fix private routing 1.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -126,14 +126,18 @@ struct RouteHop @0xf8f672d75cce0c3b {
nodeId @0 :NodeID; # node id only for established routes
peerInfo @1 :PeerInfo; # full peer info for this hop to establish the route
nextHop @2 :RouteHopData; # Optional: if the private route is a stub, it contains no route hop data, just the target node for the routed operation.
nextHop @2 :RouteHopData; # optional: If this the end of a private route, this field will not exist
# if this is a safety route routehop, this field is not optional and must exist
struct PrivateRoute @0x8a83fccb0851e776 {
publicKey @0 :RoutePublicKey; # private route public key (unique per private route)
hopCount @1 :UInt8; # Count of hops left in the private route (for timeout calculation purposes only)
firstHop @2 :RouteHop; # Optional: first hop in the private route, if empty, this is the last hop and payload should be decrypted and processed.
hops :union {
firstHop @2 :RouteHop; # first hop of a private route is unencrypted (hopcount > 0)
data @3 :RouteHopData; # private route has more hops (hopcount > 0 && hopcount < total_hopcount)
empty @4 :Void; # private route has ended (hopcount = 0)
struct SafetyRoute @0xf554734d07cb5d59 {
@ -854,8 +854,8 @@ impl RouteSpecStore {
if pr_hopcount > max_route_hop_count {
bail!("private route hop count too long");
let Some(pr_first_hop) = &private_route.first_hop else {
bail!("compiled private route should have first_hop");
let PrivateRouteHops::FirstHop(pr_first_hop) = &private_route.hops else {
bail!("compiled private route should have first hop");
// See if we are using a safety route, if not, short circuit this operation
@ -1179,7 +1179,7 @@ impl RouteSpecStore {
let private_route = PrivateRoute {
public_key: key.clone(),
hop_count: hop_count.try_into().unwrap(),
first_hop: Some(route_hop),
hops: PrivateRouteHops::FirstHop(route_hop),
@ -106,11 +106,20 @@ pub fn encode_private_route(
&mut builder.reborrow().init_public_key(),
if let Some(rh) = &private_route.first_hop {
let mut rh_builder = builder.reborrow().init_first_hop();
encode_route_hop(rh, &mut rh_builder)?;
let mut h_builder = builder.reborrow().init_hops();
match &private_route.hops {
PrivateRouteHops::FirstHop(first_hop) => {
let mut rh_builder = h_builder.init_first_hop();
encode_route_hop(first_hop, &mut rh_builder)?;
PrivateRouteHops::Data(data) => {
let mut rhd_builder = h_builder.init_data();
encode_route_hop_data(data, &mut rhd_builder)?;
PrivateRouteHops::Empty => {
@ -121,19 +130,23 @@ pub fn decode_private_route(
"invalid public key in private route",
let hop_count = reader.get_hop_count();
let first_hop = if reader.has_first_hop() {
let rh_reader = reader
.map_err(RPCError::map_protocol("invalid first hop in private route"))?;
} else {
let hops = match reader.get_hops().which().map_err(RPCError::protocol)? {
veilid_capnp::private_route::hops::Which::FirstHop(rh_reader) => {
let rh_reader = rh_reader.map_err(RPCError::protocol)?;
veilid_capnp::private_route::hops::Which::Data(rhd_reader) => {
let rhd_reader = rhd_reader.map_err(RPCError::protocol)?;
veilid_capnp::private_route::hops::Which::Empty(_) => PrivateRouteHops::Empty,
Ok(PrivateRoute {
@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ impl RPCProcessor {
} => {
let Some(pr_first_hop) = &private_route.first_hop else {
return Err(RPCError::internal("destination private route must have first_hop"));
let PrivateRouteHops::FirstHop(pr_first_hop) = &private_route.hops else {
return Err(RPCError::internal("destination private route must have first hop"));
match safety_selection {
@ -72,26 +72,20 @@ impl RPCProcessor {
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip_all, err)]
async fn process_route_private_route_hop(
mut route: RPCOperationRoute,
mut next_private_route: PrivateRoute,
mut routed_operation: RoutedOperation,
next_route_node: RouteNode,
safety_route_public_key: DHTKey,
next_private_route: PrivateRoute,
) -> Result<(), RPCError> {
// Make sure hop count makes sense
if route.safety_route.hop_count != 0 {
return Err(RPCError::protocol(
"Safety hop count should be zero if switched to private route",
if next_private_route.hop_count as usize > self.unlocked_inner.max_route_hop_count {
return Err(RPCError::protocol(
"Private route hop count too high to process",
// Get private route first hop (this is validated to not be None before calling this function)
let first_hop = next_private_route.first_hop.as_ref().unwrap();
// Get next hop node ref
let next_hop_nr = match &first_hop.node {
let next_hop_nr = match &next_route_node {
RouteNode::NodeId(id) => {
@ -116,27 +110,24 @@ impl RPCProcessor {
if first_hop.next_hop.is_some() {
if !matches!(next_private_route.hops, PrivateRouteHops::Empty) {
// Sign the operation if this is not our last hop
// as the last hop is already signed by the envelope
let node_id = self.routing_table.node_id();
let node_id_secret = self.routing_table.node_id_secret();
let sig = sign(&node_id, &node_id_secret, &
let sig = sign(&node_id, &node_id_secret, &
} else {
// If this is our last hop, then we drop the 'first_hop' from private route
// XXX ? next_private_route.first_hop = None;
// Pass along the route
let next_hop_route = RPCOperationRoute {
safety_route: SafetyRoute {
public_key: route.safety_route.public_key,
public_key: safety_route_public_key,
hop_count: 0,
hops: SafetyRouteHops::Private(next_private_route),
operation: route.operation,
operation: routed_operation,
let next_hop_route_stmt = RPCStatement::new(RPCStatementDetail::Route(next_hop_route));
@ -342,19 +333,25 @@ impl RPCProcessor {
// Get the next hop node ref
if private_route.first_hop.is_some() {
// Switching to private route from safety route
self.process_route_private_route_hop(route, private_route)
} else {
// Private route is empty, process routed operation
let PrivateRouteHops::FirstHop(pr_first_hop) = private_route.hops else {
return Err(RPCError::protocol("switching from safety route to private route requires first hop"));
// Switching to private route from safety route
PrivateRoute {
public_key: private_route.public_key,
hop_count: private_route.hop_count - 1,
hops: pr_first_hop
.map(|rhd| PrivateRouteHops::Data(rhd))
} else if blob_tag == 0 {
// RouteHop
let route_hop = {
@ -373,18 +370,24 @@ impl RPCProcessor {
// No safety route left, now doing private route
SafetyRouteHops::Private(ref private_route) => {
// See if we have a hop, if not, we are at the end of the private route
if let Some(first_hop) = &private_route.first_hop {
// See if we have next hop data
let opt_next_first_hop = if let Some(next_hop) = &first_hop.next_hop {
match &private_route.hops {
PrivateRouteHops::FirstHop(_) => {
return Err(RPCError::protocol("should not have first hop here"));
PrivateRouteHops::Data(route_hop_data) => {
// Decrypt the blob with DEC(nonce, DH(the PR's public key, this hop's secret)
let node_id_secret = self.routing_table.node_id_secret();
let dh_secret = self
.cached_dh(&private_route.public_key, &node_id_secret)
let dec_blob_data =
Crypto::decrypt_aead(&next_hop.blob, &next_hop.nonce, &dh_secret, None)
let dec_blob_data = Crypto::decrypt_aead(
let dec_blob_reader = RPCMessageData::new(dec_blob_data).get_reader()?;
// Decode next RouteHop
@ -394,40 +397,42 @@ impl RPCProcessor {
} else {
// If the first hop has no RouteHopData, then this is a stub private route
// and we should just pass the operation to its final destination with
// an empty safety and private route
// Ensure hop count > 0
if private_route.hop_count == 0 {
return Err(RPCError::protocol("route should not be at the end"));
// Ensure hop count > 0
if private_route.hop_count == 0 {
return Err(RPCError::protocol("route should not be at the end"));
// Make next PrivateRoute and pass it on
let next_private_route = PrivateRoute {
public_key: private_route.public_key,
hop_count: private_route.hop_count - 1,
first_hop: opt_next_first_hop,
self.process_route_private_route_hop(route, next_private_route)
// Make next PrivateRoute and pass it on
PrivateRoute {
public_key: private_route.public_key,
hop_count: private_route.hop_count - 1,
hops: route_hop
.map(|rhd| PrivateRouteHops::Data(rhd))
} else {
// Ensure hop count == 0
if private_route.hop_count != 0 {
return Err(RPCError::protocol("route should be at the end"));
PrivateRouteHops::Empty => {
// Ensure hop count == 0
if private_route.hop_count != 0 {
return Err(RPCError::protocol("route should be at the end"));
// No hops left, time to process the routed operation
// No hops left, time to process the routed operation
@ -3,15 +3,21 @@ use super::*;
// Compiled Privacy Objects
/// An encrypted private/safety route hop
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RouteHopData {
/// The nonce used in the encryption ENC(Xn,DH(PKn,SKapr))
pub nonce: Nonce,
/// The encrypted blob
pub blob: Vec<u8>,
/// How to find a route node
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum RouteNode {
/// Route node is optimized, no contact method information as this node id has been seen before
/// Route node with full contact method information to ensure the peer is reachable
impl fmt::Display for RouteNode {
@ -27,17 +33,33 @@ impl fmt::Display for RouteNode {
/// An unencrypted private/safety route hop
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RouteHop {
/// The location of the hop
pub node: RouteNode,
/// The encrypted blob to pass to the next hop as its data (None for stubs)
pub next_hop: Option<RouteHopData>,
/// The kind of hops a private route can have
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PrivateRouteHops {
/// The first hop of a private route, unencrypted, route_hops == total hop count
/// Private route internal node. Has > 0 private route hops left but < total hop count
/// Private route has ended (hop count = 0)
/// A private route for receiver privacy
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PrivateRoute {
/// The public key used for the entire route
pub public_key: DHTKey,
pub hop_count: u8,
pub first_hop: Option<RouteHop>,
pub hops: PrivateRouteHops,
impl PrivateRoute {
@ -46,7 +68,7 @@ impl PrivateRoute {
Self {
hop_count: 0,
first_hop: None,
hops: PrivateRouteHops::Empty,
/// Stub route is the form used when no privacy is required, but you need to specify the destination for a safety route
@ -54,29 +76,12 @@ impl PrivateRoute {
Self {
hop_count: 1,
first_hop: Some(RouteHop {
hops: PrivateRouteHops::FirstHop(RouteHop {
next_hop: None,
/// Switch from full node info to simple node id
/// Only simplified single hop, primarily useful for stubs
/// Published routes with >= 1 hops should be in NodeId form already, as they have
/// already been connectivity-verified by the time the route is published
pub fn simplify(self) -> Self {
Self {
public_key: self.public_key,
hop_count: self.hop_count,
first_hop:|h| RouteHop {
node: match h.node {
RouteNode::NodeId(ni) => RouteNode::NodeId(ni),
RouteNode::PeerInfo(pi) => RouteNode::NodeId(pi.node_id),
next_hop: h.next_hop,
impl fmt::Display for PrivateRoute {
@ -86,10 +91,16 @@ impl fmt::Display for PrivateRoute {
if let Some(first_hop) = &self.first_hop {
format!("->{}", first_hop.node)
} else {
match &self.hops {
PrivateRouteHops::FirstHop(fh) => {
format!("->{}", fh.node)
PrivateRouteHops::Data(_) => {
PrivateRouteHops::Empty => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user