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Errors and Status Codes /api/errors

Errors and Status Codes

When something goes wrong, the API will send back a 4xx HTTP status code, along with a JSON object describing the error.

Error Response Model

key type description
code int numerical error code
message string description of the error
?errors map of entity keys to list of error objects* details on the error
?retry_after int if this is a rate limit error, the number of milliseconds after which you can retry the request
  • Only returned for model parsing errors.

Error Object

key type description
message string error description
?max_length int if this is an error indicating a key is too long, the maximum allowed length for the key
?actual_length int if this is an error indicating a key is too long, the length of the provided value

JSON error codes

code HTTP response code meaning
0 500 Internal server error, try again later
0 400 Invalid JSON, or invalid request format (check error key in the response body)
0 401 Missing or invalid Authorization header
0 403 Your access to the API is blocked - please contact us in the support server
20001 404 System not found.
20002 404 Member not found.
20003 404 Member '{memberRef}' not found.
20004 404 Group not found.
20005 404 Group '{groupRef}' not found.
20006 404 Message not found.
20007 404 Switch not found.
20008 404 Switch not found, switch associated with different system, or unauthorized to view front history.
20009 404 No system guild settings found for target guild.
20010 404 No member guild settings found for target guild.
30001 403 Unauthorized to view member list
30002 403 Unauthorized to view group list
30003 403 Unauthorized to view group member list
30004 403 Unauthorized to view current fronters.
30005 403 Unauthorized to view front history.
30006 403 Target member is not part of your system.
30007 403 Target group is not part of your system.
30008 403 Member '{memberRef}' is not part of your system.
30009 403 Group '{groupRef}' is not part of your system.
40001 400 Error parsing JSON model (check errors key for details)
40002 400 Missing autoproxy member for member-mode autoproxy.
40003 400 Duplicate members in member list.
40004 400 Member list identical to current fronter list.
40005 400 Switch with provided timestamp already exists.
40006 400 Invalid switch ID.