hacdc-wiki/Old Pages/Old Wiki/Excess_Disposal.md
2024-07-07 13:53:31 -04:00

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**Not yet official HacDC policy until approved at a monthly meeting.**
# Donation Rules
Donations must be labeled with the names of donor(s) and member(s)
accepting them. Donors and accepting members have authority to, and are
expected to manage the donation consistent with the following:
- Refuse or dispose of any materials not meeting the "Relevant to HacDC
- Properly store and/or deploy the new resources.
- Refuse or dispose of any new materials that cannot be stored properly
on shelves, installed in equipment, or otherwise kept out of the way.
HacDC work areas are not for storage.
- Low-value items (eg. keyboards, low-end computers, etc) must be
clearly labeled "free for all, take home, will be summarily disposed
of in one week," to that effect.
- Leased items at HacDC must be clearly labeled with lender's name by
permanent pen, tape, etc.
New donations not handled in a manner consistent with the above should
be **disposed of immediately**.
# Disposal Rules
- Expiration on the going-out pile is a point of no return. Retrieval
from a dumpster and return to HacDC is explicitly forbidden.
- The going-out pile is a process to members to throw-away or take
resources permanently, not to borrow resources.
- A majority vote at an official meeting is required to allow return of
a disposed resource to HacDC.
Materials violating these rules should be **disposed of immediately**.
# Space Use Rules
## Everywhere
- Floor and work surfaces must be kept clean.
## Upstairs
- Front room will not be used for storage.
- Storage in back room limited to shelves and lockers.
- Arrangement of back room will reasonably permit secondary use as class
room or meeting space.
## Unshared Member Storage
Limited to 3 cubic feet (3' \* 1'), must be clearly labeled with contact
information, and must fit on a shelf.
## Basement
- Front room will reasonably permit usage of at least 3 wood/metal
machining workstations and optical table.
- Front room storage is limited to overhead shelves.
- Back room arrangement must permit temporary storage for at least 3
front-room workstations.
## Unshared Member Storage
Limited to 27 cubic feet (3' \* 3' \* 3'), must be clearly labeled with
contact information, and must fit on a shelf.
HacDC BoD may change the rules or authorize corrective actions,
including "Emergency Disposal".
# Relevant to HacDC Criteria
HacDC's goals include education, research, and engineering.
- Actively in use, or likely to be deployed in six months.
- Worthwhile components likely to be salvaged in six months.
- Rare, valuable, and useful, likely to be sorely missed. Repurchasing
multiple items worth \>\$250 is a costly mistake.
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- Not already present in excessive quantities, see "Rotation".
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- Available to other HacDC members (not private). HacDC is for
collaboration, individual member storage should be limited.
- Labeled as loaned to HacDC. Lenders should always have a reasonable
chance to repossess their items.
**The following consultants may be able to offer insights on specific
Note: salvage experts can quickly identify advanced hardware and
identify valuable components likely to be inside.
- mirage335 (Hardware and Salvage Expert)
- Dan Barlow (Hardware and Salvage Expert)
- Julia Longtin aka. juri (Hardware and Salvage Expert)
<!-- -->
- Lee Ciereszko (Radio Communications and CCTV Equipment Expert)
# Going out Pile
Designated going out pile is in the basement. Anything put on the right
side of that pile has a lifetime of **two weeks**, at which time it may
be disposed of. Anything on the left side has already expired, awaiting
disposal, and may not return to HacDC without a majority vote at an
official meeting.
When possible, it is preferred that:
- Going out pile photographed at the beginning of the week (Monday).
- Photo and/or contents list published to a HacDC mailing list within a
day (Tuesday).
- Expired items moved to the expired side of the pile next week
Items meeting the "Relevant to HacDC Criteria" should not be added to
this pile except in dire need.
**Members are welcome to bid on unexpired items, return unexpired items
to service or storage at HacDC, or take expired items.**
# Emergency Disposal
When at least half the HacDC floor space and work areas are unusable due
to improper resource storage, the going-out pile expiration period may
be reduced to **three days**, with no requirement to photo or publish
the contents list.
Such emergencies must be declared by HacDC BoD on the HacDC members
mailing list, with an expiration time, three days prior to a disposal.
Emergency disposal procedures may not be in effect more than 60 days per
# Rotation
Not all valuable or useful items at HacDC are in mint condition. When
better condition items of the same type become available, and agreed
upon limits have been exceeded, **poorer condition items should be be
sent to the going out pile immediately.**
Limits apply to non-in-use equipment (eg. not dedicated to CNC mill, not
on the test cart, etc), and are set in the following table:
| Item | Limit | Comments |
| Laptops | 5 | ThinkPads, more CPUs/cores/threads, and identical models (for classes) preferred. |
| Desktops | 3 | More CPUs/cores/threads and RAM preferred. |
| WYSE Terminals | 50 | More RAM preferred. |
| LCD Monitors | 5 | Higher resolution preferred, especially \>1080p. |
| Keyboards/Mice | 3 | Ridiculously cheap, not worth keeping. |
| CRT Monitors, TVs, etc. | 1 | Must fit on shelves. Longer (higher-voltage) is better. Useful mainly for elementary particle physics experiments. |
| Full Size Oscilloscopes | 3 | Higher speed, measurement functions, ease of use, special purpose uses (ie. scope clock), and working order determines value. |
| | | |
**Members are welcome to revise this table as necessary.**
# Disposal Methods
Unwanted donations, expired items on the going out pile, or items
declared unwanted at an official meeting should be disposed of ASAP as
## Salvage
Small, usable parts may be salvaged from bulky equipment for active
HacDC projects, education, or crafts. The parts may be permitted to
return to HacDC service or storage, unless declared otherwise by
majority vote at an official meeting.
## Regifting
Another non-profit organization may be able to keep the undesired items
out of the waste stream.
## Sale
Ham fests (amateur radio conventions) are an excellent opportunity to
obtain cash for junk. Proceeds should go to HacDC.
## Take Home by Member
Members may take an undesired item home, so long as the purpose is not
to sell the item{s) for personal gain.
## Dump
Anything efficient that does not inconvenience our host or other
authorities is acceptable, including without limitation:
- Throw it in an empty dumpster we are authorized to use, within reason.
- Take it to the dump.
- E-waste and hazardous materials should be properly recycled or
## Local Electronics Recycling Resources
The [DC Department of Public Works](http://www.dpw.dc.gov) offers a
free, weekly electronics recycling drop-off service at the Benning Road
Trash Transfer Station, [3200 Benning Road
each Saturday from 8 am to 3 pm.
[From Tom
> The DC government will take electronic waste without an additional
> fee, but you need to drop it off at the Ft. Totten Waste Transfer
> Station, which is almost impossible to find, particularly since the
> directions on their website refer to the use of a road that is
> currently closed. [Here's a quick Google
> Map](http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=117070561667971774162.000470c9871f982a1fc2c)
> that conveys three key things:
> 1. McCormick Road cannot be used -- at least, not the last time I
> went there
> 2. you should not cross Puerto Rico Ave from Taylor, but rather get
> onto Brookland Ave going north immediately before it (I believe
> you can use either ramp off of Taylor to do this, but am not sure)
> 3. The employees at the station can be a little vague on where
> electronics recycling occurs. Go to the end of the path on the map
> (although I should emphasize that its final location, not the
> specific way it gets there, is the important thing -- I can't
> recall the exact geometry of the station, and would encourage you
> not to drive your car into anything that looks like a giant
> crushing machine, despite what my map may say)
> \[<http://dpw.dc.gov/dpw/cwp/view,A,1202,Q,517961,dpwNav>,\|34219\|.asp
> Hours are listed here.\]
# Conflict Resolution
By majority vote, HacDC members may declare items unwanted at an
official meeting. These items should then be disposed of immediately,
and are not permitted to return without a similar vote taking place.
By majority vote, HacDC Board of Directors is authorized to identify
cases of improper disposal, warn specific members that the disposal was
improper, and if necessary, prohibit specific members involved from
undertaking further disposal. Further, improper disposal by those
members after this prohibition may be deemed as occurring without the
permission of HacDC members. That may have legal implications.
Nothing in this policy establishes disciplinary measures to be
automatically taken upon mistakes or abuse, nor is it to conflict with
purchases, salvage, scrap disposal, or normal use of HacDC tools,
materials, supplies, beverages, etc. However, it does set guidelines
agreed upon by HacDC members, with the expectation that other members
will make a good faith effort to abide them. The expectation is also set
that members will make reasonable efforts to discourage theft by guests.
[Category:EverydayPolicy](Category:EverydayPolicy "wikilink")