* add input debounce code from old fw * exampl of input api * change input API to get/release * revert input API to read * pointer instead of instance * add input API description * add display API * rewrite display names * migrate to valuemanager * add LED API * add closing brakets * add sound api * fix led api * basic api * rename API pages * change pubsub implementation * move FURI AC -> flapp, add valuemutex example, add valuemanager implementation * pubsub usage example * user led example * update example * simplify input * add composed display * add SPI/GPIO and CC1101 bus * change cc1101 api * spi api and devices * spi api and devices * move SPI to page, add GPIO * not block pin open * backlight API and more * add minunit tests * fix logging * ignore unexisting time service on embedded targets * fix warning, issue with printf * Deprecate furi_open and furi_close (#167) Rename existing furi_open and furi_close to deprecated version * add exitcode * migrate to printf * indicate test by leds * add testing description * rename furi.h * wip basic api * add valuemutex, pubsub, split files * add value expanders * value mutex realization and tests * valuemutex test added to makefile * do not build unimplemented files * fix build furmware target f2 * redesigned minunit tests to allow testing in separate files * test file for valuemutex minunit testing * minunit partial test valuemutex * local cmsis_os2 mutex bindings * implement furi open/create, tests * migrate concurrent_access to ValueMutex * add spi header * Lib: add mlib submodule. Co-authored-by: rusdacent <rusdacentx0x08@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: DrZlo13 <who.just.the.doctor@gmail.com>
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Flipper Universal Registry Implementation or FURI is important part of Flipper firmware. It is used to:
* application control (start, exit, switch between active)
* data exchange between application (create/open channel, subscribe and push messages or read/write values)
* non-volatile data storage for application (create/open value and read/write)
# Application registry and control (FURIAC)
# Data exchange
**`bool furi_create(char* name, void* value, size_t size)`**
creates named FURI record. Returns NULL if registry have not enough memory for creating. If value is NULL, create FURI Pipe (only callbacks management, no data/mutex).
**`FuriRecordHandler furi_open(char* name, bool solo, bool no_mute, void(*FlipperRecordCallback)(const void*, size_t), void(*FlipperRecordStateCallback)(FlipperRecordState))`**
opens existing FURI record by name. Returns NULL if record does not exist. If `solo` is true **another applications handlers set into "muted" state**. When appication has exited or record has closed, all handlers is unmuted. It may be useful for concurrently acces to resources like framebuffer or beeper. If `no_mute` is true, another applications cannot mute this handler.
**`bool furi_close(FuriRecordHandler* record)`**
close handler and unmute anothers.
**`bool furi_read(FuriRecordHandler* record, void* data, size_t size)`**
read message from record. Returns true if success, false otherwise.
**`bool furi_write(FuriRecordHandler* record, const void* data, size_t size)`**
write message to record. Returns true if success, false otherwise (handler gone or muted).
**`void* furi_take(FuriRecordHandler* record)` works as `furi_read`**
lock value mutex. It can be useful if records contain pointer to buffer which you want to change. You must call `furi_give` after operation on data and you cannot block executing between `take` and `give` calls
**`bool furi_give(FuriRecordHandler* record)`**
unlock value mutex works as `furi_wrte` but unlock global mutex.
# Usage example
_Diagram below describes furi states_

* After start, init code run some applications: in this example there is status bar, a background task and Home screen
* Status bar open access to framebuffer by opening "/ui/fb" FURI record
* "Home screen" call "Menu" application by `furiac_switch`. "Home screen" application stops and then "Menu" application starts.
* "Menu" application call "Your cool app" the same way. It also get access to framebuffer by open "/ui/fb" FURI record
* If "Your cool app" needs some backend app, it call this by `furiac_start` and then kill by `furiac_kill`
* If background task needs to show popup message (for example "Low battery") it can call new app or simply open "/ui/fb" record.
* When "/ui/fb" record is opened by popup message, FURI mute framebuffer handle in "Your cool app". This prevent to overwrite popup message by application drawing.
* "Status bar" framebuffer handle not is muted, beacuse open framebuffer with no_mute=true.
* After popup message is closed by `furiac_exit` or closing "/ui/fb", FURI unmute previous muted "Your cool app" framebuffer handle.