriad.Rest.Ratelimit
"{BucketKey}/{BucketMajor}: Bucket has [{BucketRemaining}/{BucketLimit} left], allowing through",
Key, Major, Remaining, Limit);
return true;
@ -78,21 +79,25 @@ namespace Myriad.Rest.Ratelimit
var headerNextReset = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + headers.ResetAfter.Value; // todo: server time
if (headerNextReset > _nextReset)
_logger.Debug("{BucketKey}/{BucketMajor}: Received reset time {NextReset} from server (after: {NextResetAfter}, new remaining: {Remaining})",
Key, Major, headerNextReset, headers.ResetAfter.Value, headers.Remaining);
_logger.Debug("{BucketKey}/{BucketMajor}: Received reset time {NextReset} from server (after: {NextResetAfter}, remaining: {Remaining}, local remaining: {LocalRemaining})",
Key, Major, headerNextReset, headers.ResetAfter.Value, headers.Remaining, Remaining);
_nextReset = headerNextReset;
_resetTimeValid = true;
if (headers.Limit != null)
if (headers.Limit != null)
Limit = headers.Limit.Value;
if (headers.Remaining != null && !_hasReceivedRemaining)
if (headers.Remaining != null && !_hasReceivedHeaders)
_hasReceivedRemaining = true;
Remaining = headers.Remaining.Value;
var oldRemaining = Remaining;
Remaining = Math.Min(headers.Remaining.Value, Remaining);
_logger.Debug("{BucketKey}/{BucketMajor}: Received first remaining of {HeaderRemaining}, previous local remaining is {LocalRemaining}, new local remaining is {Remaining}",
Key, Major, headers.Remaining.Value, oldRemaining, Remaining);
_hasReceivedHeaders = true;
@ -106,6 +111,12 @@ namespace Myriad.Rest.Ratelimit
// If we don't have any reset data, "snap" it to now
// This happens before first request and at this point the reset is invalid anyway, so it's fine
// but it ensures the stale timeout doesn't trigger early by using `default` value
if (_nextReset == null)
_nextReset = now;
// If we're past the reset time *and* we haven't reset already, do that
var timeSinceReset = now - _nextReset;
@ -147,7 +158,7 @@ namespace Myriad.Rest.Ratelimit
if (!_resetTimeValid)
return FallbackDelay;
var delay = _nextReset - now;
var delay = (_nextReset ?? now) - now;
// If we have a really small (or negative) value, return a fallback delay too
if (delay < Epsilon)
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace Myriad.Serialization
public static class JsonSerializerOptionsExtensions
public static JsonSerializerOptions ConfigureForNewcord(this JsonSerializerOptions opts)
public static JsonSerializerOptions ConfigureForMyriad(this JsonSerializerOptions opts)
opts.PropertyNamingPolicy = new JsonSnakeCaseNamingPolicy();
opts.NumberHandling = JsonNumberHandling.AllowReadingFromString;
@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
async Task HandleEventInner()
await Task.Yield();
using var _ = LogContext.PushProperty("EventId", Guid.NewGuid());
.ForContext("Elastic", "yes?")
@ -4,31 +4,40 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DSharpPlus;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using Myriad.Cache;
using Myriad.Extensions;
using Myriad.Rest;
using Myriad.Rest.Exceptions;
using Myriad.Types;
using Dapper;
using NodaTime;
using NodaTime.Extensions;
using NodaTime.Text;
using PluralKit.Core;
using Serilog;
namespace PluralKit.Bot
public class LoggerCleanService
private static readonly Regex _basicRegex = new Regex("(\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _dynoRegex = new Regex("Message ID: (\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _carlRegex = new Regex("ID: (\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _circleRegex = new Regex("\\(`(\\d{17,19})`\\)");
private static readonly Regex _loggerARegex = new Regex("Message = (\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _loggerBRegex = new Regex("MessageID:(\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _auttajaRegex = new Regex("Message (\\d{17,19}) deleted");
private static readonly Regex _mantaroRegex = new Regex("Message \\(?ID:? (\\d{17,19})\\)? created by .* in channel .* was deleted\\.");
private static readonly Regex _pancakeRegex = new Regex("Message from <@(\\d{17,19})> deleted in");
private static readonly Regex _unbelievaboatRegex = new Regex("Message ID: (\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _vanessaRegex = new Regex("Message sent by <@!?(\\d{17,19})> deleted in");
private static readonly Regex _salRegex = new Regex("\\(ID: (\\d{17,19})\\)");
private static readonly Regex _GearBotRegex = new Regex("\\(``(\\d{17,19})``\\) in <#\\d{17,19}> has been removed.");
private static readonly Regex _GiselleRegex = new Regex("\\*\\*Message ID\\*\\*: `(\\d{17,19})`");
private static readonly Regex _basicRegex = new("(\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _dynoRegex = new("Message ID: (\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _carlRegex = new("ID: (\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _circleRegex = new("\\(`(\\d{17,19})`\\)");
private static readonly Regex _loggerARegex = new("Message = (\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _loggerBRegex = new("MessageID:(\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _auttajaRegex = new("Message (\\d{17,19}) deleted");
private static readonly Regex _mantaroRegex = new("Message \\(?ID:? (\\d{17,19})\\)? created by .* in channel .* was deleted\\.");
private static readonly Regex _pancakeRegex = new("Message from <@(\\d{17,19})> deleted in");
private static readonly Regex _unbelievaboatRegex = new("Message ID: (\\d{17,19})");
private static readonly Regex _vanessaRegex = new("Message sent by <@!?(\\d{17,19})> deleted in");
private static readonly Regex _salRegex = new("\\(ID: (\\d{17,19})\\)");
private static readonly Regex _GearBotRegex = new("\\(``(\\d{17,19})``\\) in <#\\d{17,19}> has been removed.");
private static readonly Regex _GiselleRegex = new("\\*\\*Message ID\\*\\*: `(\\d{17,19})`");
private static readonly Dictionary<ulong, LoggerBot> _bots = new[]
@ -57,29 +66,35 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
.ToDictionary(b => b.WebhookName);
private readonly IDatabase _db;
private DiscordShardedClient _client;
private readonly DiscordApiClient _client;
private readonly IDiscordCache _cache;
private readonly Bot _bot; // todo: get rid of this nasty
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public LoggerCleanService(IDatabase db, DiscordShardedClient client)
public LoggerCleanService(IDatabase db, DiscordApiClient client, IDiscordCache cache, Bot bot, ILogger logger)
_db = db;
_client = client;
_cache = cache;
_bot = bot;
_logger = logger.ForContext<LoggerCleanService>();
public ICollection<LoggerBot> Bots => _bots.Values;
public async ValueTask HandleLoggerBotCleanup(Message msg)
// TODO: fix!!
if (msg.Channel.Type != ChannelType.Text) return;
if (!msg.Channel.BotHasAllPermissions(Permissions.ManageMessages)) return;
var channel = _cache.GetChannel(msg.ChannelId);
if (channel.Type != Channel.ChannelType.GuildText) return;
if (!_bot.PermissionsIn(channel.Id).HasFlag(PermissionSet.ManageMessages)) return;
// If this message is from a *webhook*, check if the name matches one of the bots we know
// TODO: do we need to do a deeper webhook origin check, or would that be too hard on the rate limit?
// If it's from a *bot*, check the bot ID to see if we know it.
LoggerBot bot = null;
if (msg.WebhookMessage) _botsByWebhookName.TryGetValue(msg.Author.Username, out bot);
else if (msg.Author.IsBot) _bots.TryGetValue(msg.Author.Id, out bot);
if (msg.WebhookId != null) _botsByWebhookName.TryGetValue(msg.Author.Username, out bot);
else if (msg.Author.Bot) _bots.TryGetValue(msg.Author.Id, out bot);
// If we didn't find anything before, or what we found is an unsupported bot, bail
if (bot == null) return;
@ -96,33 +111,43 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// either way but shouldn't be too much, given it's constrained by user ID and guild.
var fuzzy = bot.FuzzyExtractFunc(msg);
if (fuzzy == null) return;
_logger.Debug("Fuzzy logclean for {BotName} on {MessageId}: {@FuzzyExtractResult}",
bot.Name, msg.Id, fuzzy);
var mid = await _db.Execute(conn =>
"select mid from messages where sender = @User and mid > @ApproxID and guild = @Guild limit 1",
Guild = msg.Channel.GuildId,
Guild = msg.GuildId,
ApproxId = DiscordUtils.InstantToSnowflake(
fuzzy.Value.ApproxTimestamp - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3))
fuzzy.Value.ApproxTimestamp - Duration.FromSeconds(3))
if (mid == null) return; // If we didn't find a corresponding message, bail
// If we didn't find a corresponding message, bail
if (mid == null)
// Otherwise, we can *reasonably assume* that this is a logged deletion, so delete the log message.
await msg.DeleteAsync();
await _client.DeleteMessage(msg.ChannelId, msg.Id);
else if (bot.ExtractFunc != null)
// Other bots give us the message ID itself, and we can just extract that from the database directly.
var extractedId = bot.ExtractFunc(msg);
if (extractedId == null) return; // If we didn't find anything, bail.
_logger.Debug("Pure logclean for {BotName} on {MessageId}: {@FuzzyExtractResult}",
bot.Name, msg.Id, extractedId);
var mid = await _db.Execute(conn => conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<ulong?>(
"select mid from messages where original_mid = @Mid", new {Mid = extractedId.Value}));
if (mid == null) return;
// If we've gotten this far, we found a logged deletion of a trigger message. Just yeet it!
await msg.DeleteAsync();
await _client.DeleteMessage(msg.ChannelId, msg.Id);
} // else should not happen, but idk, it might
catch (NotFoundException)
@ -131,10 +156,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// The only thing I can think of that'd cause this are the DeleteAsync() calls which 404 when
// the message doesn't exist anyway - so should be safe to just ignore it, right?
private static ulong? ExtractAuttaja(DiscordMessage msg)
private static ulong? ExtractAuttaja(Message msg)
// Auttaja has an optional "compact mode" that logs without embeds
// That one puts the ID in the message content, non-compact puts it in the embed description.
@ -146,7 +170,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return match.Success ? ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) : (ulong?) null;
private static ulong? ExtractDyno(DiscordMessage msg)
private static ulong? ExtractDyno(Message msg)
// Embed *description* contains "Message sent by [mention] deleted in [channel]", contains message ID in footer per regex
var embed = msg.Embeds.FirstOrDefault();
@ -155,7 +179,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return match.Success ? ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) : (ulong?) null;
private static ulong? ExtractLoggerA(DiscordMessage msg)
private static ulong? ExtractLoggerA(Message msg)
// This is for Logger#6088 (298822483060981760), distinct from Logger#6278 (327424261180620801).
// Embed contains title "Message deleted in [channel]", and an ID field containing both message and user ID (see regex).
@ -169,7 +193,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return match.Success ? ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) : (ulong?) null;
private static ulong? ExtractLoggerB(DiscordMessage msg)
private static ulong? ExtractLoggerB(Message msg)
// This is for Logger#6278 (327424261180620801), distinct from Logger#6088 (298822483060981760).
// Embed title ends with "A Message Was Deleted!", footer contains message ID as per regex.
@ -179,7 +203,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return match.Success ? ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) : (ulong?) null;
private static ulong? ExtractGenericBot(DiscordMessage msg)
private static ulong? ExtractGenericBot(Message msg)
// Embed, title is "Message Deleted", ID plain in footer.
var embed = msg.Embeds.FirstOrDefault();
@ -188,7 +212,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return match.Success ? ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) : (ulong?) null;
private static ulong? ExtractBlargBot(DiscordMessage msg)
private static ulong? ExtractBlargBot(Message msg)
// Embed, title ends with "Message Deleted", contains ID plain in a field.
var embed = msg.Embeds.FirstOrDefault();
@ -198,7 +222,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return match.Success ? ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) : (ulong?) null;
private static ulong? ExtractMantaro(DiscordMessage msg)
private static ulong? ExtractMantaro(Message msg)
// Plain message, "Message (ID: [id]) created by [user] (ID: [id]) in channel [channel] was deleted.
if (!(msg.Content?.Contains("was deleted.") ?? false)) return null;
@ -206,7 +230,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return match.Success ? ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) : (ulong?) null;
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractCarlBot(DiscordMessage msg)
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractCarlBot(Message msg)
// Embed, title is "Message deleted in [channel], **user** ID in the footer, timestamp as, well, timestamp in embed.
// This is the *deletion* timestamp, which we can assume is a couple seconds at most after the message was originally sent
@ -214,17 +238,21 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (embed?.Footer == null || embed.Timestamp == null || !(embed.Title?.StartsWith("Message deleted in") ?? false)) return null;
var match = _carlRegex.Match(embed.Footer.Text ?? "");
return match.Success
? new FuzzyExtractResult { User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value), ApproxTimestamp = embed.Timestamp.Value }
? new FuzzyExtractResult
User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value),
ApproxTimestamp = OffsetDateTimePattern.Rfc3339.Parse(embed.Timestamp).GetValueOrThrow().ToInstant()
: (FuzzyExtractResult?) null;
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractCircle(DiscordMessage msg)
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractCircle(Message msg)
// Like Auttaja, Circle has both embed and compact modes, but the regex works for both.
// Compact: "Message from [user] ([id]) deleted in [channel]", no timestamp (use message time)
// Embed: Message Author field: "[user] ([id])", then an embed timestamp
string stringWithId = msg.Content;
if (msg.Embeds.Count > 0)
if (msg.Embeds.Length > 0)
var embed = msg.Embeds.First();
if (embed.Author?.Name == null || !embed.Author.Name.StartsWith("Message Deleted in")) return null;
@ -236,11 +264,14 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
var match = _circleRegex.Match(stringWithId);
return match.Success
? new FuzzyExtractResult {User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value), ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp}
? new FuzzyExtractResult {
User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value),
ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp().ToInstant()
: (FuzzyExtractResult?) null;
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractPancake(DiscordMessage msg)
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractPancake(Message msg)
// Embed, author is "Message Deleted", description includes a mention, timestamp is *message send time* (but no ID)
// so we use the message timestamp to get somewhere *after* the message was proxied
@ -248,11 +279,15 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (embed?.Description == null || embed.Author?.Name != "Message Deleted") return null;
var match = _pancakeRegex.Match(embed.Description);
return match.Success
? new FuzzyExtractResult {User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value), ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp}
? new FuzzyExtractResult
User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value),
ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp().ToInstant()
: (FuzzyExtractResult?) null;
private static ulong? ExtractUnbelievaBoat(DiscordMessage msg)
private static ulong? ExtractUnbelievaBoat(Message msg)
// Embed author is "Message Deleted", footer contains message ID per regex
var embed = msg.Embeds.FirstOrDefault();
@ -261,18 +296,22 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return match.Success ? ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) : (ulong?) null;
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractVanessa(DiscordMessage msg)
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractVanessa(Message msg)
// Title is "Message Deleted", embed description contains mention
var embed = msg.Embeds.FirstOrDefault();
if (embed?.Title == null || embed.Title != "Message Deleted" || embed.Description == null) return null;
var match = _vanessaRegex.Match(embed.Description);
return match.Success
? new FuzzyExtractResult {User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value), ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp}
? new FuzzyExtractResult
User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value),
ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp().ToInstant()
: (FuzzyExtractResult?) null;
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractSAL(DiscordMessage msg)
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractSAL(Message msg)
// Title is "Message Deleted!", field "Message Author" contains ID
var embed = msg.Embeds.FirstOrDefault();
@ -281,22 +320,30 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
if (authorField == null) return null;
var match = _salRegex.Match(authorField.Value);
return match.Success
? new FuzzyExtractResult {User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value), ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp}
? new FuzzyExtractResult
User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value),
ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp().ToInstant()
: (FuzzyExtractResult?) null;
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractGearBot(DiscordMessage msg)
private static FuzzyExtractResult? ExtractGearBot(Message msg)
// Simple text based message log.
// No message ID, but we have timestamp and author ID.
// Not using timestamp here though (seems to be same as message timestamp), might be worth implementing in the future.
var match = _GearBotRegex.Match(msg.Content);
return match.Success
? new FuzzyExtractResult {User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value), ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp}
? new FuzzyExtractResult
User = ulong.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value),
ApproxTimestamp = msg.Timestamp().ToInstant()
: (FuzzyExtractResult?) null;
private static ulong? ExtractGiselleBot(DiscordMessage msg)
private static ulong? ExtractGiselleBot(Message msg)
var embed = msg.Embeds.FirstOrDefault();
if (embed?.Title == null || embed.Title != "🗑 Message Deleted") return null;
@ -308,11 +355,11 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public string Name;
public ulong Id;
public Func<DiscordMessage, ulong?> ExtractFunc;
public Func<DiscordMessage, FuzzyExtractResult?> FuzzyExtractFunc;
public Func<Message, ulong?> ExtractFunc;
public Func<Message, FuzzyExtractResult?> FuzzyExtractFunc;
public string WebhookName;
public LoggerBot(string name, ulong id, Func<DiscordMessage, ulong?> extractFunc = null, Func<DiscordMessage, FuzzyExtractResult?> fuzzyExtractFunc = null, string webhookName = null)
public LoggerBot(string name, ulong id, Func<Message, ulong?> extractFunc = null, Func<Message, FuzzyExtractResult?> fuzzyExtractFunc = null, string webhookName = null)
Name = name;
Id = id;
@ -324,8 +371,8 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
public struct FuzzyExtractResult
public ulong User;
public DateTimeOffset ApproxTimestamp;
public ulong User { get; set; }
public Instant ApproxTimestamp { get; set; }
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using App.Metrics;
using DSharpPlus;
using DSharpPlus.EventArgs;
using Myriad.Gateway;
using NodaTime;
@ -16,6 +15,8 @@ using Serilog;
namespace PluralKit.Bot
// TODO: how much of this do we need now that we have logging in the shard library?
// A lot could probably be cleaned up...
public class ShardInfoService
public class ShardInfo
@ -30,10 +31,10 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
private readonly IMetrics _metrics;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly DiscordShardedClient _client;
private readonly Dictionary<int, ShardInfo> _shardInfo = new Dictionary<int, ShardInfo>();
private readonly Cluster _client;
private readonly Dictionary<int, ShardInfo> _shardInfo = new();
public ShardInfoService(ILogger logger, DiscordShardedClient client, IMetrics metrics)
public ShardInfoService(ILogger logger, Cluster client, IMetrics metrics)
_client = client;
_metrics = metrics;
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// We initialize this before any shards are actually created and connected
// This means the client won't know the shard count, so we attach a listener every time a shard gets connected
_client.SocketOpened += (_, __) => RefreshShardList();
_client.ShardCreated += InitializeShard;
private void ReportShardStatus()
@ -54,44 +55,40 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
_metrics.Measure.Gauge.SetValue(BotMetrics.ShardsConnected, _shardInfo.Count(s => s.Value.Connected));
private async Task RefreshShardList()
private void InitializeShard(Shard shard)
// This callback doesn't actually receive the shard that was opening, so we just try to check we have 'em all (so far)
foreach (var (id, shard) in _client.ShardClients)
// Get or insert info in the client dict
if (_shardInfo.TryGetValue(shard.ShardId, out var info))
// Get or insert info in the client dict
if (_shardInfo.TryGetValue(id, out var info))
// Skip adding listeners if we've seen this shard & already added listeners to it
if (info.HasAttachedListeners) continue;
} else _shardInfo[id] = info = new ShardInfo();
// Skip adding listeners if we've seen this shard & already added listeners to it
if (info.HasAttachedListeners)
} else _shardInfo[shard.ShardId] = info = new ShardInfo();
// Call our own SocketOpened listener manually (and then attach the listener properly)
shard.SocketOpened += () => SocketOpened(shard);
// Register listeners for new shards
_logger.Information("Attaching listeners to new shard #{Shard}", shard.ShardId);
shard.Resumed += () => Resumed(shard);
shard.Ready += () => Ready(shard);
shard.SocketClosed += (closeStatus, message) => SocketClosed(shard, closeStatus, message);
shard.HeartbeatReceived += latency => Heartbeated(shard, latency);
// Call our own SocketOpened listener manually (and then attach the listener properly)
await SocketOpened(shard, null);
shard.SocketOpened += SocketOpened;
// Register listeners for new shards
_logger.Information("Attaching listeners to new shard #{Shard}", shard.ShardId);
shard.Resumed += Resumed;
shard.Ready += Ready;
shard.SocketClosed += SocketClosed;
shard.Heartbeated += Heartbeated;
// Register that we've seen it
info.HasAttachedListeners = true;
// Register that we've seen it
info.HasAttachedListeners = true;
private Task SocketOpened(DiscordClient shard, SocketEventArgs _)
private void SocketOpened(Shard shard)
// We do nothing else here, since this kinda doesn't mean *much*? It's only really started once we get Ready/Resumed
// And it doesn't get fired first time around since we don't have time to add the event listener before it's fired'
_logger.Information("Shard #{Shard} opened socket", shard.ShardId);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private ShardInfo TryGetShard(DiscordClient shard)
private ShardInfo TryGetShard(Shard shard)
// If we haven't seen this shard before, add it to the dict!
// I don't think this will ever occur since the shard number is constant up-front and we handle those
@ -101,7 +98,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
return info;
private Task Resumed(DiscordClient shard, ReadyEventArgs e)
private void Resumed(Shard shard)
_logger.Information("Shard #{Shard} resumed connection", shard.ShardId);
@ -109,10 +106,9 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// info.LastConnectionTime = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant();
info.Connected = true;
return Task.CompletedTask;
private Task Ready(DiscordClient shard, ReadyEventArgs e)
private void Ready(Shard shard)
_logger.Information("Shard #{Shard} sent Ready event", shard.ShardId);
@ -120,30 +116,28 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
info.LastConnectionTime = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant();
info.Connected = true;
return Task.CompletedTask;
private Task SocketClosed(DiscordClient shard, SocketCloseEventArgs e)
private void SocketClosed(Shard shard, WebSocketCloseStatus closeStatus, string message)
_logger.Warning("Shard #{Shard} disconnected ({CloseCode}: {CloseMessage})", shard.ShardId, e.CloseCode, e.CloseMessage);
_logger.Warning("Shard #{Shard} disconnected ({CloseCode}: {CloseMessage})",
shard.ShardId, closeStatus, message);
var info = TryGetShard(shard);
info.Connected = false;
return Task.CompletedTask;
private Task Heartbeated(DiscordClient shard, HeartbeatEventArgs e)
private void Heartbeated(Shard shard, TimeSpan latency)
var latency = Duration.FromMilliseconds(e.Ping);
_logger.Information("Shard #{Shard} received heartbeat (latency: {Latency} ms)", shard.ShardId, latency.Milliseconds);
_logger.Information("Shard #{Shard} received heartbeat (latency: {Latency} ms)",
shard.ShardId, latency.Milliseconds);
var info = TryGetShard(shard);
info.LastHeartbeatTime = e.Timestamp.ToInstant();
info.LastHeartbeatTime = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant();
info.Connected = true;
info.ShardLatency = latency;
return Task.CompletedTask;
info.ShardLatency = latency.ToDuration();
public ShardInfo GetShardInfo(Shard shard) => _shardInfo[shard.ShardId];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user