2020-10-18 07:10:15 +03:00

401 lines
12 KiB

#include "flipper.h"
#include "cc1101-workaround/cc1101.h"
#define MIN_DBM -120
#define STEP_DBM 10
#define RSSI_DELAY 600 //rssi delay in micro second
#define RSSI_THRESHOLD -60
#define START_SUB_BAND 3
#define STOP_SUB_BAND 3
#define NUM_OF_SUB_BANDS 7
#define CAL_INT 20 // cal every 10 channels(every 1MHz)
// variables used to calculate rssi
uint8_t rssi_dec;
int16_t rssi_dBm;
uint8_t rssi_offset[NUM_OF_SUB_BANDS] = {74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74};
#define CHAN_SPA 0.05 // channel spacing
// no change in TEST0 WHERE (>430.5MHz) one should change from TEST0=0x0B to 0x09
uint16_t limitTest0Reg[NUM_OF_SUB_BANDS] = {256, 256, 256, 103, 0, 0, 0};
/* setting to use 50khz channel spacing whole band*****************************************/
int16_t rssiTable[256];
uint16_t channelNumber[256];
// counter used to keep track on how many CS has been asserted
uint8_t carrierSenseCounter = 0;
int16_t calRSSI(uint8_t rssi_dec, uint8_t rssiOffset) {
int16_t rssi;
if(rssi_dec >= 128) {
rssi = (int16_t)((int16_t)(rssi_dec - 256) / 2) - rssiOffset;
} else {
rssi = (rssi_dec / 2) - rssiOffset;
return rssi;
void scanFreq(CC1101* cc1101) {
uint8_t calCounter; // to determine when to calibrate
uint8_t subBand;
uint16_t channel;
uint16_t i;
float freq;
cc1101->SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MCSM0, 0x08); // disalbe FS_AUTOCAL
cc1101->SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL2, 0x43 | 0x0C); // MAX_DVGA_GAIN to 11 for fast rssi
cc1101->SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL0, 0xB0); // max AGC WAIT_TIME; 0 filter_length
cc1101->SetMod(GFSK); // set to GFSK for fast rssi measurement | +8 is dcfilter off
// 1) loop through all sub bands
for(subBand = START_SUB_BAND; subBand < STOP_SUB_BAND + 1; subBand++) {
// 1.1) set subBands freq by FREQ2, FREQ1, FREQ0
freqSettings[subBand][0], freqSettings[subBand][1], freqSettings[subBand][2]);
// 1.2) set TEST0--maybe!
// 1.3) reset calibration counter
calCounter = 0;
// 1.4) loop throuhg all channels
for(channel = firstChannel[subBand]; channel <= lastChannel[subBand]; channel++) {
uint8_t pktStatus;
// 1.4.1) set channel register
// 1.4.2) set TEST0
if(channel == limitTest0Reg[subBand]) {
//set test0 to 0x09
cc1101->SpiWriteReg(CC1101_TEST0, 0x09);
//set FSCAL2 to 0x2A to force VCO HIGH
cc1101->SpiWriteReg(CC1101_FSCAL2, 0x2A);
//clear calCounter to invoke mannual calibration
calCounter = 0;
// 1.4.3) calibrate every 1MHz
if(calCounter++ == 0) {
// perform a manual calibration by issuing SCAL command
// 1.4.4) reset calCounter when 1MHz reached
if(calCounter == CAL_INT) {
calCounter = 0;
// 1.4.5-6 enter rx mode
// 1.4.7 wait for RSSI to be valid: less than 1.5ms
// 1.4.8) read PKTSTATUS register while the radio is in RX state
pktStatus = cc1101->SpiReadStatus(CC1101_PKTSTATUS);
// 1.4.9) enter IDLE state by issuing a SIDLE command
// 1.4.10) check if CS is assearted
// //read rssi value and converto to dBm form
rssi_dec = (uint8_t)cc1101->SpiReadStatus(CC1101_RSSI);
rssi_dBm = calRSSI(rssi_dec, rssi_offset[subBand]);
// rssiData[subBand][channel]=rssi_dBm;
if(pktStatus & 0x40) { //CS assearted
// store rssi value and corresponding channel number
rssiTable[carrierSenseCounter] = rssi_dBm;
channelNumber[carrierSenseCounter] = channel;
#ifdef CC1101_DEBUG
printf("rssi_dBm: %d\n", rssi_dBm);
} // end channel lop
// 1.5)before moving to next sub band,
// scan through rssiTable to find highest rssi value
for(i = 0; i < carrierSenseCounter; i++) {
if(rssiTable[i] > highRSSI[subBand]) {
highRSSI[subBand] = rssiTable[i];
selectedChannel[subBand] = channelNumber[i];
// printf("subBand:------------------>");
// Serial.println(subBand);
// Serial.print("selectedChannel:");
// Serial.println(selectedChannel[subBand]);
// Serial.print("highRSSI:");
// Serial.println(highRSSI[subBand]);
// 1.6) reset carrierSenseCounter
carrierSenseCounter = 0;
} // end band loop
// 2) when all sub bands has been scanned , find best subband and channel
int16_t tempRssi = MIN_DBM;
for(subBand = 0; subBand < NUM_OF_SUB_BANDS; subBand++) {
if(highRSSI[subBand] > tempRssi) {
tempRssi = highRSSI[subBand];
activeChannel = selectedChannel[subBand];
activeBand = subBand;
// printf("activeBand:**********> %d, activeChannel %d,\n", activeBand, activeChannel);
cc1101->SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MCSM0, 0x18); //enable FS_AUTOCAL
cc1101->SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL2, 0x43); //back to recommended config
cc1101->SpiWriteReg(CC1101_AGCCTRL0, 0x91); //back to recommended config
void tx(CC1101* cc1101, uint8_t band, uint16_t channel, uint16_t miniSec) {
cc1101->SetFreq(freqSettings[band][0], freqSettings[band][1], freqSettings[band][2]);
// digitalWrite(19,0);
typedef struct {
float base_freq;
uint8_t settings[3]; // FREQ2, FREQ1, FREQ0
uint8_t first_channel;
uint8_t last_channel;
} Band;
typedef struct {
Band* band;
uint16_t channel;
} FreqConfig;
Band bands[NUM_OF_SUB_BANDS] = {
{387, {0x0E, 0xE2, 0x76}, 0, 255},
{399.8, {0x0F, 0x60, 0x76}, 0, 255},
{412.6, {0x0F, 0xDE, 0x76}, 0, 255},
{425.4, {0x10, 0x5C, 0x76}, 160, 180},
{438.2, {0x10, 0xDA, 0x76}, 0, 255},
{451, {0x11, 0x58, 0x8F}, 0, 255},
{463.8, {0x11, 0xD6, 0x8F}, 0, 4},
FreqConfig FREQ_LIST[] = {
{&bands[0], 0},
{&bands[0], 50},
{&bands[0], 100},
{&bands[0], 150},
{&bands[0], 200},
{&bands[1], 0},
{&bands[1], 50},
{&bands[1], 100},
{&bands[1], 150},
{&bands[1], 200},
{&bands[2], 0},
{&bands[2], 50},
{&bands[2], 100},
{&bands[2], 150},
{&bands[2], 200},
{&bands[3], 160},
{&bands[3], 170},
{&bands[4], 0},
{&bands[4], 50},
{&bands[4], 100},
{&bands[4], 150},
{&bands[4], 200},
{&bands[5], 0},
{&bands[5], 50},
{&bands[5], 100},
{&bands[5], 150},
{&bands[5], 200},
{&bands[6], 0},
typedef enum {
} EventType;
typedef struct {
union {
InputEvent input;
} value;
EventType type;
} Event;
typedef enum {
} Mode;
typedef struct {
Mode mode;
size_t active_freq;
} State;
static void render_callback(CanvasApi* canvas, void* ctx) {
State* state = (State*)acquire_mutex((ValueMutex*)ctx, 25);
canvas->set_color(canvas, ColorBlack);
canvas->set_font(canvas, FontPrimary);
canvas->draw_str(canvas, 2, 12, "cc1101 workaround");
char buf[24];
FreqConfig conf = FREQ_LIST[state->active_freq];
float freq = conf.band->base_freq + CHAN_SPA * conf.channel;
sprintf(buf, "freq: %ld.%02ld MHz", (uint32_t)freq, (uint32_t)(freq * 100.) % 100);
canvas->set_font(canvas, FontSecondary);
canvas->draw_str(canvas, 2, 25, buf);
release_mutex((ValueMutex*)ctx, state);
static void input_callback(InputEvent* input_event, void* ctx) {
osMessageQueueId_t event_queue = (QueueHandle_t)ctx;
Event event;
event.type = EventTypeKey;
event.value.input = *input_event;
osMessageQueuePut(event_queue, &event, 0, 0);
extern "C" void cc1101_workaround(void* p) {
osMessageQueueId_t event_queue =
osMessageQueueNew(1, sizeof(Event), NULL);
State _state;
_state.mode = ModeRx;
_state.active_freq = 0;
ValueMutex state_mutex;
if(!init_mutex(&state_mutex, &_state, sizeof(State))) {
printf("[cc1101] cannot create mutex\n");
Widget* widget = widget_alloc();
widget_draw_callback_set(widget, render_callback, &state_mutex);
widget_input_callback_set(widget, input_callback, event_queue);
// Open GUI and register widget
GuiApi* gui = (GuiApi*)furi_open("gui");
if(gui == NULL) {
printf("[cc1101] gui is not available\n");
gui->add_widget(gui, widget, WidgetLayerFullscreen);
printf("[cc1101] creating device\n");
CC1101 cc1101(GpioPin{CC1101_CS_GPIO_Port, CC1101_CS_Pin});
printf("[cc1101] init device\n");
uint8_t address = cc1101.Init();
if(address > 0) {
printf("[cc1101] init done: %d\n", address);
} else {
printf("[cc1101] init fail\n");
// RX filter bandwidth 58.035714(0xFD) 100k(0xCD) 200k(0x8D)
cc1101.SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG4, 0xCD);
// datarate config 250kBaud for the purpose of fast rssi measurement
cc1101.SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG3, 0x3B);
// FEC preamble etc. last 2 bits for channel spacing
cc1101.SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG1, 0x20);
// 50khz channel spacing
cc1101.SpiWriteReg(CC1101_MDMCFG0, 0xF8);
Event event;
while(1) {
if(osMessageQueueGet(event_queue, &event, NULL, osWaitForever) == osOK) {
State* state = (State*)acquire_mutex_block(&state_mutex);
if(event.type == EventTypeKey) {
if(event.value.input.state && event.value.input.input == InputBack) {
printf("[cc1101] bye!\n");
// TODO remove all widgets create by app
widget_enabled_set(widget, false);
if(event.value.input.state && event.value.input.input == InputUp) {
if(state->active_freq > 0) {
if(event.value.input.state && event.value.input.input == InputDown) {
if(state->active_freq < (sizeof(FREQ_LIST)/sizeof(FREQ_LIST[0]) - 1)) {
release_mutex(&state_mutex, state);
while(1) {
for(uint8_t i = 0; i <= NUM_OF_SUB_BANDS; i++) {
highRSSI[i] = MIN_DBM;
activeChannel = 300;
tx(&cc1101, activeBand, activeChannel, 500);
if(activeChannel < 256 && highRSSI[activeBand] > RSSI_THRESHOLD) {
float freq = base_freq[activeBand] + CHAN_SPA * activeChannel;
"channel: %d, freq: %d, RSSI: %d\n",
(uint32_t)(freq * 1000),
if(tx_on) {
tx(&cc1101, activeBand, activeChannel, 500);
} else {
} else {
// printf("0 carrier sensed\n");
uint8_t band = 4; // 438.2 MHz
cc1101.SetFreq(freqSettings[band][0], freqSettings[band][1], freqSettings[band][2]);