7.5 KiB
7.5 KiB
layout | title | permalink | description | nav_order |
default | Command List | /commands | The full list of all commands in PluralKit, and a short description of what they do. | 3 |
How to read this
Words in <angle brackets> or [square brackets] mean fill-in-the-blank. Square brackets mean this is optional. Don't include the actual brackets.
System commands
Optionally replace [system]
with a @mention, Discord account ID, or 5-character ID. For most commands, adding -clear
will clear/delete the field.
pk;system [system]
- Shows information about a system.pk;system new [name]
- Creates a new system registered to your account.pk;system rename [new name]
- Changes the name of your system.pk;system description [description]
- Changes the description of your system.pk;system avatar [avatar url]
- Changes the avatar of your system.pk;system privacy
- Displays your system's current privacy settings.pk;system privacy <subject> <public|private>
- Changes your systems privacy settings.pk;system tag [tag]
- Changes the system tag of your system.pk;system timezone [location]
- Changes the time zone of your system.pk;system proxy [on|off]
- Toggles message proxying for a specific server.pk;system delete
- Deletes your system.pk;system [system] fronter
- Shows the current fronter of a system.pk;system [system] fronthistory
- Shows the last 10 fronters of a system.pk;system [system] frontpercent [timeframe]
- Shows the aggregated front history of a system within a given time frame.pk;system [system] list
- Shows a paginated list of a system's members.pk;system [system] list -full
- Shows a paginated list of a system's members, with increased detail.pk;find <search term>
- Searches members by name.pk;system [system] find <search term>
- (same as above, but for a specific system)pk;autoproxy [off|front|latch|member]
- Updates the system's autoproxy settings for a given server.pk;link <account>
- Links this system to a different account.pk;unlink [account]
- Unlinks an account from this system.
Member commands
Replace <name>
with a member's name, 5-character ID or display name. For most commands, adding -clear
will clear/delete the field.
pk;member <name>
- Shows information about a member.pk;member new <name>
- Creates a new system member.pk;member <name> rename <new name>
- Changes the name of a member.pk;member <name> displayname <new display name>
- Changes the display name of a member.pk;member <name> servername <new server name>
- Changes the display name of a member, only in the current server.pk;member <name> description [description]
- Changes the description of a member.pk;member <name> avatar <avatar url|@mention>
- Changes the avatar of a member.pk;member <name> serveravatar <avatar url|@mention>
- Changes the avatar of a member in a specific server.pk;member <name> privacy
- Displays a members current privacy settings.pk;member <name> privacy <subject> <public|private>
- Changes a members privacy setting.pk;member <name> proxy [tags]
- Changes the proxy tags of a member. use below add/remove commands for members with multiple tag pairs.pk;member <name> proxy add [tags]
- Adds a proxy tag pair to a member.pk;member <name> proxy remove [tags]
- Removes a proxy tag from a member.pk;member <name> autoproxy [on|off]
- Sets whether a member will be autoproxied when autoproxy is set to latch or front mode.pk;member <name> keepproxy [on|off]
- Sets whether to include a member's proxy tags in the proxied message.pk;member <name> pronouns [pronouns]
- Changes the pronouns of a member.pk;member <name> color [color]
- Changes the color of a member.pk;member <name> birthdate [birthdate]
- Changes the birthday of a member.pk;member <name> delete
- Deletes a member.pk;random
- Shows the member card of a randomly selected member in your system.
Group commands
Replace <name>
with a group's name, 5-character ID or display name. For most commands, adding -clear
will clear/delete the field.
pk;group <name>
- Shows information about a group.pk;group new <name>
- Creates a new group.pk;group list
- Lists all groups in your system.pk;group <group> list
- Lists all members in a group.pk;group <group> rename <new name>
- Renames a group.pk;group <group> displayname [display name]
- Shows or changes a group's display name.pk;group <group> description [description]
- Shows or changes a group's description.pk;group <group> add <member> [member 2] [member 3...]
- Adds one or more members to a group.pk;group <group> remove <member> [member 2] [member 3...]
- Removes one or more members from a group.pk;group <group> privacy <description|icon|visibility|all> <public|private>
- Changes a group's privacy settings.pk;group <group> icon [icon]
- Shows or changes a group's icon.pk;group <group> delete
- Deletes a group.
Switching commands
pk;switch [member...]
- Registers a switch with the given members.pk;switch move <time>
- Moves the latest switch backwards in time.pk;switch delete
- Deletes the latest switch.pk;switch delete all
- Deletes all logged switches.pk;switch out
- Registers a 'switch-out' - a switch with no associated members.
Autoproxy commands
pk;autoproxy [off|front|latch|<member>]
- Sets your system's autoproxy mode for the current server.pk;autoproxy timeout [<duration>|off|reset]
- Sets the latch timeout duration for your system.pk;autoproxy account [on|off]
- Toggles autoproxy globally for the current account.
Server owner commands
(all commands here require Manage Server permission)
pk;log channel <channel>
- Sets the given channel to log all proxied messages.pk;log channel -clear
- Clears the currently set log channel.pk;log disable <#channel> [#channel...]
- Disables logging messages posted in the given channel(s) (useful for staff channels and such).pk;log enable <#channel> [#channel...]
- Re-enables logging messages posted in the given channel(s).pk;logclean <on/off>
- Enables or disables log cleanup.pk;blacklist add <#channel> [#channel...]
- Adds the given channel(s) to the proxy blacklist (proxying will be disabled here)pk;blacklist remove <#channel> [#channel...]
- Removes the given channel(s) from the proxy blacklist.
pk;message <message id / message link>
- Looks up information about a proxied message by its message ID or link.pk;invite
- Sends the bot invite link for PluralKit.pk;import
- Imports a data file from PluralKit or Tupperbox.pk;export
- Exports a data file containing your system information.pk;permcheck [server id]
- Checks the given server's permission setup to check if it's compatible with PluralKit.
(for using the PluralKit API, useful for developers)
- DMs you a token for using the PluralKit API.pk;token refresh
- Refreshes your API token and invalidates the old one.
- Displays a basic help message describing how to use the bot.pk;help proxy
- Directs you to this page.pk;system help
- Lists system-related commands.pk;member help
- Lists member-related commands.pk;switch help
- Lists switch-related commands.pk;commands
- Directs you to this page!