* Libs: add FreeRTOS submodule. FuriHal: replace ST provided FreeRTOS with original one. FuriHal: for cmsis os hal and patch it for better compatibility with stream buffer.
* Makefile: fix svd plugin on blackmagic
* Lib: update STM32CubeWB package. Project: update project to match new cube package.
* Lib: properly rebase and upload STM32CubeWB
* BleGlue: switch ack logging level to trace
* Add littlefs submodule
* Furi: add mutex in logging, fix issues with corrupted printf
* ApiHal: disable debug traces in ble glue
* App-loader: more logs
* Passport: fix invalid DolphinState usage
* ApiHal, linker script: flash API is now aware of free space, complete abstraction layer for storage
* Internal Storage: littlefs based storage services with key value API. Migrate dolphin state to new storage API.
* fix Werror flag
* strdup implementation fix
* fix irda and lfrdid printf
* remove unused position
* doubtful type fix
* type fix in EXTI interrupt
* fix warnings in CubeWB, need to fork ST repo
* onewire fixes
* fork STM32WB Cube repo
* add input debounce code from old fw
* exampl of input api
* change input API to get/release
* revert input API to read
* pointer instead of instance
* add input API description
* add display API
* rewrite display names
* migrate to valuemanager
* add LED API
* add closing brakets
* add sound api
* fix led api
* basic api
* rename API pages
* change pubsub implementation
* move FURI AC -> flapp, add valuemutex example, add valuemanager implementation
* pubsub usage example
* user led example
* update example
* simplify input
* add composed display
* add SPI/GPIO and CC1101 bus
* change cc1101 api
* spi api and devices
* spi api and devices
* move SPI to page, add GPIO
* not block pin open
* backlight API and more
* add minunit tests
* fix logging
* ignore unexisting time service on embedded targets
* fix warning, issue with printf
* Deprecate furi_open and furi_close (#167)
Rename existing furi_open and furi_close to deprecated version
* add exitcode
* migrate to printf
* indicate test by leds
* add testing description
* rename furi.h
* wip basic api
* add valuemutex, pubsub, split files
* add value expanders
* value mutex realization and tests
* valuemutex test added to makefile
* do not build unimplemented files
* fix build furmware target f2
* redesigned minunit tests to allow testing in separate files
* test file for valuemutex minunit testing
* minunit partial test valuemutex
* local cmsis_os2 mutex bindings
* implement furi open/create, tests
* migrate concurrent_access to ValueMutex
* add spi header
* Lib: add mlib submodule.
Co-authored-by: rusdacent <rusdacentx0x08@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: DrZlo13 <who.just.the.doctor@gmail.com>
* Lib: move cube to libs. Firmware: prepare for code base refactoring, detach from cube, port to cmsis_os2.
* Firmware, target f2: regenerate project with latest cube package, tim17 for os ticks.
* Firmware: unified codebase.
* Core: do not include semaphore on old targets. Firmware: dfu uplaod target.
* CI: submodules, add firmware build.
* CI: proper submodule config.
* refactor build system
* CI: update chain to use new targets. Documentation: update to match current structure.
* CI: clean before rebuild.
* Add local test
docker-compose exec dev make -C firmware TARGET=local TEST=1 run
* Makefile: target specific build directory. CI: updated artifacts path.
* Makefile: init git submodules if they don't exists.
* Makefile: debug rule now doesn't reset MCU, prevent SIGINT propagation to st-util.
* Makefile: proper rebuild sequence in zz and zzz
* Makefile: timestamp tracking for flash and upload commands.
* Apps: modular build. Input: fix flipper hal inline.
* Wiki: proper bootloader link.
* Applications: fix broken build for local targets.
* add st-flash to docker
* fix build
* force rebuild app
* move app force to firmware part
* fix build deps
* qrcode build ok
* fix example display
* add testing routine
* update build instruction
Co-authored-by: Aleksandr Kutuzov <aku@plooks.com>
Co-authored-by: aanper <mail@s3f.ru>