2024-06-12 21:48:44 -04:00

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Executable File


From the HacDC Bylaws, Article III, Section 2:

At the annual meeting, the voting members shall elect the Board of Directors, review and vote on the standing rules and policies of the corporation, receive reports on the activities of the corporation, approve the budget and determine the direction of corporation in the coming year.

This meeting will also serve as the monthly meeting for the month of January.

Time and Location

January 10, 2015

Meeting called to order at 3:13 by Ben the Pyrate_.

Members Present: Enrique, Katie, Zack, Kevin, Travis, Shawn, Don, Pat, Phil Stewart, Hunter, Celeste, Mirage

Others Present: Danish, A-KO

Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2014 12 09 Approved


Director Reports

President's Report

Not Present

Vice President's Report

Not Present

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for December 2014: . We gained Gary Sparkes (Hunter) as a new member, re-gained Ann Millspaugh as a returning member, and lost Christine Prefontaine and Phillip Walker. We have 44 dues-paying members in good standing and 6 dues-waived members.

The CFC charity application is proving non-trivial to complete. By January 23 we must, in addition to the forms completed thus far:

  • submit supporting statements and/or documentation of substantial local presence in the geographical area covered by the local campaign and a description of the programs, services, benefits, etc. provided by the organization in calendar year 2014 and how those programs, services, benefits, etc. affect human health and welfare of the target population.
  • complete and submit a Pro Forma IRS Form 990. The following sections must be completed: Page 1, Items A-M; Part I (Summary and Part II, Signature Block), Lines 1-4 only; Part VII (Compensation section A only); Part VIII (Statement of Revenues); Part IX (Statement of Functional Expenses), and; Part XII (Financial Statements and Reporting).
  • prohibit the sale or lease of CFC contributor lists

Project Awesome

Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for December: . We continue to have to dip into savings to pay our rent, so no dividend this month. :(

Secretary's Report

No Report.

Director-at-Large Reports


CNC will be running by end of the month. Prusa is running.


No report.

Project LASER

No report. Hand-off required?


We're re-factoring the project. Slowly because we all have jobs now.


Nothing new to report. Still hoping to organize a kit build in concert with a Learn to Solder event sometime this spring.


Ordered replacement extruder for Rostock Max. Also ordered 0.35mm nozzle for dramatically improved resolution.

When finances become less strained, a Rev.7 PCB heater would be a nice addition. More even heating across the glass would reduce thermal stress and greatly improve adhesion.


Still conservative.


Don has installed a 2 element 10m and a 160m dipole antenna. Don fitted a narrow (CW) filter in the main HF radio to improve narrow signal performance. We have participated in a number of on-air contests and contacted more than 100 countries.


Member Reports


Lessons from Kamal Jain of Lowell Makes

Met Kamal Jain from Lowell Makes, Massachusetts hackerspace last month. Among other things, we discussed revenue/sponsor structures. Recently received email detailing these opportunities. In particular, we should look into 1.


HacDC server Shimmer is proving stable. Please contact me by email (directly or members@hacdc.org) for an account.


NetPLC boards and parts are in, so RFID system will be implemented soon.

Old Business

New Business


Funding and installation of 'lights-on' cameras, and authorize BoD to examine other relevant footage (ie. hallway cams) to correlate incidents. Members' identities would not be recorded in any way not already documented (ie. hallway cam).

This proposal is not a plan of action (ie. we may not need to buy cams), just a provision for future improvement.

Approved the installation of camera. Funding and technical details to be revisited.

Dues Structure

We may benefit from some sort of multi-level membership structure, perhaps particularly to ensure fair compensation for renting the office space.

Needs to be discussed and revisited in a separate meeting.

Increase Dues by $10 for one year


Board of Directors Elections

Results of the elections are as follows:









At-Large Directors (two)

Phil Don

New Members



Adjourned at 4:02_.

Category:Meeting Minutes