hacdc-wiki/Old Pages/Electronics/FPGAWorkshop13notes.md
2024-07-07 13:53:31 -04:00

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*These notes are intended to highlight bits of information from the
Xilinx KCPSM3 manual distributed with the microprocessor*
**Xilinx Picoblaze**
KCPSM3 - An 8 Bit Microcontroller for Xilinx Spartan 3 & Virtex 2/4
**What is kcpsm3**
Very Simple microcontroller. Can be used for data processing or as a
complex state machine.
**KCPSM** - (**K**)constant **C**oded **P**rogrammable **S**tate
Its very small - 96 Spartan3 slices + 1 block ram
Our boards - 4656 slices -\> that is 2% of the slice resources!
Entirely embedded in the fpga fabric - integrates with all the logic
you've already been writing!
**kcpsm is small**
Konstant explained - notice how the mips = 1/2 clock speed?
CPI of the processor is 2. And fixed at 2. that makes it very easy to
determine the runtime of a program in an embedded system.
**kcpsm3 architecture**
architecture is closed (it is a xilinx macro, not a readily readable
verilog design) but the architecture is not secret though
simple input port/output based IO, up to 256 addressable 8bit
ports/devices 16 general purpose registers 64 byte memory/scratch pad
alu with carry/zero flags single interrupt line/acknowledge program
counter control/instruction decoder program memory
**device features**
program memory - 1 18kb block ram! this stores 1024 18 bit instructions.
16 general purpose registers. No dedicated zero register or accumulator
alu - does add/sub/add&sub with carry alu - load/and/or/xor bitwise
alu - shift/rotates flags and flow control - help determine program flow
with carry/zero flags + conditional jump/call instructions interrupts -
jumps to a single address (initiates CALL 3FF) - an ISR
**using the kcpsm3** used as a verilog module in the design flow. simply
copy the kcpsm3.v file into your project and instantiate it kcpsm3
assembler generates a verilog memory file - use that in your design as
well. connect the two modules together. alternatively - use the
embedded_kcpsm3.v file
**instruction set**
1. program control group
1. unconditional jump
2. conditional jumps (branches!)
3. call/return with stack depth of 31
2. interrupt group
1. enable/disable interrupt
2. return from isr & either enable/disable the interrupt
3. storage group
1. store/fetch data from the scratch pad
4. i/o group
5. arithmetic group
1. add/sub/compare
1. work with 2 operands or 1 operand and a constant
6. logical group
1. load/and/or/xor/test
1. work with 2 operands or 1 operand and a constant
7. shift/rotate group
1. both left/right shifts available
pointers available
**port access**
input and output ports available.
very simple with the two cycle operation
1. 1st cycle - instruction decode
2. 2nd cycle - instruction execute
Read strobe - not needed, port_id used w/ a mux to determine what gets
put on input port. data captured by kcpsm3 on next clock edge.
write strobe - use as a clock enable signal for external circuitry to
capture data from out port.
\<8 output ports, use 1hot addressing
\>8 output ports, use address decoder to enable the correct port
input ports -\> leads itself to a multiplexed architecture
synchronous to kcpsm3 clock. blanks the processor and restarts it at
address 0x000.
**picoblaze assembler**
xilinx assembler is a dos program, which accepts .psm (picoblaze
assembler) source files and outputs vhdl/verilog files for your use
multipass, lots of quick information. don't be afraid to dump the file.
possible to run under wine/dosbox, lots of alternatives available.
**program syntax**
1. blank lines are ignored
2. comments begin with ;
3. registers - form sX, where X={0,1,2,..9,A,...,E,F}
4. constants
5. Data value - 00 -\>FF
6. Port value - 00 -\>FF
7. Address - 000 -\>3FF
8. Line labels: Useful for call and jump instructions!
constant -\> define a label used within the program for holding a
constant value. like a C macro
namereg -\> define a label used within the program for identifying a
register. allows for much more readable code.
slides are really detailed about this and good - read them
**call/return stack**
31 level call/return stack. program counter preserved upon the calll
instruction or interrupt. registers are not preserved - be careful not
to clobber your registers.
**simulation** picoblaze assembly simulators exist - \> prove your code
by hand (slow) nothing stopping you from simulating the HDL design - but
can be very slow. quicker to fix hardware design -\> then code and
download to picoblaze via jtag and run the software.
**other picoblaze ide/assemblers/simulators/implementations that are not
from xilinx**
1. **pacoblaze** [Pacoblaze](http://www.bleyer.org/pacoblaze/)
opensource, picoblaze compliant verilog implementation. complete
with java assembler.
2. **openPicIDE** [openPicIDE](http://www.openpicide.org/) opensource
picoblaze ide/assembler/simulator. very robust! works on linux, mac,
3. **mediatronix picoblaze ide**
[mediatronix](http://www.mediatronix.com/tools/index.htm) amazing
windows picoblaze ide
4. **kpicosim** [kpicosim](http://www.xs4all.nl/~marksix/) picoblaze
simulator and assembler. linux
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