* add blank example * add ipc example code, need to change FURI API * add ipc example code, need to change FURI API * change core API, add context * check handler at take * fix important bugs in furi * drawing example * add posix mq * fix unsigned demo counter * create at open * working local demo * russian version of IPC example * english version * add gif
4.1 KiB
In this example we show how to interact data between different applications. As we already know, we can use FURI Record for this purpose: one application create named record and other application opens it by name.
We will simulate the display. The first application (called application_ipc_display
) will be display driver, and the second app (called application_ipc_widget
) will be draw such simple demo on the screen.
Dsiplay definition
For work with the display we create simple framebuffer and write some "pixels" into it.
#define FB_WIDTH 10
#define FB_HEIGHT 3
char _framebuffer[FB_SIZE];
for(size_t i = 0; i < FB_SIZE; i++) {
_framebuffer[i] = ' ';
On local target we just draw framebuffer content like this:
| |
| |
| |
fuprintf(log, "+==========+\n");
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < FB_HEIGHT; i++) {
strncpy(row_buffer, &fb[FB_WIDTH * i], FB_WIDTH);
fuprintf(log, "|%s|\n", row_buffer);
fuprintf(log, "+==========+\n");
Notice: after creating display emulator this example should be changed to work with real 128×64 display using u8g2
Demo "widget" application
The application opens record with framebuffer:
FuriRecordSubscriber* fb_record = furi_open(
"test_fb", false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL
Then it clear display and draw "pixel" every 120 ms, and pixel move across the screen.
For do that we should tale framebuffer:
char* fb = (char*)furi_take(fb_record);
Write some data:
if(fb == NULL) furiac_exit(NULL);
for(size_t i = 0; i < FB_SIZE; i++) {
fb[i] = ' ';
fb[counter % FB_SIZE] = '#';
And give framebuffer (use furi_commit
to notify another apps that record was changed):
is increasing on every iteration to make "pixel" moving.
Display driver
The driver application creates framebuffer after start (see Display definition) and creates new FURI record with framebuffer pointer:
furi_create("test_fb", (void*)_framebuffer, FB_SIZE)
Next it opens this record and subscribe to its changing:
FuriRecordSubscriber* fb_record = furi_open(
"test_fb", false, false, handle_fb_change, NULL, &ctx
The handler is called any time when some app writes to framebuffer record (by calling furi_commit
static void handle_fb_change(const void* fb, size_t fb_size, void* raw_ctx) {
IpcCtx* ctx = (IpcCtx*)raw_ctx; // make right type
fuprintf(ctx->log, "[cb] framebuffer updated\n");
// send event to app thread
// Attention! Please, do not make blocking operation like IO and waits inside callback
// Remember that callback execute in calling thread/context
That callback execute in calling thread/context, so handler pass control flow to app thread by semaphore. App thread wait for semaphore and then do the "rendering":
if(xSemaphoreTake(events, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {
fuprintf(log, "[display] get fb update\n\n");
// on Flipper target draw the screen
// on local target just print
void* fb = furi_take(fb_record);
print_fb((char*)fb, log);
A structure containing the context is used so that the callback can access the semaphore. This structure is passed as an argument to furi_open
and goes to the handler:
typedef struct {
SemaphoreHandle_t events; // queue to pass events from callback to app thread
FuriRecordSubscriber* log; // app logger
} IpcCtx;
We just have to create a semaphore and define a context:
StaticSemaphore_t event_descriptor;
// create stack-based counting semaphore
SemaphoreHandle_t events = xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic(255, 0, &event_descriptor);
IpcCtx ctx = {.events = events, .log = log};
You can find full example code in applications/examples/ipc.c
, and run it by docker-compose exec dev make -C target_lo example_ipc