71 lines
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71 lines
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# Slash command demo
- Support Autocomplete feature (half)
- Unused `guild.searchInteraction()` (Use only if not working properly)
# <strong>BREAKING CHANGE: Using Slash Command (Sub Command / Sub Group Command) will not accept subCommand argument in args. That means Command Name needs to be changed same as Discord Client</strong>
# All image demo : v2.3
# Slash Command (no options)
### Demo

`vietnamese .-.`
### Code test
await message.channel.sendSlash('botid', 'aiko')
### Result

# Slash Command + Sub option (group)
### Demo (v2.5)

### Code test
- await message.channel.sendSlash('450323683840491530', 'animal', 'chat', 'bye')
+ await message.channel.sendSlash('450323683840491530', 'animal chat', 'bye')
### Result

# Slash Command with Attachment (must use MessageAttachment)
### Demo

### Code test
const { MessageAttachment } = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13')
const fs = require('fs')
const a = new MessageAttachment(fs.readFileSync('./wallpaper.jpg') , 'test.jpg')
await message.channel.sendSlash('718642000898818048', 'sauce', a)
### Result

# Events
- [interactionCreate](https://discordjs-self-v13.netlify.app/#/docs/docs/main/class/Client?scrollTo=e-interactionCreate)
- [interactionFailure](https://discordjs-self-v13.netlify.app/#/docs/docs/main/class/Client?scrollTo=e-interactionFailure)
- [interactionSuccess](https://discordjs-self-v13.netlify.app/#/docs/docs/main/class/Client?scrollTo=e-interactionSuccess)
- [interactionModalCreate](https://discordjs-self-v13.netlify.app/#/docs/docs/main/class/Client?scrollTo=e-interactionModalCreate)