@ -1,165 +1,49 @@
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import io
import json
import os
from datetime import datetime
from pluralkit.errors import TupperboxImportError
from import *
def default_tupperware_id():
if "TUPPERWARE_ID" in os.environ:
return int(os.environ["TUPPERWARE_ID"])
return 431544605209788416
async def import_root(ctx: CommandContext):
# Only one import method rn, so why not default to Tupperware?
await import_tupperware(ctx)
# Only one import method rn, so why not default to Tupperbox?
await import_tupperbox(ctx)
async def import_tupperware(ctx: CommandContext):
# Check if there's a Tupperware bot on the server
# Main instance of TW has that ID, at least
tupperware_id = default_tupperware_id()
if ctx.has_next():
id_str = ctx.pop_str()
tupperware_id = int(id_str)
except ValueError:
raise CommandError("'{}' is not a valid ID.".format(id_str))
tupperware_member = ctx.message.guild.get_member(tupperware_id)
if not tupperware_member:
raise CommandError(
"""This command only works in a server where the Tupperware bot is also present.
If you're trying to import from a Tupperware instance other than the main one (which has the ID {}), pass the ID of that instance as a parameter.""".format(
# Make sure at the bot has send/read permissions here
channel_permissions =
if not (channel_permissions.read_messages and channel_permissions.send_messages):
# If it doesn't, throw error
raise CommandError("This command only works in a channel where the Tupperware bot has read/send access.")
await ctx.reply("Please reply to this message with `tul!list` (or the server equivalent).")
# Check to make sure the message is sent by Tupperware, and that the Tupperware response actually belongs to the correct user
def ensure_account(tw_msg):
if !=
async def import_tupperbox(ctx: CommandContext):
await ctx.reply("To import from Tupperbox, reply to this message with a `tuppers.json` file imported from Tupperbox.\n\nTo obtain such a file, type `tul!export` (or your server's equivalent).")
def predicate(msg):
if !=
return False
if !=
return False
if not tw_msg.embeds:
return False
if not tw_msg.embeds[0].title:
return False
return tw_msg.embeds[0].title.startswith(
tupperware_page_embeds = []
if msg.attachments:
if msg.attachments[0].filename.endswith(".json"):
return True
return False
tw_msg: discord.Message = await ctx.client.wait_for("message", check=ensure_account, timeout=60.0 * 5)
message = await ctx.client.wait_for("message", check=predicate, timeout=60*5)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise CommandError("Tupperware import timed out.")
raise CommandError("Timed out. Try running `pk;import` again.")
# Handle Tupperware pagination
def match_pagination():
pagination_match ="\(page (\d+)/(\d+), \d+ total\)", tw_msg.embeds[0].title)
if not pagination_match:
return None
return int(, int(
pagination_match = match_pagination()
if pagination_match:
status_msg = await ctx.reply("Multi-page member list found. Please manually scroll through all the pages.")
current_page = 0
total_pages = 1
pages_found = {}
# Keep trying to read the embed with new pages
last_found_time = datetime.utcnow()
while len(pages_found) < total_pages:
new_page, total_pages = match_pagination()
# Put the found page in the pages dict
pages_found[new_page] = tw_msg.embeds[0].to_dict()
# If this isn't the same page as last check, edit the status message
if new_page != current_page:
last_found_time = datetime.utcnow()
await status_msg.edit(
content="Multi-page member list found. Please manually scroll through all the pages. Read {}/{} pages.".format(
len(pages_found), total_pages))
current_page = new_page
# And sleep a bit to prevent spamming the CPU
await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
# Make sure it doesn't spin here for too long, time out after 30 seconds since last new page
if (datetime.utcnow() - last_found_time).seconds > 30:
raise CommandError("Pagination scan timed out.")
# Now that we've got all the pages, put them in the embeds list
# Make sure to erase the original one we put in above too
tupperware_page_embeds = list([embed for page, embed in sorted(pages_found.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])])
# Also edit the status message to indicate we're now importing, and it may take a while because there's probably a lot of members
await status_msg.edit(content="All pages read. Now importing...")
# Create new (nameless) system if there isn't any registered
s = io.BytesIO()
await message.attachments[0].save(s)
data = json.load(s)
system = await ctx.get_system()
if system is None:
system = await System.create_system(ctx.conn,
for embed in tupperware_page_embeds:
for field in embed["fields"]:
name = field["name"]
lines = field["value"].split("\n")
member_prefix = None
member_suffix = None
member_avatar = None
member_birthdate = None
member_description = None
# Read the message format line by line
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("Brackets:"):
brackets = line[len("Brackets: "):]
member_prefix = brackets[:brackets.index("text")].strip() or None
member_suffix = brackets[brackets.index("text") + 4:].strip() or None
elif line.startswith("Avatar URL: "):
url = line[len("Avatar URL: "):]
member_avatar = url
elif line.startswith("Birthday: "):
bday_str = line[len("Birthday: "):]
bday = datetime.strptime(bday_str, "%a %b %d %Y")
if bday:
member_birthdate =
elif line.startswith("Total messages sent: ") or line.startswith("Tag: "):
# Ignore this, just so it doesn't catch as the description
member_description = line
# Read by name - TW doesn't allow name collisions so we're safe here (prevents dupes)
existing_member = await Member.get_member_by_name(ctx.conn,, name)
if not existing_member:
# Or create a new member
existing_member = await system.create_member(ctx.conn, name)
# Save the new stuff in the DB
await existing_member.set_proxy_tags(ctx.conn, member_prefix, member_suffix)
await existing_member.set_avatar(ctx.conn, member_avatar)
await existing_member.set_birthdate(ctx.conn, member_birthdate)
await existing_member.set_description(ctx.conn, member_description)
await ctx.reply_ok(
"System information imported. Try using `pk;system` now.\nYou should probably remove your members from Tupperware to avoid double-posting.")
if not system:
system = await System.create_system(ctx.conn,
result = await system.import_from_tupperbox(ctx.conn, data)
tag_note = ""
if len(result.tags) > 1:
tag_note = "\n\nPluralKit's tags work on a per-system basis. Since your Tupperbox members have more than one unique tag, PluralKit has not imported the tags. Set your system tag manually with `pk;system tag <tag>`."
await ctx.reply_ok("Updated {} member{}, created {} member{}. Type `pk;system` to check!{}".format(
len(result.updated), "s" if len(result.updated) != 1 else "",
len(result.created), "s" if len(result.created) != 1 else "",
@ -98,3 +98,7 @@ class DuplicateSwitchMembersError(PluralKitError):
class InvalidTimeZoneError(PluralKitError):
def __init__(self, tz_name: str):
super().__init__("Invalid time zone designation \"{}\".\n\nFor a list of valid time zone designations, see the `TZ database name` column here: <>.".format(tz_name))
class TupperboxImportError(PluralKitError):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__("Invalid Tupperbox file.")
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ def canonicalize_tz_name(name: str) -> Optional[str]:
if name in name_map:
return name_map[name]
class TupperboxImportResult(namedtuple("TupperboxImportResult", ["updated", "created", "tags"])):
class System(namedtuple("System", ["id", "hid", "name", "description", "tag", "avatar_url", "token", "created", "ui_tz"])):
id: int
@ -254,6 +256,66 @@ class System(namedtuple("System", ["id", "hid", "name", "description", "tag", "a
await db.update_system_field(conn,, "ui_tz",
return tz
async def import_from_tupperbox(self, conn, data: dict):
Imports from a Tupperbox JSON data file.
:raises: TupperboxImportError
if not "tuppers" in data:
raise errors.TupperboxImportError()
if not isinstance(data["tuppers"], list):
raise errors.TupperboxImportError()
all_tags = set()
created_members = set()
updated_members = set()
for tupper in data["tuppers"]:
# Sanity check tupper fields
for field in ["name", "avatar_url", "brackets", "birthday", "description", "tag"]:
if field not in tupper:
raise errors.TupperboxImportError()
# Find member by name, create if not exists
member_name = str(tupper["name"])
member = await Member.get_member_by_name(conn,, member_name)
if not member:
# And keep track of created members
member = await self.create_member(conn, member_name)
# Keep track of updated members
# Set avatar
await member.set_avatar(conn, str(tupper["avatar_url"]))
# Set proxy tags
if not (isinstance(tupper["brackets"], list) and len(tupper["brackets"]) >= 2):
raise errors.TupperboxImportError()
await member.set_proxy_tags(conn, str(tupper["brackets"][0]), str(tupper["brackets"][1]))
# Set birthdate (input is in ISO-8601, first 10 characters is the date)
if tupper["birthday"]:
await member.set_birthdate(conn, str(tupper["birthday"][:10]))
except errors.InvalidDateStringError:
# Set description
await member.set_description(conn, tupper["description"])
# Keep track of tag
# Since Tupperbox does tags on a per-member basis, we only apply a system tag if
# every member has the same tag (surprisingly common)
# If not, we just do nothing. (This will be reported in the caller function through the returned result)
if len(all_tags) == 1:
tag = list(all_tags)[0]
await self.set_tag(ctx.conn, tag)
return TupperboxImportResult(updated=updated_members, created=created_members, tags=all_tags)
def to_json(self):
return {
"id": self.hid,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user