2021-11-29 21:35:21 -05:00

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default Command List /commands The full list of all commands in PluralKit, and a short description of what they do. 3

How to read this

Words in <angle brackets> or [square brackets] mean fill-in-the-blank. Square brackets mean this is optional. Don't include the actual brackets.

Special arguments

Some arguments indicate the use of specific Discord features. These include:

  • @mention: insert a Discord mention (or "ping")

::: details Mention example Mention example :::

  • reply: reply to a previous message

::: details Message reply example Message reply example :::

  • upload: upload a file

::: details Upload example Upload example :::


System commands

Optionally replace [system] with a @mention, Discord account ID, or 5-character ID. For most commands, adding -clear will clear/delete the field.

  • pk;system [system] - Shows information about a system.
  • pk;system new [name] - Creates a new system registered to your account.
  • pk;system rename [new name] - Changes the name of your system.
  • pk;system description [description] - Changes the description of your system.
  • pk;system avatar [avatar url|@mention|upload] - Changes the avatar of your system.
  • pk;system banner [image url|upload] - Changes your system's banner image.
  • pk;system privacy - Displays your system's current privacy settings.
  • pk;system privacy <subject> <public|private> - Changes your systems privacy settings.
  • pk;system tag [tag] - Changes the system tag of your system.
  • pk;system servertag [tag|-enable|-disable] - Changes your system's tag in the current server, or disables it for the current server.
  • pk;system proxy [server id] [on|off] - Toggles message proxying for a specific server.
  • pk;system delete - Deletes your system.
  • pk;system [system] fronter - Shows the current fronter of a system.
  • pk;system [system] fronthistory - Shows the last 10 fronters of a system.
  • pk;system [system] frontpercent [timeframe] - Shows the aggregated front history of a system within a given time frame.
  • pk;system [system] list - Shows a paginated list of a system's members.
  • pk;system [system] list -full - Shows a paginated list of a system's members, with increased detail.
  • pk;find <search term> - Searches members by name.
  • pk;system [system] find <search term> - (same as above, but for a specific system)
  • pk;autoproxy [off|front|latch|member] - Updates the system's autoproxy settings for a given server.
  • pk;link <account> - Links this system to a different account.
  • pk;unlink [account] - Unlinks an account from this system.

Member commands

Replace <member> with a member's name, 5-character ID or display name. For most commands, adding -clear will clear/delete the field.

  • pk;member <member> - Shows information about a member.
  • pk;member new <name> - Creates a new system member.
  • pk;member <member> rename <new name> - Changes the name of a member.
  • pk;member <member> displayname <new display name> - Changes the display name of a member.
  • pk;member <member> servername <new server name> - Changes the display name of a member, only in the current server.
  • pk;member <member> description [description] - Changes the description of a member.
  • pk;member <member> avatar [avatar url|@mention|upload] - Changes the avatar of a member.
  • pk;member <member> serveravatar [avatar url|@mention|upload] - Changes the avatar of a member in a specific server.
  • pk;member <name> banner [image url|upload] - Changes the banner image of a member.
  • pk;member <member> privacy - Displays a members current privacy settings.
  • pk;member <member> privacy <subject> <public|private> - Changes a members privacy setting.
  • pk;member <member> proxy [tags] - Changes the proxy tags of a member. use below add/remove commands for members with multiple tag pairs.
  • pk;member <member> proxy add [tags] - Adds a proxy tag pair to a member.
  • pk;member <member> proxy remove [tags] - Removes a proxy tag from a member.
  • pk;member <member> autoproxy [on|off] - Sets whether a member will be autoproxied when autoproxy is set to latch or front mode.
  • pk;member <member> keepproxy [on|off] - Sets whether to include a member's proxy tags in the proxied message.
  • pk;member <member> pronouns [pronouns] - Changes the pronouns of a member.
  • pk;member <member> color [color] - Changes the color of a member.
  • pk;member <member> birthdate [birthdate|today] - Changes the birthday of a member.
  • pk;member <member> delete - Deletes a member.

Group commands

Replace <group> with a group's name, 5-character ID or display name. For most commands, adding -clear will clear/delete the field.

  • pk;group <group> - Shows information about a group.
  • pk;group new <name> - Creates a new group.
  • pk;group list - Lists all groups in your system.
  • pk;group <group> list - Lists all members in a group.
  • pk;group <group> random - Shows the info card of a randomly selected member in a group.
  • pk;group <group> rename <new name> - Renames a group.
  • pk;group <group> displayname [display name] - Shows or changes a group's display name.
  • pk;group <group> description [description] - Shows or changes a group's description.
  • pk;group <group> add <member> [member 2] [member 3...] - Adds one or more members to a group.
  • pk;group <group> remove <member> [member 2] [member 3...] - Removes one or more members from a group.
  • pk;group <group> privacy <description|icon|visibility|all> <public|private> - Changes a group's privacy settings.
  • pk;group <group> icon [icon url|@mention|upload] - Shows or changes a group's icon.
  • pk;group <group> banner [image url|upload] - Shows or changes a group's banner image.
  • pk;group <group> delete - Deletes a group.

Switching commands

  • pk;switch [member...] - Registers a switch with the given members.
  • pk;switch out - Registers a 'switch-out' - a switch with no associated members.
  • pk;switch edit <member...|out> - Edits the members in the latest switch.
  • pk;switch move <time> - Moves the latest switch backwards in time.
  • pk;switch delete - Deletes the latest switch.
  • pk;switch delete all - Deletes all logged switches.

Autoproxy commands

  • pk;autoproxy [off|front|latch|<member>] - Sets your system's autoproxy mode for the current server.

Config commands

  • pk;config timezone [location] - Changes the time zone of your system.
  • pk;config ping <enable|disable> - Changes your system's ping preferences.
  • pk;config autoproxy timeout [<duration>|off|reset] - Sets the latch timeout duration for your system.
  • pk;config autoproxy account [on|off] - Toggles autoproxy globally for the current account.

Server owner commands

(all commands here require Manage Server permission)

  • pk;log channel - Shows the currently set log channel
  • pk;log channel <channel> - Sets the given channel to log all proxied messages.
  • pk;log channel -clear - Clears the currently set log channel.
  • pk;log disable <#channel> [#channel...] - Disables logging messages posted in the given channel(s) (useful for staff channels and such).
  • pk;log enable <#channel> [#channel...] - Re-enables logging messages posted in the given channel(s).
  • pk;logclean <on|off> - Enables or disables log cleanup.
  • pk;blacklist add <#channel> [#channel...] - Adds the given channel(s) to the proxy blacklist (proxying will be disabled here)
  • pk;blacklist remove <#channel> [#channel...] - Removes the given channel(s) from the proxy blacklist.


  • pk;random [-group] - Shows the info card of a randomly selected member [or group] in your system.
  • pk;message <message id|message link|reply> - Looks up information about a proxied message by its message ID or link.
  • pk;invite - Sends the bot invite link for PluralKit.
  • pk;import - Imports a data file from PluralKit or Tupperbox.
  • pk;export - Exports a data file containing your system information.
  • pk;debug permissions [server id] - Checks the given server's permission setup to check if it's compatible with PluralKit.
  • pk;debug proxying <message link|reply> - Checks why your message has not been proxied.
  • pk;edit [message link|reply] <new content> - Edits a proxied message. Without an explicit message target, will target the last message proxied by your system in the current channel. Does not support message IDs!


(for using the PluralKit API, useful for developers)

  • pk;token - DMs you a token for using the PluralKit API.
  • pk;token refresh - Refreshes your API token and invalidates the old one.
  • pk;s webhook [url] - Shows or updates the dispatch webhook URL for your system.


  • pk;help - Displays a basic help message describing how to use the bot.
  • pk;help proxy - Directs you to this page.
  • pk;system help - Lists system-related commands.
  • pk;member help - Lists member-related commands.
  • pk;switch help - Lists switch-related commands.
  • pk;commands - Shows inline command documentation, or directs you to this page.