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Sponsors & Backers
Wiki.js is an AGPL-licensed open source project. It's an independent project with its ongoing development made possible entirely thanks to the support by the awesome backers listed below. If you'd like to join them, please consider:
- Become a GitHub Sponsor
- Become a backer or sponsor on Patreon.
- Become a backer or sponsor on OpenCollective.
What's the difference between Patreon and OpenCollective?
Funds donated via Patreon go directly to support lead developer Nicolas Giard's full-time work on Wiki.js. Funds donated via OpenCollective are managed with transparent expenses and will be used for compensating work and expenses for core team members. Your name/logo will receive proper recognition and exposure by donating on either platform.
GitHub Sponsors
- M. Scott Ford (@mscottford)
- Nina Reynolds (@cutecycle)
- aniketpanjwani (@aniketpanjwani)
Sponsors via OpenCollective
Backers via Patreon
- Al Romano
- Alex Balabanov
- Brandon Curtis
- Douglas Lassance
- Ernie Reid
- Etienne
- Günter Pavlas
- Ian
- Matt Gedigian
- Richeir
- Stepan Sokolovskyi
- 张白驹