* ApiHal: set frequency and path in one go. Drivers: proper frequency registers calculation for CC1101. Update subghz cli to match new api.
* SubGhz: preparation for parsers porting, tim2 sharing
* ApiHal: add interrupts API, move all TIM2 related things there.
* SubGhz: refactor protocol lib and add keeloq.
* SubGhz: proper init_set for keeloq manafacture key
* SubGhz: port more protocols to lib
* SubGhz: load keeloq manufacture keys from sd card (if any).
* SubGhz: format output from protocols.
* SubGhz: use default frequency in subghz_rx cli command.
* SubGhz: keeloq key types
* Fix compillation error when internal storage disabled
* SubGhz: minor cleanup
* SubGhz: properly handle timeout and reset signal in subghz_rx
* SubGhz: Worker, Capture View. Furi: emulate thread join.
* SubGhz: free strings on keeloq key load end
* SubGhz: update protocols reporting API, app refactoring and capture view, update API HAL usage.
* SubGhz: update dump formatting
* ApiHal: backport subghz preset to F5
* ApiHal: backport subghz frequency range to F5
* Furi: replace obsolete furiac_exit with osThreadExit, drop obsolete apis and test. Rename systemd to flipper and move to separate file, cleanup. ApiHal: Rename timebase to os and move freertos hooks there, move insomnia api to power module.
* Furi: new thread helper
* Furi: cleanup thread documentation
* Flipper, AppLoader: update to use FuriThread. Update tasks signatures to match FuriThreadCallback signature.
* Applications: rename FuriApplication to FlipperApplication, use FuriThreadCallback signature for apps.
* C++ app template sample, new exit method