
This commit is contained in:
John Smith 2022-10-11 19:49:29 -04:00
parent f7f166741b
commit 9c59507ea0

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@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ struct RouteSpecDetail {
last_checked_ts: Option<u64>,
/// Directions this route is guaranteed to work in
directions: DirectionSet,
/// Reliability
reliable: bool,
/// The core representation of the RouteSpecStore that can be serialized
@ -60,10 +62,19 @@ pub struct RouteSpecStore {
cache: RouteSpecStoreCache,
fn route_spec_to_hop_cache(spec: Arc<RouteSpec>) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut cache: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(spec.hops.len() * DHT_KEY_LENGTH);
for hop in spec.hops {
fn route_hops_to_hop_cache(hops: &[DHTKey]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut cache: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(hops.len() * DHT_KEY_LENGTH);
for hop in hops {
/// get the hop cache key for a particular route permutation
fn route_permutation_to_hop_cache(nodes: &[(DHTKey, NodeInfo)], perm: &[usize]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut cache: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(perm.len() * DHT_KEY_LENGTH);
for n in perm {
@ -104,7 +115,7 @@ where
return f(&permutation);
// heaps algorithm
// heaps algorithm, but skipping the first element
fn heaps_permutation<F>(permutation: &mut [usize], size: usize, f: F) -> bool
F: FnMut(&[usize]) -> bool,
@ -133,15 +144,6 @@ where
heaps_permutation(&mut permutation, hop_count - 1, f)
/// get the hop cache key for a particular route permutation
fn route_permutation_to_hop_cache(nodes: &[(DHTKey, NodeInfo)], perm: &[usize]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut cache: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(perm.len() * DHT_KEY_LENGTH);
for n in perm {
impl RouteSpecStore {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
@ -329,15 +331,16 @@ impl RouteSpecStore {
// Now go through nodes and try to build a route we haven't seen yet
let mut route_nodes: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(hop_count);
let mut route_nodes: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
let mut cache_key: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
for start in 0..(nodes.len() - hop_count) {
// Try the permutations available starting with 'start'
let done = with_route_permutations(hop_count, start, |permutation: &[usize]| {
// Get the route cache key
let key = route_permutation_to_hop_cache(&nodes, permutation);
cache_key = route_permutation_to_hop_cache(&nodes, permutation);
// Skip routes we have already seen
if self.cache.hop_cache.contains(&key) {
if self.cache.hop_cache.contains(&cache_key) {
return false;
@ -417,18 +420,89 @@ impl RouteSpecStore {
created_ts: cur_ts,
last_checked_ts: None,
// Keep route in spec store
self.content.details.insert(public_key, rsd);
// xxx insert into cache too
if !self.cache.hop_cache.insert(cache_key) {
panic!("route should never be inserted twice");
for h in &hops {
.and_modify(|e| *e += 1)
.and_modify(|e| *e += 1)
pub fn release_route(&mut self, spec: Arc<RouteSpec>) {}
pub fn release_route(&mut self, public_key: DHTKey) {
if let Some(detail) = self.content.details.remove(&public_key) {
// Remove from hop cache
let cache_key = route_hops_to_hop_cache(&detail.hops);
if !self.cache.hop_cache.remove(&cache_key) {
panic!("hop cache should have contained cache key");
// Remove from used nodes cache
for h in &detail.hops {
match self.cache.used_nodes.entry(*h) {
std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied(o) => {
*o.get_mut() -= 1;
if *o.get() == 0 {
std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => {
panic!("used_nodes cache should have contained hop");
// Remove from end nodes cache
match self.cache.used_nodes.entry(*detail.hops.last().unwrap()) {
std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied(o) => {
*o.get_mut() -= 1;
if *o.get() == 0 {
std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => {
panic!("used_nodes cache should have contained hop");
} else {
panic!("can't release route that was never allocated");
pub fn best_route(&mut self, reliable: bool) -> Arc<RouteSpec> {}
pub fn best_route(
&mut self,
reliable: bool,
min_hop_count: usize,
max_hop_count: usize,
directions: DirectionSet,
) -> Option<DHTKey> {
for detail in &self.content.details {
if detail.1.reliable == reliable
&& detail.1.hops.len() >= min_hop_count
&& detail.1.hops.len() <= max_hop_count
&& detail.1.directions.is_subset(directions)
return Some(*detail.0);
/// xxx add route compiler here
/// Mark route as published
/// When first deserialized, routes must be re-published in order to ensure they remain