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Flipper Zero Firmware community repo

Welcome to Flipper Zero's Firmware repo! Our goal is to create nice and clean code along with good documentation, to make it a pleasure for everyone to work with. This repo will become completely public closer to the device shipping date.
Update firmware
Get Latest Firmware from Update Server
Flipper Zero's firmware consists of three components:
- Core2 firmware set - proprietary componenets by ST: FUS + radio stack.
- Core1 Bootloader - controls basic hardware initialization and loads firmware
- Core1 Firmware - HAL + OS + Drivers + Applications
All 3 of them must be flashed in order described.
With STLink
Core2 flashing procedures
- Linux / MacOs
- Terminal
- STM32_Programmer_CLI added to $PATH
One liner: ./flash_core2_ble.sh
Core1 Bootloader + Firmware
- Linux / MacOs
- Terminal
- Arm gcc noneabi
- openocd
One liner: ./flash_core1_main.sh
Download latest Firmware
Reboot Flipper to Bootloader
- Press and hold
← Left
+↩ Back
for reset - Release
← Left
and keep holding↩ Back
until blue LED lights up - Release
↩ Back
- Run
dfu-util -D full.dfu -a 0
Build from source
docker-compose exec dev make -C firmware flash
for build and flash dev board (see applications/applications.mk
for list of applications/examples)
- Task tracker: Jira
- Discord server: flipperzero.one/discord
- Project website: flipperzero.one
- Kickstarter page: kickstarter.com
- Forum: forum.flipperzero.one
Folders structure
- applications - application and services
- accessor - Wiegand server
- archive - Archive and file manager
- bt - BLE service and application
- cli - Console service
- debug_tools - different tools that we use on factory and for debug
- dialogs - service for showing GUI dialogs
- dolphin - dolphin service and supplientary apps
- gpio-tester - GPIO control application
- gui - GUI service
- ibutton - ibutton application, onewire keys and more
- input - input service
- irda - irda application, controls your IR devices
- irda_monitor - irda debug tool
- lfrfid - LF RFID application
- lfrfid-debug - LF RFID debug tool
- loader - application loader service
- menu - main menu service
- music-player - music player app (demo)
- nfc - NFC application, HF rfid, EMV and etc
- notification - notification service
- power - power service
- power-observer - power debug tool
- scened-app-example - c++ application example
- storage - storage service, internal + sdcard
- storage-settings - storage settings app
- subghz - subghz application, 433 fobs and etc
- tests - unit tests and etc
- assets - assets used by applications and services
- compiled - compilation results
- icons - source icons images
- bootloader - bootloader for flipper
- src - bootloader sources
- targets - targets' hal and implementation
- core - core libraries: home for furi
- debug - debug helpers, plugins and tools
- docker - docker image sources (used for automated firmware build)
- firmware - firmware for flipper
- targets - targets' hal and implementation
- lib - different libraries and drivers that apps and firmware uses
- ST25RFAL002 - ST253916 driver and NFC hal
- STM32CubeWB - STM32WB hal
- app-scened-template - scened template app library
- app-template - template app library
- callback-connector - callback connector library
- common-api - common api delaration library
- cyfral - cyfral library
- drivers - drivers that we wrote
- fatfs - external storage file system
- fnv1a-hash - fnv1a hash library
- irda - irda library
- littlefs - internal storage file system
- mlib - algorithms and containers
- nfc_protocols - nfc protocols library
- onewire - one wire library
- qrcode - qr code generator library
- subghz - subghz library
- toolbox - toolbox of things that we are using but don't place in core
- u8g2 - graphics library that we use to draw GUI
- make - make helpers
- scripts - supplimentary scripts