hacdc-wiki/Old Pages/Meetings/Annual_Meeting_2009.md
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HacDC Annual Meeting February 21, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:11 PM by standing Coordinator In
Chief Elliot Williams.
Members Present: Nick Farr, Ben Stanfield, Matt Lesko, Derek Cooper, Tim
Collins, Serge Wroclawski, Member 7, Katie Bechtold, Martin Rothfield,
Member 19, Member 44, Elliot Williams, Jonathon Blocksom, Member 48
Others Present: Andrew Gillette, Tommy Johnson, Art Coleman
The C-i-C declared a Quorum was present, and gave a brief overview of
the official items to address at the meeting.
## New Business
### Board of Director Elections
Jason nominated Elliot Williams Member 48 seconded. The nomination was
Elliot danced for 2 minutes as ordered by the bylaws.
No other nominations were offered, so Elliot Williams is Coordinator in
Minister of Information
Member 7 nominated himself. Tim Collins Seconded.
Katie nominated herself. Nick Farr pointed out that there is no
requirement for seconding.
A vote began, but was halted when Rodney expressed a desire to address
those present about why he wanted to serve.
Candidates were given the opportunity to give their reasons for wanting
to serve.
Member 7 spoke on his wish for a website with more functionality.
Derek and Tim expressed an interest in having members available to step
up and help out regardless of ministerial duties.
A vote was held and the vote was in favor of Katie. Katie Bechtold is
the Minister of Information.
Keeper of the MIBS Ben nominated himself. The nomination was accepted.
No other nominations were offered, so Ben Stanfield is Keeper of the
Tim Collins nominated himself for Minister of Finance.
Tim plans to increase transparency for the finance office.
No other nominations were offered, so Tim Collins is the Minister of
#### At Large Board of Directors
Derek Cooper nominated himself.
Serge Wroclawski nominated himself.
Tim Collins nominated Member 7. Member 7 declined the nomination.
Nick Farr was nominated by Ben. Nick declined the nomination.
No other nominations were offered so Serge and Derek are the at-large
board members.
Elliot made a motion to change the registered address to HacDC from the
former apartment of Nick Farr to the HacDC Space's Address.
Derek seconded the motion.
No one was opposed. Motion carried.
### New Member Approval Discussion
Elliot explained the current process, and opened it for discussion.
Nick Farr pointed out that the Minister of Finance can bestow non voting
member privileges before becoming an official voting member.
Derek Cooper suggested that a member should have to go through a review.
Tim suggested membership should require approval by the board at some
Ben Stanfield expressed his desire that when a person paid dues they
immediately became a member.
Nick Farr made a motion to defer any undecided issues from the annual
meeting to the next regular meeting.
Tim Collins seconded.
Derek Cooper moved to admend the motion to end this meeting at 7. No one
seconded and the amendment died.
No one opposed Nick's motion. Motion carried.
Elliot moved to table the discussion of new member approval. Member 7
there were no objections.
## HacDC Finances
Elliot asked for the finance report report from the outgoing minister of
Nick Farr presented the finance report (see attached) and turned over
current financial records to the incoming minister of finance.
Discussion of the finance report centered around the cost of a wireless
credit card machine that Nick Farr had arranged, but had never been
used. Nick agreed to pay back HacDC for the \$1,231.85 in fees and
charges associated with the machine.
Without objections, the finance report was accepted.
Elliot moved to table each further topic after 15 minutes of discussion.
The meeting was suspended for dinner.
At 8:05 the meeting was resumed.
Ben proposed a motion to change the standing rules for meeting
frequency. The motion was to make every second Tuesday of the month the
"formal business meeting" and to make the every other Tuesday meeting an
"informal non-voting meeting" where no business may be conducted.
Elliot seconded.
Debate centered around whether the [bylaws](bylaws "wikilink") allowed
us to hold non voting meetings. Derek believes that the
[bylaws](bylaws "wikilink") do not allow it. Nick Farr and Ben Stanfield
both argued that the Annual meeting is for setting standing rules, and
that it was possible for a rule to declare which meetings could allow
voting on official business.
The motion carried.
Ben moved to adopt Robert's Rules of Order as the framework.
Member 7 moved to amend the motion and select the modified or new
Ben seconded
There were no objections.
Derek motioned to table, arguing he needed more time to study Robert's
Rules of Order. Tim seconded.
Ben pointed out that it had been on the agenda for a month, and that
virtually every single club, group, organization, and membership body in
the world used Robert's Rules.
The motion to table passed.
[Quorum](Quorum "wikilink") changes were discussed, but there didn't
seem to be a consensus on whether we need to change it or not.
There was a proposal to add a quartermaster position to handle space
cleanup and sell our unused inventory on eBay.
Tim suggested having a once a month day to clean the space, mixed with
an event like beer making.
There was discussion of talking about accepting and disposal of hardware
at a future meeting.
The general consensus was that no one wanted to be the quartermaster as
described, so the motion to create the position was tabled.
## 2009 Budget Items
A discussion about possible budget items for 2009 was suggested.
Different items included Basement project, 501c3, Tools, Advertising,
[Conferences](Conferences "wikilink"), food, reserve fund, and more.
Serge nominated himself for PR Coordinator. There was no objection.
A motion was made to approve two new members. There was no objection.
A motion was made to adjourn. There were no objections. Meeting
adjourned at 11:18 PM.
[Category:Meeting_Minutes](Category:Meeting_Minutes "wikilink")