* ReadMe: update flashing scripts section * Furi: add record exists method to record store. * FuriHal: early OS init and i2c timeouts based on os ticks. * Storage: replace malloc with furi_alloc, fix errors found by pvs. * iButton: properly handle shutdown in cli search command * SubGhz: proper argument type in sscanf and incorrect position of logging in switch.
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# Flipper Zero Firmware

Welcome to [Flipper Zero](https://flipperzero.one/)'s Firmware repo!
Our goal is to create nice and clean code with good documentation, to make it a pleasure for everyone to work with.
# Update firmware
[Get Latest Firmware from Update Server](https://update.flipperzero.one/)
Flipper Zero's firmware consists of three components:
- Core2 firmware set - proprietary components by ST: FUS + radio stack. FUS is flashed at factory and you should never update it.
- Core1 Bootloader - controls basic hardware initialization and loads firmware.
- Core1 Firmware - HAL + OS + Drivers + Applications.
All 3 of them must be flashed in order described.
## With STLink
### Core1 Bootloader + Firmware
- Linux / macOS
- Terminal
- [arm-gcc-none-eabi](https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads)
- openocd
One liner: `make flash`
### Core2 flashing procedures
- Linux / macOS
- Terminal
- STM32_Programmer_CLI (v2.5.0) added to $PATH
One liner: `make flash_radio`
## With USB DFU
1. Download latest [Firmware](https://update.flipperzero.one)
2. Reboot Flipper to Bootloader
- Press and hold `← Left` + `↩ Back` for reset
- Release `↩ Back` and keep holding `← Left` until blue LED lights up
- Release `← Left`
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3. Run `dfu-util -D full.dfu -a 0`
# Build with Docker
## Prerequisites
1. Install [Docker Engine and Docker Compose](https://www.docker.com/get-started)
2. Prepare the container:
docker-compose up -d
## Compile everything
docker-compose exec dev make
Check `dist/` for build outputs.
Use **`flipper-z-{target}-full-{suffix}.dfu`** to flash your device.
# Build on Linux/macOS
## macOS Prerequisites
Make sure you have [brew](https://brew.sh) and install all the dependencies:
brew bundle --verbose
## Linux Prerequisites
### gcc-arm-none-eabi
toolchain_package="$toolchain-$(uname -m)-linux"
wget -P /opt "https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu-rm/10.3-2021.10/$toolchain_package.tar.bz2"
tar xjf /opt/$toolchain_package.tar.bz2 -C /opt
rm /opt/$toolchain_package.tar.bz2
for file in /opt/$toolchain/bin/* ; do ln -s "${file}" "/usr/bin/$(basename ${file})" ; done
### Optional dependencies
- openocd (debugging/flashing over SWD)
- heatshrink (compiling image assets)
- clang-format (code formatting)
- dfu-util (flashing over USB DFU)
- protobuf (compiling proto sources)
For example, to install them on Debian, use:
apt update
apt install openocd clang-format-13 dfu-util protobuf-compiler
heatshrink has to be compiled [from sources](https://github.com/atomicobject/heatshrink).
## Compile everything
Check `dist/` for build outputs.
Use **`flipper-z-{target}-full-{suffix}.dfu`** to flash your device.
## Flash everything
Connect your device via ST-Link and run:
make whole
# Links
* Discord: [flipp.dev/discord](https://flipp.dev/discord)
* Website: [flipperzero.one](https://flipperzero.one)
* Kickstarter page: [kickstarter.com](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/flipper-devices/flipper-zero-tamagochi-for-hackers)
* Forum: [forum.flipperzero.one](https://forum.flipperzero.one/)
# Folders structure
- applications - application and services
* accessor - Wiegand server
* archive - Archive and file manager
* bt - BLE service and application
* cli - Console service
* debug_tools - different tools that we use on factory and for debug
* dialogs - service for showing GUI dialogs
* dolphin - dolphin service and supplementary apps
* gpio-tester - GPIO control application
* gui - GUI service
* ibutton - ibutton application, onewire keys and more
* input - input service
* irda - irda application, controls your IR devices
* irda_monitor - irda debug tool
* lfrfid - LF RFID application
* lfrfid-debug - LF RFID debug tool
* loader - application loader service
* menu - main menu service
* music-player - music player app (demo)
* nfc - NFC application, HF rfid, EMV and etc
* notification - notification service
* power - power service
* power-observer - power debug tool
* scened-app-example - c++ application example
* storage - storage service, internal + sdcard
* storage_settings - storage settings app
* subghz - subghz application, 433 fobs and etc
* tests - unit tests and etc
- assets - assets used by applications and services
* compiled - compilation results
* icons - source icons images
- bootloader - bootloader for flipper
* src - bootloader sources
* targets - targets' hal and implementation
- core - core libraries: home for furi
- debug - debug helpers, plugins and tools
- docker - docker image sources (used for automated firmware build)
- documentation - documentation generation system configs and input files
- firmware - firmware for flipper
* targets - targets' hal and implementation
- lib - different libraries and drivers that apps and firmware uses
* ST25RFAL002 - ST253916 driver and NFC hal
* STM32CubeWB - STM32WB hal
* app-scened-template - scened template app library
* app-template - template app library
* callback-connector - callback connector library
* common-api - common api declaration library
* cyfral - cyfral library
* drivers - drivers that we wrote
* fatfs - external storage file system
* fnv1a-hash - fnv1a hash library
* irda - irda library
* littlefs - internal storage file system
* mlib - algorithms and containers
* nfc_protocols - nfc protocols library
* onewire - one wire library
* qrcode - qr code generator library
* subghz - subghz library
* toolbox - toolbox of things that we are using but don't place in core
* u8g2 - graphics library that we use to draw GUI
- make - make helpers
- scripts - supplementary scripts