hacdc-wiki/Old Pages/Meetings/Annual_Meeting_2014.md
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From the HacDC Bylaws, Article III, Section 2:

At the annual meeting, the voting members shall elect the Board of Directors, review and vote on the standing rules and policies of the corporation, receive reports on the activities of the corporation, approve the budget and determine the direction of corporation in the coming year.

This meeting will also serve as the monthly meeting for the month of March.

Time and Location

March 11, 2014

Meeting called to order at 1955 by Ben.

Members Present: Ben, Katie, DavidMc.. 12 in person, 3 online.

Others Present: ~5

Quorum met? Yes.

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2014 02 11 - approved.


  • Thanks to Evan and Zack for their work on the laser cutter.
  • Everyone involved in Project SEM .
  • David McInnis for adding really cool lighting to the new shelves in the basement.
  • Julia Longtin (aka. juri) for more 3D printer tweaking and getting ahead on cleaning up the space.

Director Reports

President's Report

As reported last month, the BoD has approved accepting the donation of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The SEM is now ready to be picked up and we have about three weeks to collect it. It is currently in Norfolk, VA and is a large, heavy piece of equipment. We will need to rent/borrow a truck (ideally one with a lift-gate) to transport it up to HacDC, and we'll need several strong volunteers to help us load, and unload the truck (including bringing it up the stairs and into the workshop). Additionally, we will need some help making space for it in the workshop. We are currently shooting for Saturday, March 29th.

Vice President's Report

admin team is accepting donations of gigabit network switches. we need both managed and unmanaged switches. one managed switch with 20+ ports which is for the church network. we are getting the space wired for gigabit ethernet so cat5e and cat6 keystone jacks and and wall plates are welcome.

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for February 2014: . We gained two members in the last month: Elizabeth Smith and Ariam Mogos. We lost two members in the last month: Tim Dixon and Nick Mapsy. We have 46 dues-paying members in good standing, two permanently dues-waived members, four temporarily dues-waived members, and five members who are behind on dues.

Project Awesome

Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for February: . Once again we are in the red for the month, so there is no Project Awesome dividend. :(

Secretary's Report

NonHacDC calendar is being populated. Need to put it in a more public place and open it up to members for editing. Otherwise nothing significant to report.

Director-at-Large Reports

No report.

Project LASER

Dan: Optical maintenance; cleaning lenses, tightening things, etc. Found the aluminum track is wearing and has some play. Will try to flip them to use the other side, otherwise will purchase new tracks. This is expected, normal wear. Aiming laser and combining optic is here, but dust is still a problem. Will add air flushing to all optical components. Thanks to those who worked on the alignment. The idea of having jigs underneath is being put off. The cabinet will need to be reworked first.


Nothing new to report.


Nothing new to report.


Still healthy and stable. A few expenses this month, related to lighting the new shelves.


We may be able to afford a small vertical bandsaw for about $100, similar to the one we had before. This would help cutting stock materials for CNC mill, laser cutter, photolithography fab, etc. Any suggestions or objections? Dan: reminds Mirage that we'd like ink for the inkjet plotter in the basement.


Kevin: comments on Rob's donation list, very interested in the projectors and the scanning/projecting white boards. WebRTC is what will hopefully replace Hangouts in the future. Please check it out.

Member Reports

Justin Myers

Quick reminder that our first Laurel-accredited ham radio licensing exam session starts at noon March 22 (a week from this coming Saturday). Review/questions are welcome at tomorrow's (March 12) HARC meeting.

If you're interested in getting licensed, take your exams here for free! Other exam dates this year: June 21 and Nov. 8.

We also need more examiners who can help out at these sessions; if you're already licensed (General or above) and want to help, let me know.


Audio difficulties.

From chat: Basically, I have a nice HF antenna, and continuing work with Imagnus. The USRP is cooperating now. Would like Dan and I to have permission to expediently dispose of remaining junk in the basement. Three months is far too long!


New acrylic colors in stock. Non-rastering cutting is working fine (laser cutter). Discussion: computer for laser cutter could use more memory, but it's windoz XP. Options presented, will look into it.

Old Business

Provide Martin a keyholding honorary (nonpaying) membership. - Approved by member vote.

New Business

Approve Article IV of the Proposed Standing Rules. This codifies our existing policies and empowers the BoD to reschedule member meetings for the following week in the event that an emergency (such as weather) forces the cancellation of a scheduled meeting. - proposed rules reviewed in meeting, minor discussion followed - Approved by member vote.

Permit Dan Barlow and mirage335 to expediently dispose of junk in the basement for the next few months. - Approved by member vote.

Board of Directors Elections

Results of the elections are as follows:









At-Large Directors (two)

Zach and Ben

New Members

Chris - electronics, Ham, Windows expert - Approved by member vote.


Adjourned at 2110.

Category:Meeting Minutes