Refactor and categorize tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ namespace PluralKit.Bot
// Special case: image-only proxies + proxy tags with spaces
// Trim everything, then see if we have a "contentless tag pair" (normally disallowed, but OK if we have an attachment)
// Note `input` is still "", even if there are spaces between
if (!isMatch && input.Trim() == prefix.TrimEnd() + suffix.TrimStart())
return true;
if (!isMatch) return false;
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
#nullable enable
using System.Collections.Generic;
using PluralKit.Bot;
using PluralKit.Core;
@ -9,81 +11,175 @@ namespace PluralKit.Tests
public class ProxyTagParserTests
private ProxyTagParser parser = new ProxyTagParser();
private ProxyMember[] members = {
new ProxyMember("Tagless"),
new ProxyMember("John", new ProxyTag("[", "]")),
new ProxyMember("Curly", new ProxyTag("{", "}")),
new ProxyMember("Specific", new ProxyTag("{{", "}}")),
new ProxyMember("SuperSpecific", new ProxyTag("{{{", "}}}")),
new ProxyMember("Manytags", new ProxyTag("-", "-"), new ProxyTag("<", ">")),
new ProxyMember("Lopsided", new ProxyTag("-", "")),
new ProxyMember("Othersided", new ProxyTag("", "-"))
public void EmptyStringMatchesNothing() =>
Assert.False(parser.TryMatch(members, "", out _));
public void NullStringMatchesNothing() =>
Assert.False(parser.TryMatch(members, null, out _));
public void PlainStringMatchesNothing() =>
// Note that we have "Tagless" with no proxy tags
Assert.False(parser.TryMatch(members, "string without any of the tags", out _));
public void StringWithBasicTagsMatch() =>
Assert.True(parser.TryMatch(members, "[these are john's tags]", out _));
[InlineData("[these are john's tags]", "John")]
[InlineData("-lopsided tags on the left", "Lopsided")]
[InlineData("lopsided tags on the right-", "Othersided")]
public void MatchReturnsCorrectMember(string input, string expectedName)
public class Basics
parser.TryMatch(members, input, out var result);
Assert.Equal(expectedName, result.Member.Name);
private ProxyMember[] members = {
new ProxyMember("John", new ProxyTag("[", "]")),
new ProxyMember("Bob", new ProxyTag("{", "}"), new ProxyTag("<", ">")),
new ProxyMember("Prefixed", new ProxyTag("A:", "")),
new ProxyMember("Tagless")
public void StringWithoutAnyTagsMatchesNothing() =>
// Note that we have "Tagless" with no proxy tags
AssertNoMatch(members, "string without any tags");
[InlineData("[john's tags]")]
[InlineData("{bob's tags}")]
[InlineData("A:tag with prefix")]
public void StringWithTagsMatch(string input) =>
AssertMatch(members, input);
[InlineData("[john's tags]", "John")]
[InlineData("{bob's tags}", "Bob")]
[InlineData("A:tag with prefix", "Prefixed")]
public void MatchReturnsCorrespondingMember(string input, string expectedName) =>
AssertMatch(members, input, name: expectedName);
[InlineData("[text inside]", "text inside")]
[InlineData("A:text after", "text after")]
[InlineData("A: space after prefix", "space after prefix")]
[InlineData("[ lots and lots of spaces ]", "lots and lots of spaces")]
public void ContentBetweenTagsIsExtracted(string input, string expectedContent) =>
AssertMatch(members, input, content: expectedContent);
[InlineData("[john's tags]", "[", "]")]
[InlineData("{bob's tags}", "{", "}")]
[InlineData("<also bob's tags>", "<", ">")]
public void ReturnedTagMatchesInput(string input, string expectedPrefix, string expectedSuffix) =>
AssertMatch(members, input, prefix: expectedPrefix, suffix: expectedSuffix);
[InlineData("[tags at the start] but more text here")]
[InlineData("text at the start [but tags after]")]
[InlineData("something A:prefix")]
public void TagsOnlyMatchAtTheStartAndEnd(string input) =>
AssertNoMatch(members, input);
public void MatchReturnsCorrectContent()
public class MentionPrefix
parser.TryMatch(members, "[these are john's tags]", out var result);
Assert.Equal("these are john's tags", result.Content);
private ProxyMember[] members = {
new ProxyMember("John", new ProxyTag("[", "]")),
new ProxyMember("Suffix only", new ProxyTag("", "-Q")),
public void MentionAtStartGetsMovedIntoTags() =>
AssertMatch(members, "<@466378653216014359>[some text]", content: "some text");
public void SpacesBetweenMentionAndTagsAreAllowed() =>
AssertMatch(members, "<@466378653216014359> [some text]", content: "some text");
public void MentionMovingTakesPrecedenceOverTagMatching() =>
// (as opposed to content: "<@466378653216014359> some text")
// which would also be valid, but the tags should be moved first
AssertMatch(members, "<@466378653216014359> some text -Q", content: "some text");
public void AlternateMentionSyntaxAlsoAccepted() =>
AssertMatch(members, "<@466378653216014359> [some text]", content: "some text");
[InlineData("{just curly}", "Curly", "just curly")]
[InlineData("{{getting deeper}}", "Specific", "getting deeper")]
[InlineData("{{{way too deep}}}", "SuperSpecific", "way too deep")]
[InlineData("{{unmatched brackets}}}", "Specific", "unmatched brackets}")]
[InlineData("{more unmatched brackets}}}}}", "Curly", "more unmatched brackets}}}}")]
public void MostSpecificTagsAreMatched(string input, string expectedName, string expectedContent)
public class Specificity
Assert.True(parser.TryMatch(members, input, out var result));
Assert.Equal(expectedName, result.Member.Name);
Assert.Equal(expectedContent, result.Content);
private ProxyMember[] members =
new ProxyMember("Level One", new ProxyTag("[", "]")),
new ProxyMember("Level Two", new ProxyTag("[[", "]]")),
new ProxyMember("Level Three", new ProxyTag("[[[", "]]]")),
[InlineData("[just one]", "Level One")]
[InlineData("[[getting deeper]]", "Level Two")]
[InlineData("[[[way too deep]]]", "Level Three")]
[InlineData("[[unmatched brackets]]]", "Level Two")]
[InlineData("[more unmatched brackets]]]]]]", "Level One")]
public void MostSpecificTagsAreMatched(string input, string expectedName) =>
AssertMatch(members, input, name: expectedName);
public class EmptyInput
private ProxyMember[] members = {new ProxyMember("Something", new ProxyTag("[", "]"))};
[InlineData("some text")]
[InlineData("{bogus tags, idk}")]
public void NoMembersMatchNothing(string input) =>
AssertNoMatch(new ProxyMember[]{}, input);
public void EmptyStringMatchesNothing() =>
AssertNoMatch(members, "");
public void NullStringMatchesNothing() =>
AssertNoMatch(members, null);
[InlineData("some text")]
[InlineData("{bogus tags, idk}")]
public void NoMembersMatchNothing(string input) =>
Assert.False(parser.TryMatch(new ProxyMember[]{}, input, out _));
[InlineData("{hello world}", "{", "}")]
[InlineData("[some other tags]", "[", "]")]
[InlineData("-manytags has multiple sets-", "-", "-")]
[InlineData("<and it should return the correct set>", "<", ">")]
public void ReturnedProxyTagsShouldMatchInput(string input, string expectedPrefix, string expectedSuffix)
public class TagSpaceHandling
Assert.True(parser.TryMatch(members, input, out var result));
Assert.Equal(expectedPrefix, result.ProxyTags?.Prefix);
Assert.Equal(expectedSuffix, result.ProxyTags?.Suffix);
private ProxyMember[] members =
new ProxyMember("Tags without spaces", new ProxyTag("[", "]")),
new ProxyMember("Tags with spaces", new ProxyTag("{ ", " }")),
new ProxyMember("Spaced prefix tag", new ProxyTag("A: ", ""))
public void TagsWithoutSpacesAlwaysMatch()
AssertMatch(members, "[no spaces inside tags]");
AssertMatch(members, "[ spaces inside tags ]");
public void TagsWithSpacesOnlyMatchWithSpaces()
AssertMatch(members, "{ spaces in here }");
AssertNoMatch(members, "{no spaces}");
AssertMatch(members, "A: text here");
AssertNoMatch(members, "A:same text without spaces");
public void SpacesBeforePrefixOrAfterSuffixAlsoCount()
AssertNoMatch(members, " A: text here");
AssertNoMatch(members, "{ something something } ");
public void TagsWithSpacesStillMatchWithoutSpacesIfTheContentIsEmpty()
AssertMatch(members, "A:");
AssertMatch(members, "{}");
internal static ProxyMatch AssertMatch(IEnumerable<ProxyMember> members, string input, string? name = null, string? prefix = null, string? suffix = null, string? content = null)
Assert.True(new ProxyTagParser().TryMatch(members, input, out var result));
if (name != null) Assert.Equal(name, result.Member.Name);
if (prefix != null) Assert.Equal(prefix, result.ProxyTags?.Prefix);
if (suffix != null) Assert.Equal(suffix, result.ProxyTags?.Suffix);
if (content != null) Assert.Equal(content, result.Content);
return result;
internal static void AssertNoMatch(IEnumerable<ProxyMember> members, string? input)
Assert.False(new ProxyTagParser().TryMatch(members, input, out _));
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