2023-02-15 18:54:47 +07:00

5.8 KiB


const client = new Client({
  syncStatus: false,

Custom Status and RPC

Custom Status

const Discord = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13');
const r = new Discord.CustomStatus()

Rich Presence [Custom]

const Discord = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13');
const r = new Discord.RichPresence()
		max: 9,
		current: 1,
		id: Discord.getUUID(),
	.addButton('name', 'https://link.com/')

Rich Presence with Spotify

const Discord = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13');
const r = new Discord.SpotifyRPC(client)
        .setAssetsLargeImage("spotify:ab67616d00001e02768629f8bc5b39b68797d1bb") // Image ID
        .setAssetsSmallImage("spotify:ab6761610000f178049d8aeae802c96c8208f3b7") // Image ID
        .setAssetsLargeText('未来茶屋 (vol.1)') // Album Name
        .setState('Yunomi; Kizuna AI') // Artists
        .setDetails('ロボットハート') // Song name
        .setEndTimestamp(Date.now() + 1_000 * (2 * 60 + 56)) // Song length = 2m56s
        .setSongId('667eE4CFfNtJloC6Lvmgrx') // Song ID
        .setAlbumId('6AAmvxoPoDbJAwbatKwMb9') // Album ID
        .setArtistIds('2j00CVYTPx6q9ANbmB2keb', '2nKGmC5Mc13ct02xAY8ccS') // Artist IDs

You can now add custom images for RPC !


Method 1:

  • Step 1: Send image to Discord
  • Step 2: Get Image URL
Demo URL: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820557032016969751/991172011483218010/unknown.png
  • Step 3: Replace https://cdn.discordapp.com/ or https://media.discordapp.net/ with mp:
- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820557032016969751/991172011483218010/unknown.png

- https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/820557032016969751/991172011483218010/unknown.png

+ mp:attachments/820557032016969751/991172011483218010/unknown.png

  • Step 4:
const Discord = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13');
const r = new Discord.RichPresence()
		max: 9,
		current: 1,
		id: Discord.getUUID(),
	.addButton('name', 'https://link.com/')

Method 2: (Discord URL, 2.3.78+)

const Discord = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13');
const r = new Discord.RichPresence()
		max: 9,
		current: 1,
		id: Discord.getUUID(),
	.addButton('name', 'https://link.com/')

Method 3 (Custom URL, 2.3.78+)

const Discord = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13');
const rpc = new Discord.RichPresence();
const imageSet = await Discord.RichPresence.getExternal(client, '820344593357996092', 'https://musedash.moe/covers/papipupipupipa_cover.hash.93ae31d41.png', 'https://musedash.moe/covers/lights_of_muse_cover.hash.1c18e1e22.png')
	.setState('pa pi pu pi pu pi pa - ころねぽち With 立秋')
	.setName('Muse Dash')
	.setDetails('Hard - Lvl.8')

How to get the Assets ID and Name of the bot (application) ?

  • Bot:
const bot = await client.users.fetch('BotId');
const asset = await bot.application.fetchAssets();
// asset: Array<ApplicationAsset>
// Document: https://discordjs-self-v13.netlify.app/#/docs/docs/main/typedef/ApplicationAsset
  • Application

Using Browser (Chrome) with URL: https://discord.com/api/v9/oauth2/applications/{applicationId}/assets

  • More:
    • You can change the status 5 times / 20 seconds!